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HPE Aruba Networking 670 Series Outdoor Access Points Data Sheet

This datasheet describes the key features of HPE Aruba Networking 670 Series Outdoor Access Points (670/670EX) that deliver high performance Wi-Fi 6E to outdoor and environmentally challenging locations.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

HPE GreenLake for Networking Network-as-a-Service

Scopri come HPE Aruba Networking network-as-a-service (NaaS) può ridurre il rischio, accelerare il ROI e favorire il successo delle aziende attraverso un modello di consumo basato su abbonamento.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Enable secure and modern digital experience in state and local government with unified SASE

The solution overview details how SASE facilitates state and local government transformation, fostering enhanced security and increased network efficiency.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Building future-proof networks in retail with SASE

The SASE solution overview helps retailers of all sizes to fortify their cybersecurity defenses, optimize operations, and adapt to the evolving demands of the digital era.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Direct branch to multi-cloud connectivity solution overview

Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN platform addresses the challenges associated with backhauling cloud destined traffic to the data center, thereby reducing the cost of bandwidth connectivity from the data center to cloud providers.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Reti di data center intelligenti per il retail data-driven

Proteggi i dati dei clienti e delle aziende, garantendo contemporaneamente le prestazioni di rete e riducendo i costi operativi. Migliora le prestazioni e la sicurezza Zero Trust con reti di data center unificate e automatizzate.


Perché gli operatori del settore alberghiero scelgono Aruba

Scopri di più sulle soluzioni Aruba per il settore alberghiero e su come iniziare.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

HPE Aruba Networking Services Brochure

HPE Aruba Networking offers services for each phase of the network lifecycle to help you plan, design, deploy, operate, and optimize your network. We can work directly with you, or in combination with your trusted partner, to deliver the service solution you need.


UXI G6E Sensor Installation Guide

Get started with your UXI G6E and G6EC Sensor, this guide covers how to install, onboard, troubleshoot, and get your new sensor working on your network.


Modernizzare la rete per ridurre l’impatto ambientale

L’infografica sulla sostenibilità illustra le caratteristiche e i casi d’uso del portafoglio Aruba che aiutano i clienti a ridurre le emissioni di anidride carbonica.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Aruba Fabric Composer Solution Overview

Aruba Fabric Composer optimizes data center network fabric provisioning and application performance across virtualized compute and storage environments.

Schede tecniche

Scheda tecnica di Applicazione Mobile HPE Aruba Networking CX

This data sheet describes the key features and supported CX switches of the HPE Aruba Networking CX Mobile App.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Cloud Auth usecases

Read about the different ways end user devices can be onboarded, authenticated and authorised for appropriate network access.


Cloud Authentication & Authorization for HPE Aruba Networking Central

This At-A-Glance describes cloud authentication and policy capabilities that will be a part of Central, allowing seamless cloud based onboarding and secure role-based policies for users and devices.

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Una rete basata sull’AI security first per la compliance NIS2

Gioca d’anticipo e con facilità sui requisiti della compliance NIS2 in evoluzione —con una rete HPE Aruba Networking basata sull’AI security first.


Compliance checklist NIS2 per la protezione della rete

La tua rete è pronta per i nuovi requisiti di compliance NIS2? Scopri come HPE Aruba Networking può aiutarti con una rete basata sull’AI security first.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Aruba ESP con sicurezza Zero Trust

Aruba ESP con sicurezza Zero Trust offre visibilità complessiva, microsegmentazione Least Access e controllo, nonché monitoraggio e applicazione continui.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

IDC Spotlight: Unlocking the Power of Wi-Fi-Enabled Location Services

Wi-Fi-enabled location-based services have an important role to play in indoor location and geospatial intelligence. Explore the latest technology advancements and HPE Aruba Networking's self-locating AP architecture.


Facilita l’adozione dell’approccio Zero Trust con una rete basata sull’AI e incentrata sulla sicurezza

Scopri i principali vantaggi di una rete basata sull’AI e incentrata sulla sicurezza e il modo in cui semplificare l’adozione dell’approccio zero trust dove conta di più.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Promuovere le iniziative di sostenibilità attraverso la modernizzazione della rete

La panoramica sulle soluzioni in materia di sostenibilità descrive i percorsi verso la sostenibilità e come Aruba partecipa all’iniziativa di sostenibilità di HPE.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

La rivoluzione della filiale nell’era digitale

L'IT richiede un'architettura abbastanza flessibile da garatire scalabilità alle aziende odierne. Aruba SD Branch coniuga le funzioni di un'infrastruttura wireless e cablata - tra le migliori sul mercato - a funzioni di gestione con caratteristiche SD-WAN, per un notevole risparmio sui costi.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Aruba Central NetConductor

Aruba Central NetConductor configura automaticamente le infrastrutture LAN, WLAN e WAN per assicurare prestazioni di rete ottimali applicando i criteri di sicurezza per il controllo degli accessi granulare che sono alla base delle architetture Zero Trust e SASE.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Sintesi della Tecnologia AirMatch

Aruba AirMatch è stato ideato per ottimizzare le prestazioni della rete adattandosi rapidamente alle condizioni RF dell’intero sistema. Va oltre la tecnologia Adaptive Radio Management di Aruba in quanto utilizza i principi del machine learning AI per automatizzare l’ottimizzazione RF in tutta la rete.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Insieme è meglio: Switch HPE Aruba Networking CX e HPE Aruba Networking Central

La creazione di una rete sicura, sempre disponibile, ad alte prestazioni, studiata per la crescita e l’efficienza operativa, parte da un’infrastruttura moderna e switch di rete ottimali. Scopri la potenza e la semplicità di amministrare gli switch HPE Aruba Networking CX con la gestione di HPE Aruba Networking Central.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Operazioni di rete di nuova generazione con HPE Aruba Networking Central

Scopri come la nuova generazione di HPE Aruba Networking Central amplifica il valore della rete unificata gestita dal cloud e di aumentare al massimo l’efficienza dell’IT con un’esperienza intuitiva basata sull’AI. La nuova generazione di Central consente di ottenere il massimo dai dati, rivoluzionando il modo in cui gli operatori interagiscono con la rete.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Aruba EdgeConnect Simplifies and Automates Connectivity to AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager

Enterprises experience a fully scalable and automated cloud experience when using the Unity EdgeConnect SD-WAN edge platform to connect to the AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager, assuring secure branch-to-cloud and branch-to-branch connectivity.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

SD-WAN Multi-Cloud Connect

Aruba EdgeConnect Multi-Cloud Connect makes it easier for enterprises to securely connect any WAN site to public cloud and SaaS providers. Aruba automations Edgeconnect connectivity to AWS, Google and Azure backbones and also ensures all EdgeConnect application-aware capabilities enhance cloud-hosted applications from any network.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Access point wireless auto-localizzanti

Aruba ha introdotto i primi access point autolocalizzanti per favorire una localizzazione indoor accurata. L'obiettivo è agevolare e diffondere l'adozione del GPS per esterni negli ambienti al chiuso.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Modernizza senza compromessi: 8 motivi per effettuare l’upgrade da IAP ad ArubaOS 10

Per i clienti che utilizzano già Aruba Central per gestire le implementazioni di Instant AP, l’upgrade del firmware AP ad ArubaOS 10 (AOS 10) offre una connettività di livello enterprise senza paragoni per le reti AP. Scopri gli 8 passaggi per realizzare una rete più intelligente.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Segmentazione Dinamica

Per semplificare e proteggere la rete, la segmentazione di Aruba Dynamic unifica l’applicazione delle policy in tutte le reti cablate e wireless: per mantenere il traffico sicuro e separato. Adesso è facile ottenere la coesistenza di operazioni rivolte al business e reti gestite dall’azienda con dispositivi client IoT e gestiti dall’IT, garantendo nel contempo l’ottimizzazione dell’esperienza di rete e delle operazioni IT end-to-end.


Aruba Product and Solutions Brochure

This brochure includes a high-level description of Aruba’s entire portfolio, including the new Aruba AOS-CX switches, Aruba Wi-Fi 6E APs and the 9200 Series gateways.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Aruba Instant Wi-Fi

Aruba Instant combina semplicità con Business-Class networking per soddisfare le esigenze IT e il business. Integrando la funzionalità del controller direttamente all'interno dell’access point, Aruba offre una soluzione facile da implementare e gestire.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Portafoglio dei prodotti di switching Aruba CX

Una panoramica generale sulla soluzione di switching Aruba CX che offre una maggiore efficienza operativa dell'IT e una maggiore disponibilità dal livello di accesso all'aggregazione, al core e al data center.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

La presentazione della soluzione AIOps di Aruba

Previeni i problemi prima che si verifichino. AIOps di Aruba assiste l'IT nel fornire la migliore esperienza utente possibile e risultati aziendali ottimali con visibilità a 360°, combinando in modo univoco i dati orientati alla rete e all'utente alla potente tecnologia di machine learning.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Building the Foundation for Unified SASE: Secure SD-WAN with integrated SWG

Learn how the integration of SWG (Secure Web Gateway) into EdgeConnect SD-WAN helps organizations protect all users and things from web-based threats, at the branch edge, while establishing the foundation for a unified SASE architecture.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Ora la rete è una soluzione di sicurezza

Quando si tratta di proteggere l’organizzazione, la scelta della rete è importante. Scopri i 4 requisiti che la rete deve soddisfare per supportare gli obiettivi di connettività e sicurezza.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 500R Series Remote Access Points Data Sheet

This data sheet provides detailed information on the features, capabilities, and specifications of the 500R Series Remote Access Point for remote work and small branch offices.

Schede tecniche

WebCC Bundle Subscription (IP Reputation, URL Filtering, and Geolocation Filtering)

The WebCC Bundle Subscription includes IP Reputation, URL Filtering, and Geolocation Filtering services that can be tied into the Policy Enforcement Firewall (PEF) settings.

Schede tecniche

Secure SD-WAN Fabric with Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN

To tackle growing security challenges emerging due to cloud migration and a dissolving security perimeter, enterprises need an advanced, secure SD-WAN solution like the Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN platform that includes a built-in next-generation firewall and fine-grained segmentation with identity- and role-based access control, anti-spoofing, attack detection, and protection as well as DDoS defense and IDS/IPS to protect branch office sites from malicious activities.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 600R Series Remote Access Points Data Sheet

This data sheet provides detailed information on the features, capabilities, and specifications of the 600R Series Remote Access Point for the small office/home office.

Schede tecniche

ClearPass OnGuard Data Sheet

Enterprise-class endpoint protection, posture assessments and health checks

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN XS

In-depth product specifications for HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN XS.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN S-P

In-depth product specifications for HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect EC-S-P.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking Mobility Controller Virtual Appliance

The HPE Aruba Networking Mobility Controller Virtual Appliance provides software-defined, enterprise-grade network services, including management, forwarding, security, and configuration.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking Mobility Conductor

The HPE Aruba Networking Mobility Conductor provides unified enterprise-grade network services that span multiple networks composed of 7000, 7200, and Virtual Mobility Controllers.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN Family Data Sheet (Enterprise)

Overview of HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN family.

Schede tecniche

Aruba EdgeConnect SD-Branch Data Sheet

Describes the key features and benefits as well as the technical specifications of EdgeConnect SD-Branch.

Schede tecniche

Scheda tecnica di Switch HPE Aruba Networking Serie CX 6400

This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the HPE Aruba Networking CX 6400 Switch Series ideal for enterprise networks.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking CX 6200 Switch Series Data Sheet

This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the HPE Aruba Networking CX 6200 Switch Series ideal for enterprise branch offices, campuses and SMBs.


Dell’Oro whitepaper: Navigating single-vendor SASE - Charting the course for next-gen enterprise networking

This Dell’Oro whitepaper examines the benefits of single-vendor SASE and how this approach can help forward-thinking organizations construct a robust architecture that positions them to evolve with technological and business landscapes seamlessly.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 580EX Series Outdoor Access Points Data Sheet

Explore the comprehensive list of features and benefits of the new 580EX series outdoor AP ideal for hazardous environments.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 580 Series outdoor access points

Explore the comprehensive list of features and benefits of the new 580 series outdoor AP ideal for harshest outdoor environments.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking CX 6100 Switch Series Data Sheet

This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the HPE Aruba Networking CX 6100 Switch Series ideal for enterprise branch offices and SMBs.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking CX 6000 Switch Series Data Sheet

This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the CX 6000 Switch Series ideal for enterprise branch offices, campuses and SMBs.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking Central SaaS Subscription Ordering Guide

This ordering guide covers the Aruba Central subscriptions and feature details for access points, wireless gateways, switches and SD-Branch gateways.

Guide agli ordini

Central On-premises ordering guide for government customers

Central On-premises has successfully completed FIPS 140-2 certification. These accreditations provide confidence to U.S. federal agencies, participating state and local (SLED) government, defence and other publicly funded organizations can take advantage of a powerful cloud-like management experience and improve IT agility, efficiency while also satisfying regulatory or compliance requirements. Get ordering information, and learn about the powerful capabilities, benefits, and features available to U.S. federal agencies.

Schede tecniche

Scheda tecnica di Aruba Central

Aruba Central è una console di gestione cloud-native per tutte le infrastrutture di rete Aruba. Unico punto di visibilità e controllo per Aruba ESP (Edge Services Platform), Aruba Central assicura AIOps, automazione del flusso di lavoro e sicurezza avanzata per unificare le operazioni tra campus, filiali, data center e ambienti di lavoro remoto.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking AP-ANT-28A Antenna Data Sheet

Data sheet for AP-ANT-28A antenna.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 610 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide

This document defines the various orderable SKUs for the 610 Series Campus Access Points and associated accessories, and helps our field, partners and customer in picking the right combinations and quantities.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 650 Series Wi-Fi 6E Campus Access Points Data Sheet

Overview of the flagship HPE Aruba Networking 650 Series AP. Take advantage of the 6 GHz band with a maximum aggregate data rate of 7.8 Gbps for greater capacity, wider channels and interference-free spectrum.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 550 Series Campus Access Points Data Sheet

This data sheet describes the HPE Aruba Networking 550 series campus access point with 802.11ax technology that is suitable for extreme-density mobile and IoT deployments.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 610 Series Wi-Fi 6E Campus Access Points Data Sheet

This data sheet describes the compact and cost-effective HPE Aruba Networking 610 Series Wi-Fi 6E access points including features, benefits, technical specifications, and ordering SKUs.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 570EX Series Hazardous Location Access Points Data Sheet

HPE Aruba Networking 570EX series hazardous location access points (APs) with Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) technology deliver the highest performance in hazardous location and harsh outdoor environments such as industrial facilities and oil rigs. Purpose-built to withstand extreme temperatures, persistent moisture and precipitation, electrical surges, and airborne contaminants. Include or interoperate with Aruba ESP capabilities such as AI-powered RF optimization, Live upgrades, WPA3 and Enhanced Open security, and Dynamic Segmentation.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 570 Series Outdoor Access Points Data Sheet

This data sheet provides detailed information on the features, capabilities, and specifications of the 570 Series Outdoor Access Point for exterior and harsh weather deployments.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 560EX Series Data Sheet

This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the Wi-Fi 6 HPE Aruba Networking 560EX Series AP. Ideal for high-density, hazardous locations.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 560 Series Access Points Data Sheet

Cost-effective outdoor Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), HPE Aruba Networking 560 Series Outdoor Access Points are ideal for environmentally challenging locations and can endure extreme temperatures, persistent moisture, precipitation, airborne contaminants, dust, salt sprays, and max 165 mph wind speeds.


Create Fabric and Discover Switches with Aruba Fabric Composer

Learn how with Aruba Fabric Composer, Network Administrators can bring simplicity to commonly applied functions, like establishing a network fabric infrastructure.

Visualizza il videoInglese (USA)

Assign Switches to Fabric with Aruba Fabric Composer

Through a series of automated Guided Setups, learn how Aruba Fabric Composer simplifies and accelerates provisioning of the network fabric and reduces the need for highly-specialized knowledge.

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Configure Parameters (DNS/NTP) with Aruba Fabric Composer

Learn how with Aruba Fabric Composer, Network Administrators can create consistency, reduce errors, and free up time, with a quick and uniform process to configure switch parameters across the entire network infrastructure.

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Create Leaf-Spine Network with Underlay with Aruba Fabric Composer

Learn how with Aruba Fabric Composer, Network Administrators can bring simplicity to commonly applied functions, like establishing a network fabric infrastructure.

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Create Overlay with EVPN with Aruba Fabric Composer

Learn how Aruba Fabric Composer's Guided Setup workflows have eliminated complexities to orchestrate Layer 2/3 network connectivity and communications.

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Expand EVPN with Aruba Fabric Composer

Building upon the processes and functionality shown in previous workflow demos, learn how with Aruba Fabric Composer, Network Administrators can generate multiple EVPN instances to establish interconnections within data center infrastructures without a high level of specialized skills or manual configurations.

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Expand Leaf-Spine Fabric with Aruba Fabric Composer

Whether building out Leaf-Spine connectivity for the first time, or adding Leaf nodes to an existing fabric, learn how Aruba Fabric Composer’s automated workflows help to eliminate the labor, time and errors often encountered when scaling the network fabric.

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Create Redundant Switches with Aruba Fabric Composer

Learn how Aruba Fabric Composer, offers a quicker, better way to increase network resiliency for an always available network – without adding complexity.

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Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 550 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide

This ordering guide describes the HPE Aruba Networking 550 series campus access point with 802.11ax technology that is suitable for extreme-density mobile and IoT deployments.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 530 Series Campus Access Points Data Sheet

This datasheet describes the HPE Aruba Networking 530 Campus Access Points with 802.11ax technology that is suitable for for high-density mobile and IoT deployments.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 510 Series Indoor Access Points Ordering Guide

View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 510 AP. The HPE Aruba Networking 510 series campus access points with 802.11ax technology are designed to efficiently and simultaneously serve multiple clients and traffic types in dense environments, increasing data rates for both individual device and overall system.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 510 Series Indoor Access Points Data Sheet

The HPE Aruba Networking 510 series campus access points with 802.11ax technology are designed to efficiently and simultaneously serve multiple clients and traffic types in dense environments, increasing data rates for both individual device and overall system.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 503 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide

This ordering guide provides details on the available licenses for single APs and ten packs, plus power accessory options.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 500H Series Hospitality Access Points Data Sheet

This data sheet provides detailed information on the features, capabilities, and specifications of the 500H Series Hospitality Access Point for work from home initiatives, hotel room, and residence hall deployment.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 500 Series Wireless Access Points Ordering Guide

This is the ordering guide for HPE Aruba Networking's entry-level Wi-Fi 6 access point designed with the performance needed for medium-density deployments. It also supports IoT platform capabilities such as Bluetooth and Zigbee support.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 500 Series Wireless Access Points Data Sheet

This document describes key features, supported standards and specifications for HPE Aruba Networking's entry-level Wi-Fi 6 access points, for medium-density deployments.

Schede tecniche

AirWave Data Sheet

AirWave is a powerful and easy-to-use network operations system that manages wireless, wired and remote access networks.

Case Study

Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors Transforms Fan Experiences with HPE and Aruba technology.

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Take ZTNA for a test drive

Access and interact with a live SSE production environment running on AWS right from your browser.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 9200 Series Campus Gateways Data Sheet

Overview of next-generation HPE Aruba Networking 9200 Series Campus Gateways that deliver enhanced Wi-Fi scalability and security to meet campus networking demands at the edge. 

Schede tecniche

7000 Series Controller Data Sheet

The HPE Aruba Networking 7000 Series Mobility Controller provides software-defined, enterprise-grade network services, including management, forwarding, security, and configuration. The controller integrates policy enforcement for WLAN, LAN, and WAN.

Schede tecniche

7200 Series Controller Data Sheet

The HPE Aruba Networking 7200 Series Mobility Controller provides software-defined, enterprise-grade network services, including management, forwarding, security, and configuration. The controller integrates policy enforcement for WLAN, LAN, and WAN.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Visibilità endpoint per reti cablate e wireless

Scopri di più su ClearPass Policy Manager e su come ti garantiscono l'esclusiva capacità di identificare tutti gli endpoint, di assisterti nell'applicazione di policy e di proteggere al meglio le tue reti cablate e wireless.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Network Optimization Services

Our family of network optimization services help you maximize efficiency, ensuring reliability and stability so you can get the most out of your network.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Deployment & Migration Services

Quickly reach the full performance, operational and security benefits through our packaged or custom QuickStart and migration services. Ensure the highest levels of performance and security.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Planning & Design Services

Leverage HPE Aruba Networking network architects and engineers to assess your network and design technological innovations into your existing or new environments.


ClearPass Policy Manager Upgrade Service – Service Brief

The HPE Aruba Networking CPPM Upgrade Service is a packaged offering that provides you with technical assistance to upgrade your CPPM cluster from 6.9.0+ to 6.11.X — including migrating settings, licenses, and security certificates to the new deployment. Learn more in the below service brief or the detailed service description.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking CX 10000 Switch Series Data Sheet

The HPE Aruba Networking CX 10000 Series Switch with Pensando represents a new category of data center switches that combines best-of-breed HPE Aruba Networking data center L2/3 switching with the industry’s only, fully programmable DPU (Pensando Elba) that delivers stateful software-defined services inline, at scale, with wire-rate performance and orders of magnitude scale and performance improvements over traditional data center L2/3 switches at a fraction of their TCO.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking CX 8100 Series Switch Data Sheet

This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the HPE Aruba Networking CX 8100 Switch Series ideal for enterprise networks.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking CX 8360 Switch Series Data Sheet

This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the HPE Aruba Networking CX 8360 Switch Series ideal for enterprise networks.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking CX 8320 Switch Series Data Sheet

The HPE Aruba Networking CX 8320 core and aggregation switch offers a flexible and innovative approach to dealing with the new application, security and scalability demands of the mobile-cloud and IoT era in a compact 1U form factor with 10GbE/40GbE connectivity.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking CX 8400 Switch Series Data Sheet

The HPE Aruba Networking CX 8400 core and aggregation switch offers a flexible approach to dealing with the new application, security and scalability demands of the mobile-cloud and IoT era.

On Demand

Airheads Meetup: AOS 10 MultiZone

Manage small offices, mid-sized branches, and large campus architectures from a single pane of glass with ArubaOS 10 (AOS 10) — our next-generation, distributed operating system software for HPE Aruba Networking WLAN Access Points (APs) and gateways.

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Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect 10108 SD-WAN Gateway

The EdgeConnect 10108 SD-WAN Gateway provides high performance networking and secure SD-WAN capabilities in a compact and cost-effective form factor, ideally suited for small branch and remote office environments.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN Solution Data Sheet (Enterprise)

In-depth product features, functionality, benefits, and specifications of HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 9000 Series Gateway Data Sheet

This data sheet provides detailed information on the features, capabilities, and specifications of the 9000 Series Gateways and additional accessories.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care

Your network demands 24x7 attention and the essential support entitlements that Foundational Care provides, including software support, 24x7 TAC access, and a range of flexible options for hardware replacement. Learn more in the service brief below or the more detailed service description.

Schede tecniche

Designated Onsite Engineer Service Description

An HPE Aruba Networking engineer will be embedded in your organization. The onsite engineer takes task direction from your project manager and will also manage standard deliverables, including: best practice reports, proactive software recommendations, bug scrubs, change window support and informal knowledge transfer.

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Designated Remote Engineer Service Description

An HPE Aruba Networking engineer will be embedded in your organization remotely. The engineer takes task direction from your project manager and will also manage standard deliverables, including: best practice reports, proactive software recommendations, bug scrubs, change window support and informal knowledge transfer.


Operazioni di rete pronte per il futuro con HPE Aruba Networking Central

Scopri come la nuova generazione di Central consente di sbloccare tutto il valore dei dati rivoluzionando l’interazione tra gli operatori e la rete.


Lavora in modo più intelligente, non più difficile con una rete security-first, basata sull’AI

Modernizza la tua rete, ottieni visibilità e protezione su vasta scala con una soluzione security-first basata sull’AI.


Il networking basato sull’AI riduce il lavoro della rete

In questo video, segui l’operatore di rete Max nel suo percorso verso la progettazione e la gestione di una nuova rete, un progetto reso possibile dall’aiuto delle funzionalità di networking basate sull’AI.


6 GHz reference guide

Everything you need to know at a glance about the 6 GHz band, including regulatory adoption, channel information, minimizing interference, and automated frequency coordination (AFC). Critical for Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) and Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be) planning.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Aruba Air Pass Roaming Service Solution Overview

New Aruba AirPass roaming services and Air Slice SLA management services further enhance the integration of the network and customer edges by enabling seamless roaming from 5G to Wi-Fi along with guaranteed quality of service, all cloud-managed by Aruba Central.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking Air Pass Data Sheet

This data sheet highlights the overview, components, benefits and ordering information for HPE Aruba Networking Air Pass.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking User Experience Insight Data Sheet

The HPE Aruba Networking Central User Experience Insight solution data sheet describes how IT organizations can proactively and continuously simulate real-world mobile user experiences using easy-to-deploy sensors, and an intuitive cloud-based dashboard.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 9100 Series Hybrid Gateway Data Sheet

This data sheet describes the key features of the HPE Aruba Networking 9100 Series Hybrid Gateway that is a cloud-optimized edge appliance designed to securely and seamlessly extend enterprise services to large branch and small campus networks.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking CX 9300 Switch Series Data Sheet

The HPE Aruba Networking CX 9300 Switch Series is a next-generation 25.6Tbps, 1U fixed configuration switch supporting 32-ports of 100/200/400GbE.


Pro Premier Care Service Description

The HPE Aruba Networking Pro Premier Care Service builds on the features of Pro Care and includes proactive baselining of your network, access to a designated customer success manager, quarterly operational reviews and access to webinars focusing on identifying scenarios that could lead to network degradation and outages and how to prevent them. Learn more in the below service description or the premium support service brief.


Pro Care Service Description

HPE Aruba Networking Pro Care is a cost-effective enhanced support experience that increases IT efficiencies and network uptime by resolving cases faster as well as reducing mean time to resolution (MTTR). Learn more in the below service description or the premium support service brief.


HPE Aruba Networking and Metron recording

Metron Security empowers security companies and providers with solutions for managing 3rd party integrations and automation within their security ecosystems. Metron Security enables HPE Partners, and customers to develop and maintain certified integrations with the HPE Security product portfolio, including development, testing, and supporting documentation.

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Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 630 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide

This ordering guide defines the SKUs of the 630 Series Campus Access Point models and the compatible hardware accessories.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 730 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide

Ordering Guide for the HPE Aruba Networking 730 Series Campus Access Points.

Guide agli ordini

650 Series AP Ordering Guide

HPE Aruba Networking 650 Series Wi-Fi 6E Campus Access Points Ordering Guide defines the model SKUs and compatible hardware accessories.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 500H Series Hospitality Access Points Ordering Guide

This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories, and other components for the 500H Series.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 530 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide

This ordering guide describes the HPE Aruba Networking 530 Campus Access Points with 802.11ax technology that is suitable for for high-density mobile and IoT deployments.

Partner Solution Overview

Piera Systems Partner Solution Overview

This partner solution overview describes how HPE Aruba Networking and Piera Systems have partnered to enable air quality monitoring to be directly added to an HPE Aruba Networking AP.


HPE Aruba Networking Central as-a-Service (aaS) Subscriptions At-a-Glance

This At-a-Glance describes the as-a-Service (aaS) subscriptions for HPE Aruba Networking Central and the new flexible consumption options being made available such as license co-termination, delayed activation, and tier upgrades.

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Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking Central On-Premises Ordering Guide

Ordering details for HPE Aruba Networking Central On-Premises, which is powered by purpose-built server appliances and cloud-native software to bring a cloud-like network management experience to your on-prem environment.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 750 Series Campus Access Points Data Sheet

This data sheet describes the features, benefits, and specifications of the HPE Aruba Networking 750 Series Campus Access Point.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 750 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide

Ordering Guide for the HPE Aruba Networking 750 Series Campus Access Points.

On Demand

Live webinar: Troubleshooting with ClearPass OnGuard Agent

This Webinar details ClearPass OnGuard Agent Troubleshooting ClearPass OnGuard agents perform advanced endpoint posture assessments, on leading computer operating systems to ensure compliance is met before devices connect.

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Case Study

Pace Education

Data-driven granular network usage enables PACE Education to transform school experience.

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The Home Depot Adopts HPE GreenLake for Networking to Drive Enhanced Customer and Associate Experiences

The world’s largest home improvement retailer deploys Aruba ESP to support a seamless, frictionless interconnected experience for its customers and 500,000 associates.

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Chase Center creates world-class experience with HPE Aruba Networking solutions

Chase Center becomes first arena in North America to deploy Wi-Fi 6E, enabling fans to connect and share moments from games, concerts and events.

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Case Study

SASTRA Deemed University

Working with HPE Aruba Networking to create a learning platform across its three campuses, SASTRA Deemed University creates the smart, fluid, and secure environment needed to drive world-class education.

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Vanheede Environment Group

Sustainable waste management enhanced by secure and AI-powered IoT adoption.


Modern data center network fabric architecture with smart and automated service delivery

Canterbury Christ Church University is on a journey towards creating a secure and flexible digital learning platform, from the core of its data centers to the very edge of its campus. HPE Aruba Networking data center architecture has provided CCCU with a highly automated DC fabric, delivering distributed services and end-to-end segmentation for critical workloads.

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Royal Jaarbeurs

Creates a smart and sustainable events experience powered by a cloud-enabled NaaS model.

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Improved digital experiences

Parc Asterix accelerates digital transformation, delivering secure, data-driven connectivity for the services offered to visitors.

Read the full story

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Case Study

Kent State University

Leading public research institution takes strategic approach to modernizing experiences by standardizing on Aruba ESP.

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Case Study

Sastra Uni India

SASTRA Deemed University creates mobile-first experience for students and researchers.

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Case Study

Waldkliniken Eisenberg

Secure, fluid and mobile healthcare experience supports healing architecture at ground-breaking new hospital.

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Case Study

Gesundheit Hospital

Gesundheit Nordhessen frees medical teams through mobile-first workplace.

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Case Study

Canterbury Christ Church University

Canterbury Christ Church University is reimagining the role of higher education.

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Case Study

Flemings Hotels

Flemings Hotels upgrades its network to deliver personalized guest experiences.

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Case Study

Parc Asterix

Parc Astérix embraces network modernization to create great visitor experiences.

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Case Study

INTER Insurance Group

INTER develops the way its insurance services are delivered to meet changing customer requirements.

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Case Study

Royal Jaarbeurs

Royal Jaarbeurs modernizes the industry with data-led, digital-meets-human events.

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Case Study


Unified Edge-to-Cloud network delivers data to secure competitive insight.

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Case Study

Ryder Cup Europe

Ryder Cup Europe adds a digital layer to bridge the gap between on-course and armchair fans.

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HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect and Zscaler Automate Security for the Cloud-first Enterprise lightboard video

Watch this video to learn how HPE Aruba Networking and Zscaler deliver a secure SD-WAN that automates the configuration of cloud-hosted security services within the Aruba Orchestrator in a matter of minutes. This automation assures consistent security policies for all users, across all locations with true zero-touch provisioning, enabling optimal application performance by automatically adapting to changing business requirements. For IT, that means lower costs and simplified operations. And for users, it means fast, secure, and uninterrupted access to business-critical applications.

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Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 630 Series Access Points Data Sheet

Data sheet for 630 Series Wi-Fi 6E Access Point (AP). 6 GHz. Wi-Fi 6E.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

SD-WAN Assist Service Brief

SD-WAN Assist is a packaged service that provides technical assistance through the deployment phase of EdgeConnect SD-WAN platform. SD-WAN Assist is designed to help customers assess their unique deployment needs, offer high level support through the deployment phase, and coordinate with certified HPE Aruba Networking partners for on-site deployments. Learn more in the below service brief or the detailed service description.

Schede tecniche

SD-WAN Assist Service Description

SD-WAN Assist is a packaged service that provides technical assistance through the deployment phase of EdgeConnect SD-WAN platform. SD-WAN Assist is designed to help customers assess their unique deployment needs, offer high level support through the deployment phase, and coordinate with certified HPE Aruba Networking partners for on-site deployments. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.

On Demand

Aruba Airheads TechTalk: Central On-Prem 2.5.7 key features & best practices

Aruba Central On-Premises makes it easy and efficient to manage your networks by combining industry-leading functionality with an intuitive user interface, and enables network administrators and help desk staff to support and control the network for your premises.

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On Demand

La verità sulle VPN: contenere i rischi nell'era del lavoro da remoto

Scopri quali sono i rischi associati alle VPN e come evitarli. In questa sessione virtuale, gli esperti di cybersicurezza descrivono in dettaglio i problemi di sicurezza delle VPN.

On Demand

Le considerazioni e i vantaggi principali per il SASE single vendor

Scopri cosa promuove l’adozione da parte dei clienti del SASE single vendor e in quale modo puoi iniziare il tuo percorso verso il SASE unendoti agli esperti del SASE di HPE Aruba Networking e alla rete aziendale e analista di sicurezza del Gruppo Dell’Oro per un webinar vivace e informativo.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN EC-XL-H

In-depth product specifications for HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN EC-XL-H.

Schede tecniche

EdgeConnect L Spec Sheet

In-depth product specifications for EdgeConnect L.

Schede tecniche

EdgeConnect M Spec Sheet

In-depth product specifications for EdgeConnect M.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

HPE Aruba Networking Premium Support Service Brief

Our premium support services provide 24x7x365 prioritized incident and proactive support with fast-track entitlement and rapid escalation for customers planning to build more branches, add more products, migrate from another vendor to HPE Aruba Networking, or migrate from on-premises to cloud. Premium support services are stand-alone support advanced offerings that supplement HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care. Learn more in the below service brief or the Pro Care or Pro Premier Care service descriptions.


Security-first, AI-powered networking

Deliver the high performance and uninterrupted access your business demands while ensuring the highest security. With security-first, AI-powered networking from HPE Aruba Networking, your network becomes a security solution with AI-automated operations that ensure you can innovate with the least possible risk.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Replace Cisco VPN

The risks of Cisco VPN impact all its customers. It is time to move to ZTNA.


5 Reasons why you should adopt HPE Aruba Networking Enterprise Private 5G

The introduction of the HPE Aruba Networking Enterprise Private 5G offering makes private cellular simple for network administrators to deploy and manage alongside Wi-Fi. Here are 5 reasons to adopt HPE Aruba Networking Private 5G.

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On Demand

Aruba Airheads TechTalk: Cloud Guest – Central

Managing Guest access using HPE Aruba Networking Central’s simplified guest access feature, which also let’s network admin have control over guest user access with the highly flexible onboarding workflow for customers.

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5G privato in dettaglio

Cosa hanno in comune bassa latenza, capacità dedicata, portata estesa e sicurezza? Sono tutti vantaggi offerti dal 5G privato. Il 5G privato arricchisce le soluzioni Wi-Fi 7 con una connettività wireless altamente affidabile e flessibile. Si prevede che nei prossimi cinque anni l’impiego di reti cellulari private aumenterà del 1400%. Guarda il video per saperne di più sulla connettività wireless affidabile ovunque.


Guida ai concetti di base su Wi-Fi 7 e 5G privato

Come Wi-Fi e rete cellulare privata, insieme, garantiscono una connettività wireless diffusa.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking Small Cell Radio Data Sheet

Details on our HPE Aruba Networking Small Cell Radios, which are available in 5G indoor, 5G outdoor, 4G indoor, and 4G outdoor options, as part of HPE Aruba Networking Enterprise Private Cellular.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

HPE Aruba Networking Enterprise Private Cellular solution

Overview of our enterprise solution, HPE Aruba Networking Enterprise Private Cellular, that offers the simplicity enterprises require with a similar look and feel as Wi-Fi and a cloud management interface that masks 3GPP cellular complexity.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Introductory Guide to Enterprise Private 5G

This guide is designed for networking professionals to gain a greater understanding of private 5G and its usage within enterprise environments, including what is private 5G, the benefits of deploying private 5G to complement existing Wi-Fi and starting your private cellular journey.


Sostituisci la VPN con ZTNA

Questo video illustra le limitazioni della VPN e come sostituire questa tecnologia con ZTNA (Zero Trust Network Access). Scopri come applicare il principio di accesso con privilegi minimi e come fornire connettività semplice, sicura e intelligente a tutte le risorse. Ulteriori informazioni su SSE

On Demand

Aruba Airheads TechTalk : ArubaOS-CX 10K switch feature updates

We will be covering few feature and support updates on below

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I rischi delle VPN

Scopri i rischi associati all'uso di una soluzione VPN legacy e perché le aziende hanno bisogno di adottare una soluzione ZTNA (Zero Trust Network Access). Ulteriori informazioni su SASE


ClearPass Policy Manager Upgrade Service – Service Description

The HPE Aruba Networking CPPM Upgrade Service is a packaged offering that provides you with technical assistance to upgrade your CPPM cluster from 6.9.0+ to 6.11.X — including migrating settings, licenses, and security certificates to the new deployment. Learn more in the detailed service description below or the service brief.


VPN e ZTNA: la checklist

Con l’aumento utenti mobili e cloud le VPN, un tempo ponte digitale per l’accesso da remoto alle risorse aziendali, sono obsolete. Consulta questa infografica e controlla se la VPN soddisfa tutti i tuoi requisiti per sicurezza, flessibilità, e gestione.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Sostituisci completamente la VPN con HPE Aruba Networking ZTNA

La tecnologia VPN esiste da circa 30 anni e purtroppo non è più in grado di garantire il livello di sicurezza, agilità e flessibilità necessario alle aziende di oggi. I team IT non dovrebbero più essere costretti a gestire problematiche causate dalle lacune della VPN. HPE Aruba Networking SSE propone l'unica soluzione ZTNA sul mercato che sostituisce completamente l’esigenza di una tecnologia VPN con un approccio agli accessi moderno.


Il passaggio da VPN a ZTNA

Il numero di lavoratori ibridi e da remoto continua ad aumentare, è quindi importante per le aziende avere una soluzionedi accesso sicuro moderna. ZTNA è una soluzione moderna che risponde ai limiti delle VPN e offre livelli superiori di sicurezza, flessibilità, scalabilità, prestazioni a costi contenuti per l'accesso remoto.


HPE Aruba Networking User Experience Insight within HPE GreenLake platform

HPE Aruba Networking UXI is now available on HPE GreenLake Cloud Platform (GLP), aligning UXI with broader HPE portfolio and offering a consistent experience to IT leaders.

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Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 730 Series Campus Access Points Data Sheet

This data sheet describes the features, benefits, and specifications of the HPE Aruba Networking 730 Series Campus Access.

On Demand

Live-Webinar – Update: AOS 10 Airgroup

AirGroup leverages zero configuration networking to enable Bonjour services across broadcast domains, facilitating mDNS proxy capabilities and multicast traffic suppression for seamless device registration and sharing policies in wired and wireless networks.

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Enabling secure personal wireless networks for higher education

Learn how HPE Aruba Networking Central provides the AI-powered cloud management platform for all network devices with complete orchestration of your personal networking.

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Award-winning self-service through the HPE Networking Support Portal

The award-winning HPE Networking Support Portal provides elevated self-service anytime, anywhere, to save you time while finding the information you need.

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Pervasive Encryption and Security for Edge to Cloud with the HPE Aruba CX 10000 Distributed Services Switch

This business paper details several multi-cloud, edge, and colocation connectivity use cases that highlight the HPE Aruba CX10000’s market-leading security and TCO advantages.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Cinque principi di progettazione per un data center più smart

Riduci la complessità del data center e accelera l'automazione, l'integrazione e la sicurezza con la progettazione di architetture di servizi distribuiti.


White paper di ESG: Building fourth-generation, secure data center fabrics

ESG spiega come migliorare l'efficienza operativa, potenziare la sicurezza e garantire l'agilità del business per poter affrontare qualsiasi problematica dei data center moderni.

Case Study


PQR adopts HPE Aruba Networking distributed services architecture to build next-generation data center.

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Case Study

University of Illinois

University of Illinois enhances lives locally, nationally, and globally via leadership in learning, discovery, engagement, and economic development.

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Panoramica di HPE Aruba Networking SSE

Presentazione di HPE Aruba Networking SSE. Scopri la nostra offerta SSE moderna e i vantaggi che può offrire ai team di sicurezza e rete con una breve panoramica di 3 pagine.


What is SASE?

SASE or Secure Access Service Edge is an architecture that combines necessary branch WAN edge functions including SD-WAN, routing, segmentation, zone-based firewall and WAN optimization with comprehensive cloud-delivered security services, delivered and managed in the cloud.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Guida introduttiva agli switch di data center per i carichi di lavoro di Gen AI/ML

Le applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale necessitano di reti ad ampia larghezza di banda e bassa latenza in grado di collegare tra loro centinaia di GPU ad alta velocità. Scopri come preparare la tua rete di data center per l’AI.


7 reasons to adopt HPE Aruba Networking 730 Series Wi-Fi 7 APs

Learn the 7 reasons to adopt HPE Aruba Networking’s enterprise Wi-Fi 7 access points (APs) that go beyond the latest standard to maximize wireless performance, strengthen network security, enhance location-based services, and act as a secure IoT platform.

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Sostituzione della VPN di Ivanti

I rischi della VPN di Ivanti si ripercuotono su tutti i clienti dell’azienda. È arrivato il momento di eliminare i rischi della VPN di Ivanti e passare a ZTNA.

Case Study

University of Redlands

University of Redlands delivers highly-personalized academic experiences to empower future leaders.

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APJ Promotion: Take advantage of HPE Aruba Networking SSE solutions, starting from US$4 per user per month

Say goodbye to VPN vulnerabilities and elevate secure access for your business with HPE Aruba Networking Security Service Edge (SSE). Promotion ends 31 October 2024.

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APJ Promotion: Enjoy limited time savings when you bundle HPE Aruba Networking access points, switches and Central subscriptions.

Make your network the foundation of your security framework. Promotion ends 31 October 2024.


APJ Promotion: Enjoy limited time savings when you bundle HPE Aruba Networking access points, switches and Central subscriptions.

Make your network the foundation of your security framework. Promotion ends 31 October 2024.


APJ Promotion: Enjoy limited time savings when you bundle HPE Aruba Networking access points, switches and Central subscriptions.

Make your network the foundation of your security framework. Promotion ends 31 October 2024.

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APJ Promotion: Existing AOS-8 or Airwave customers receive an extra 25% discount when upgrading to HPE Aruba Networking Wireless Operating System AOS-10

AOS-10 is the next-generation distributed operating system for HPE Aruba Networking Central-managed access points and gateways. Promotion ends 31 October 2024.

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APJ Promotion: Existing AOS-8 or Airwave customers receive an extra 25% discount when upgrading to HPE Aruba Networking Wireless Operating System AOS-10

AOS-10 is the next-generation distributed operating system for HPE Aruba Networking Central-managed access points and gateways. Promotion ends 31 October 2024.


APJ Promotion: Existing AOS-8 or Airwave customers receive an extra 25% discount when upgrading to HPE Aruba Networking Wireless Operating System AOS-10

AOS-10 is the next-generation distributed operating system for HPE Aruba Networking Central-managed access points and gateways. Promotion ends 31 October 2024.

On Demand

Live-Webinar – Update: Roaming in AOS10

AOS 10 roaming. Learning roaming on new architecture a combination on DTLS neighborship and central KMS communications.

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Create EVPN-XLAN Multi-Hop with HPE Aruba Networking Fabric Composer

Learn how HPE Aruba Networking Fabric Composer EVPN VXLAN multi-fabric solution, administrators can now develop an effective multi-fabric strategy that supports growth, location diversity, and disaster recovery using built in automation through workflows.

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Create Stateful Nat Policy with HPE Aruba Networking Fabric Composer

Learn how HPE Aruba Networking Fabric Compose now allows organizations to simply configure Network Address Translation (NAT) Policy through automated workflows, reducing security risk by hiding internal networks from public networks.

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Choosing the right SSE platform

As the network perimeter evolves, SSE emerges as a strategic approach to security. This whitepaper delves into the critical considerations organizations must weight when selecting an SSE platform for their business.

Case Study

Blue Diamond Growers

Blue Diamond Growers cooperative continuously innovates to deliver its almond grower-owners competitive rewards.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Delivering AI-powered, single-vendor SASE with edge-to-cloud Zero Trust access

Eliminate the complexity of managing multiple security components and ensure Zero Trust access from edge to cloud with a single-vendor, AI-powered SASE solution that delivers a comprehensive, unified approach to networking and security.

Case Study

Harry Reid International Airport

Deliver world-class traveler experiences from touchdown to take-off.

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Case Study

AMB Sports and Entertainment

Deliver the ultimate in immersive, rich, and one-of-a-kind experiences using state-of-the-art technology.

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Wi-Fi 7 explained

Get to know the newest wireless standard (also known as IEEE 802.11be) that increases data rates using 320 MHz channels and multi-link operations (MLO). Watch the video to learn more.

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HPE Aruba Networking CX 6200 Series Why Upgrade At-A-Glance

Is your network ready to quickly and safely connect new devices? Can it handle new traffic loads? Is it smart enough to help IT more efficiently operate, manage, and secure the network? The next-gen, stackable HPE Aruba Networking CX switch series ensures you can deliver the digital experiences of the future.

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Why Upgrade to HPE Aruba Networking CX 6300 Switches?

Is your network ready to quickly and safely connect new devices? Can it handle new traffic loads? Is it smart enough to help IT more efficiently operate, manage, and secure the network? The next-gen, stackable HPE Aruba Networking CX switch series ensures you can deliver the digital experiences of the future.

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Why Upgrade to HPE Aruba Networking CX 6400 Switches?

Learn how HPE Aruba Networking CX 6400 switches can help prepare your network for IoT and mobility, with a benefits comparison to HPE Aruba Networking 5400R switches.

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HPE Aruba Networking IoT Operations At a Glance

Learn how IoT Operations can extend visibility and control beyond your IT network infrastructure into IoT applications and devices connected to the network.

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IT’s toughest user experience monitoring challenges and how to solve them!

IT teams around the world are under immense pressure to provide a good network experience to end users, however this task comes with its own set of challenges. Learn about toughest challenges faced by IT teams when it comes to end-user experience monitoring, and how these can be addressed with HPE Aruba Networking UXI.

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Partner Solution Overview

Cloudvue PSO

Cloudvue's smart edge cameras with on-camera and cloud storage options enable customers to use their investment in HPE Aruba Networking to address loss prevention and analytics use cases.


3 steps to SSE success

Discover 3 steps for Security Service Edge (SSE) success: How to properly plan, execute, and review your SSE deployment to best secure connectivity, protect networks, and optimize performance.

On Demand

Geleceği güvenceye almak: SASE neden işletmeniz için doğru bir çözümdür?


  • Açılış konuşması – Hoş geldiniz
  • Neden SASE’ye ihtiyacınız olduğunu keşfedin
  • HPE Aruba Networking’in Unified SASE yaklaşımı ve kazanımlarınız
  • Demo
  • Soru & Cevap | Kapanış


HPE Aruba Networking CX 9300S Switch Series

The HPE Aruba Networking CX 9300S-32C8D is a next-generation 8Tbps, 1U fixed configuration switch supporting 32-ports of 100GbE and 8-ports of 400GbE. The switch is an ideal solution for flexible, cost-effective, high-density 10-100GbE connectivity server, storage, and 400GbE intra-fabric connectivity.

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It’s here. Generative AI on HPE Aruba Networking Central

HPE Aruba Networking Central’s AI Search feature received a major upgrade, now using GenAI and large language models (LLMs) to greatly enhance the user experience. With GenAI, users will see drastic improvements in AI Search efficiency, accuracy, and performance.

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Partner Solution Overview

Facebook Express Wi-Fi Partner Solution Overview

This partner solution overview describes the HPE Aruba Networking and Facebook partnership which integrates HPE Aruba Networking wireless with Facebook Express Wi-Fi to help service providers monetize Wi-Fi networks.

Partner Solution Overview

HPE Aruba Networking Orchestrator-ServiceNow Integration

The HPE Aruba Networking Orchestrator-ServiceNow integration is designed to increase operational control, visibility and management of a SD-WAN or WAN edge network. It simplifies IT operations while improving the quality of experience for all end users.

Partner Solution Overview

Hanshow Partner Solution Overview

This partner solution overview describes the HPE Aruba Networking and Hanshow partnership integrating HPE Aruba Networking wireless access points with Hanshow electronic shelf labels (ESLs).


HPE Aruba Networking and NodOn recording

NodOn is a French company that designs and manufactures products to make buildings smarter, using cutting-edge wireless technologies, including EnOcean: battery-free wireless sensors, actuators to control lighting, heating, access, roller shutters, smart sockets, wireless switches, etc.

NodOn products can be deployed in entire buildings using Aruba access points equipped with an EnOcean dongle, which ensures communication between NodOn sensors and actuators and building management systems.

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Refresh your Network Securely and Sustainably with HPE GreenLake for Networking

HPE GreenLake for Networking, a NaaS offering, helps keep your technology up to date with faster technology refresh cycles, allowing you to meet your business demands more quickly and flexibly, while at the same time enabling you to support your organization’s sustainability goals.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Securing and modernizing networks in oil and gas with unified SASE

The SASE solution overview enables oil and gas enterprises to fortify their cybersecurity defenses, optimize operations, and adapt to the evolving demands of the digital era.


HPE Aruba Networking Central within HPE GreenLake for Networking

HPE Aruba Networking Central is now integrated with the HPE GreenLake for Networking edge-to-cloud platform, helping IT leaders gain even tighter control over their network deployments.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

4 priorities for agencies adopting 5G

Whether it’s hybrid cloud or on-premise, on the battlefield or in a hospital, public sector leaders can facilitate efficient communication by leveraging wireless technologies like private 5G.


Getting started on private 5G for federal

HPE is extending its leadership in enterprise connectivity with unique capabilities for private networking across both 5G and Wi-Fi to support applications from edge to cloud.

Case Study

City of Carmel

The City of Carmel, Indiana promotes a dynamic civic environment where people and businesses thrive.

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On Demand

Webinar: Migliorare l’agilità, la sicurezza e l’efficienza aziendale con l’automazione della rete

Per eseguire in modo ottimale le applicazioni più recenti nei data center moderni e negli ambienti campus enterprise ripensati, le reti devono supportare meglio l’agilità del business.

Sfruttando tutte le funzionalità offerte dalla gestione della rete basata su cloud, con AI e automazione, le organizzazioni possono ottenere i livelli di agilità necessari a eliminare le lunghe procedure manuali e accelerare il time to value. Come?

HPE Aruba Networking Central e gli switch HPE Aruba Networking CX consentono alle organizzazioni di rispondere alle esigenze degli ambienti applicativi di oggi.

Scopri come promuovere agilità ed efficienza con l’automazione della rete in un data center aziendale e negli ambienti campus insieme a Bob Laliberte, Enterprise Strategy Group analyst e a Conrad Menezes, CTO FSI & Retail di HPE Aruba Networking mentre affrontano i seguenti temi:

  • l’importanza di avere la gestione AI basata su cloud giusta
  • le principali problematiche e i vantaggi dell’automazione della rete
  • la semplicità degli switch HPE Aruba Networking CX con HPE Aruba Networking Central per potenziare agilità, sicurezza ed efficienza operativa
  • Ulteriore ricerca di ESG


Lavora in modo più intelligente, non più difficile. Libera il potenziale di una rete security-first basata sull’AI per risultati di business più rapidi.

Soddisfa i requisiti aziendali, aumenta l’esperienza per gli utenti e ottimizza le risorse IT modernizzando la tua rete con un approccio security-first basato sull’AI.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 3810 Switch series

Advanced Layer 3 switch in 1U form factor delivers high-performance, low latency and resiliency for a better experience first campus experience.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking Orchestrator

Multi-tenant Orchestrator Software for service providers to manage hundreds or thousands of enterprise EdgeConnect SD-WAN instances.

On Demand

The power of secure access with HPE for Healthcare

Join HPE Aruba Networking on Feb 27th, 2024 where we will discover the power of secure access with HPE Aruba Networking Security Services Edge.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Delivering secure and modern healthcare experiences with SASE

The SASE solution overview enables healthcare providers to fortify their cybersecurity defenses, optimize operations, and fully adopt a digital first strategy to create a distinctive patient experience.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Enable secure and modern digital experience in hospitality with SASE

The SASE solution overview helps hospitality industry ensure protection against cyber threats and implement a zero-trust model, safeguarding sensitive data.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Securing and modernizing networks in financial services with SASE

The SASE solution overview enables financial institutions must embrace a modern, cloud-security framework that prioritizes flexibility, scalability, and robust protection.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Securing and modernizing networks in manufacturing with SASE

The solution overview helps manufacturing and industrial sector accelerate digital transformation with secure data access and improved experience using SASE.

On Demand

Maximize your network’s potential and streamline infrastructure design

Discover the latest and greatest HPE Aruba Networking solutions from Michael Mikolay, SE for HPE Aruba Networking (formerly a senior network architect at Centennial College).

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On Demand

The Power of Secure Access for Utilities

Discover the power of secure access with HPE Aruba Networking Security Services Edge (SSE).

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On Demand


Join HPE Aruba Networking where we will demonstrate the power of a unified SASE.

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On Demand

An overview of HPE Aruba’s Networking Switching Portfolio

Discover a switching portfolio purpose-built for cloud, mobile, and IoT.

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On Demand

Learn the benefits of Central

Gain context, visibility, and control over all domains through a cloud-native, uniform console for Wi-Fi, wired, and WAN infrastructure.

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Case Study

Doane University

Doane University develops future leaders by providing an intimate, hyper-connected academic experience.

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The Digital Revolutionaries Volume 3

A collection of stories that showcase how our customers have addressed their own digital transformation, by using Aruba technology. Together, we’ve redefined the user and brand experience through every interaction by enhancing employee productivity and delivering exciting new business outcomes.

Leggi l'eBookInglese (USA)

The Definitive Guide to SSE

It’s undeniable that the world has undergone a mega shift, as more and more users, applications, and devices all exist outside the security of the corporate perimeter. After years of trying to cope with traditional network security appliances, IT leaders are recognizing the ultimate need for evolution in what secure access looks like for the modern business. Learn how a Security Service Edge (SSE) platform helps solve this problem.

Case Study

Bethesda Health Group

Bethesda Health Group digitalizes, secures, and mobilizes retirement services to deliver personalized senior care.

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On Demand

Home Office Versus Workplace: How Does Your Network Measure Up?​

HPE is making the move back to office. Join for a webcast as we explore new back-to-office trends and how HPE is using innovative network technology to welcome employees back in style.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Reti di data center intelligenti per i servizi finanziari che mettono la sicurezza al primo posto

Proponi soluzioni di data center che mettono la sicurezza al primo posto per garantire elevate prestazioni e integrità dei dati a supporto di applicazioni cloud, machine learning e AI.

Guida alla soluzione

Progettazione del campus

Crea un design di rete semplice e scalabile, facile da replicare in diversi siti.

Case Study

Delivering premier fan experiences

Mercedes-Benz stadium relies on HPE Aruba Networking Wi-Fi to enable award-winning game and event experiences while also ensuring that staff and event partners have seamless, reliable connectivity for powering the real-time production technologies.

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Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 670 Series Outdoor Access Points Ordering Guide

This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories, and other components for the 670 Series Outdoor Access Points.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 600H Series Hospitality Access Points Ordering Guide

This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories and other components for the 600H Series Hospitality Access Points.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 600H Series Hospitality Access Points Data Sheet

This datasheet describes the key features of HPE Aruba Networking 600H Series Hospitality Access Points (Wi-Fi 6E) that deliver seamless, secure, high-performance wireless connectivity to mission critical hospitality, branch, and telework environments.

Design di riferimento convalidato

IDC MarketScape again recognizes HPE Aruba Networking as an SD-WAN leader

HPE Aruba Networking is named a Leader for the second time in the IDC Marketscape: Worldwide SD-WAN Infrastructure 2023 Vendor Assessment. Experience a unified, secure edge portfolio that connects campus, branch, WAN, and remote workers with an industry-trusted SD-WAN.

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Data Center CX Switch Trade-Up Program

Refresh and recycle your aging network infrastructure while putting it to good use towards the purchase of new HPE Aruba Networking data center switches.


I principali trend sulla rete e la sicurezza per il 2024 Report

Scopri i trend tecnologici, le problematiche e le opportunità che definiranno il 2024. Leggi il report e scopri i trend più interessanti sulla rete e la sicurezza di David Hughes, HPE Aruba Networking Chief Product Officer. 

On Demand

Webinar | Le principali previsioni sulla rete e la sicurezza per il 2024

Dopo i drastici cambiamenti degli ultimi anni, il 2023 ha rappresentato una “nuova normalità” segnata dal ritorno in ufficio, dall’adozione anticipata dell’AI, dal lancio della rete 5G, dall’inflazione globale e da una trasformazione digitale accelerata.

Cosa ci riserva il 2024? Unisciti a David Hughes, Chief Product Officer di HPE Aruba Networking mentre condivide i principali trend sulla rete e la sicurezza per l’anno nuovo che supporteranno i tuoi clienti e accelereranno la tua trasformazione di rete.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect 10106 SD-WAN Gateway

EdgeConnect 10106 SD-WAN Gateway is a high performance networking and secure SD-WAN appliance in a compact and cost-effective form factor, ideally suited for small branch and remote office environments.

Partner Solution Overview

HPE Aruba Networking and Simbe PSO

Together with Simbe, HPE Aruba Networking is enabling retail customers to increase store efficiency without requiring adding labor.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking CX feature pack ordering guide

This ordering guide provides details on the available feature packs for HPE Aruba Networking CX switches.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 560 Series Ordering Guide

Concise and user-friendly, our Ordering Guide makes finding the exact HPE Aruba Networking product and accessories you need easier than ever.  Simply place an order and your products will be shipped directly to you.

Schede tecniche

Outdoor 4x4 MIMO Antenna AP-ANT-45 Data Sheet

AP-ANT-45 is a multi-polarized antenna with nominal 90° H x 90° V beamwidths. This antenna is well suited for 2.4 and 5 GHz sector coverage for access.

Schede tecniche

Outdoor MIMO Antenna AP-ANT-28 Data Sheet

AP-ANT-28 is a dual-polarized antenna with 60° H x 60° V beamwidths. This antenna is well suited for 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz sector coverage for Wi-Fi access.


Securing the Industrial Internet of Things Infrastructure

This whitepaper describes the security solutions developed by Aruba and partners to monitor and mitigate the security risks related to Industrial Internet of Things and relevant verticals, like manufacturing and energy.

Schede tecniche

Advanced Cryptography Data Sheet

The ArubaOS Advanced Cryptography (ACR) module brings military-grade Suite B cryptography to HPE Aruba Networking Mobility Controllers.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking Multizone Data Sheet

HPE Aruba Networking’s centralized architecture provides a more secure Wi-Fi environment that is different from any other Wi-Fi vendor on the market today. This data sheet explains the key security advantages of this architecture.

Schede tecniche

MSP Data Sheet

This data sheet provides a high-level overview of HPE Aruba Networking's MSP offering including HPE Aruba Networking Central, Access Points, Switching, services, and support.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking Central for Government Data Sheet

This data sheet captures the key benefits, features and ordering information for HPE Aruba Networking Central as applicable to Federal audiences.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking Tags Data Sheet

HPE Aruba Networking Tags are a key component of the HPE Aruba Networking Location Services portfolio and asset tracking solution. When used with the HPE Aruba Networking Meridian platform, HPE Aruba Networking Tags enable businesses to track valuable physical assets in their indoor and outdoor locations.

Schede tecniche

AirWave (Federal) Data Sheet

This data sheet summarizes the features, functions and benefits of HPE Aruba Networking AirWave for US Federal audiences; on-premises, multi-vendor management for distributed campus wired and wireless networks.

Schede tecniche

VIA Client Data Sheet

The Virtual Intranet Access (VIA) client provides secure remote network connectivity for Android, Apple iOS, Mac OS X, Linux and Windows devices.

Schede tecniche

IoT Expansion Radio Data Sheet

Learn about HPE Aruba Networking's IoT expansion radio, a dongle that connects into the USB port of a HPE Aruba Networking access point to enable Zigbee connectivity.

Schede tecniche

Scheda tecnica di Switch HPE Aruba Networking Serie CX 6300

This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the HPE Aruba Networking CX 6300 Switch Series ideal for enterprise networks.

Guide agli ordini

387 Outdoor Access Point Ordering Guide

The HPE Aruba Networking 387 access points deliver greater than one Gigabit per second aggregate throughput. It provides resilient operation in inclement weather. And, ease of deployment dramatically simplifies the skills needed to deploy point to point connections.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 9200 Series Campus Gateways Ordering Guide

Ordering details for the 9200 Series Campus Gateway including capacity licenses and add-ons.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 9000 Series Gateway Ordering Guide

This ordering guide provides detailed information on part numbers for the 9000 Series Gateway and additional accessories like power adapters and antennas that are used to provide network connectivity.

Guide agli ordini

7200 Series Mobility Controllers Ordering Guide

Ordering guide for the HPE Aruba Networking 7200 Series Mobility Controller.

Guide agli ordini

7000 Series Mobility Controllers Ordering Guide

Ordering guide for the HPE Aruba Networking 7000 Series Mobility Controller.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 580 Series Outdoor Access Points Ordering Guide

Ordering guide for the AP-580 Series Outdoor APs to help select the AP, what accessories may be needed, antennas, etc.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 570 Series Outdoor Access Points Ordering Guide

This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories, and other components for the 570 Series.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 570EX Series Hazardous Location Access Points Ordering Guide

HPE Aruba Networking 570EX series hazardous location access points (APs) with Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) technology deliver the highest performance in hazardous location and harsh outdoor environments such as industrial facilities and oil rigs. Purpose-built to withstand extreme temperatures, persistent moisture and precipitation, electrical surges, and airborne contaminants. Include or interoperate with Aruba ESP capabilities such as AI-powered RF optimization, Live upgrades, WPA3 and Enhanced Open security, and Dynamic Segmentation.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 303 Series Access Points Ordering Guide

View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 303 AP.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 560EX Series Ordering Guide

Simple and concise, this ordering guide details the specifications for the Wi-Fi 6 HPE Aruba Networking 560EX Series Access Points. Ideal for high-density, hazardous environments.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 580EX Series Outdoor Access Points Ordering Guide

Ordering guide for the AP-580EX Family of products to help identify which additional AP accessories would be needed.


Architettura SASE automatizzata e unificata con HPE Aruba Networking

Questo video illustra l’integrazione automatizzata tra EdgeConnect SD-WAN e SSE HPE Aruba Networking per creare un’architettura SASE unificata.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 501 Wireless Bridge Datasheet

The 501 Wireless Client Bridge can bridge up to 15 Ethernet client devices running a legacy networking protocol to the WLAN, extending wireless network access to a wide range of protocols.

Schede tecniche

387 Outdoor Access Points Data Sheet

The HPE Aruba Networking 387 access points deliver greater than one Gigabit per second aggregate throughput. It provides resilient operation in inclement weather. And, ease of deployment dramatically simplifies the skills needed to deploy point to point connections.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 303 Series campus access points data sheet

The affordable mid-range HPE Aruba Networking 303 Series campus access points delivers high performance 802.11ac with MU-MIMO (wave 2) for medium density enterprise environments.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking CX 4100i Switch Series Data Sheet

The CX 4100i Switch Series is a modern family of ruggedized Ethernet switches ideal for connecting IoT, access points, and user devices in harsh environments, allowing you to extend enterprise networks beyond carpeted areas to challenging outdoor and industrial spaces.

Schede tecniche

5400R Switch Series Data Sheet

Advanced Layer 3 modular chassis switch delivers high-performance, low latency and resiliency for a better experience first campus experience.


Identity-Based Personal Wireless Network

In this video, discover how HPE Aruba Networking helps users to seamlessly create a personal wireless network based on identity. Understand how this feature streamlines connectivity experience to various devices across multiple verticals and use cases. Learn more about Edge-to-Cloud security: www.arubanetworks.com/products/security/.

Visualizza il videoInglese (USA)

Easy Zero Trust with HPE Aruba Networking

In this video, learn about how HPE Aruba Networking helps organizations to easily implement a Zero Trust strategy through the identification of network users and devices, the enforcement of role-based access control policies and the monitoring of threats in real time. To learn more about Zero Trust: www.arubanetworks.com/solutions/zero-trust-security/.

Visualizza il videoInglese (USA)

Protect Web Users From Malware with SWG

Watch this video to discover how SWG (Secure Web Gateway) helps protect web users from malicious threats such as ransomware and phishing. Learn how the solution performs various security inspections and enforces policies to restrict access to specific categories of websites such as gambling, or dangerous sites. Learn more about SASE: www.arubanetworks.com/solutions/sase/.

Visualizza il videoInglese (USA)

Secure Data in SaaS Applications with CASB

Learn how CASB (Cloud Access Security Access Broker) helps protect sensitive data hosted in SaaS applications by providing visibility and user activity monitoring. Also, discover how the solution enforces security policies, prevents data loss, while reducing the risk of shadow IT. Learn more about SASE: www.arubanetworks.com/solutions/sase/.

Visualizza il videoInglese (USA)

Delivering Security-First Networking with HPE Aruba Networking

In this video, discover the benefits of a security-first networking approach and how unified SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) is the future architecture of enterprise networks by delivering a common foundation for networking and security. Learn more about unified SASE: www.arubanetworks.com/solutions/sase/.

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Overview of EdgeConnect SD-WAN Security

In this video, discover the advanced security features embedded in the firewall of EdgeConnect SD-WAN including IDS/IPS, DDoS defense, Zero Trust segmentation, AVC, and Web filtering. Learn more about EdgeConnect SD-WAN: www.arubanetworks.com/products/sd-wan/edgeconnect/.

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Role-Based Segmentation in a Multi-Vendor Environment with EdgeConnect SD-WAN

In this video, learn how the integration of Central NetConductor into EdgeConnect SD-WAN, helps organizations to implement an enterprise-wide Zero Trust architecture, in complex multi-vendor LAN environments, leveraging EVPN/VXLAN open standards. Learn more about EdgeConnect SD-WAN: www.arubanetworks.com/products/sd-wan/edgeconnect/.

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Case Study

Chase Center

At Chase Center, the Golden State Warriors deliver more of what audiences want.

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Schede tecniche

2930M Switch Series Data Sheet

Layer 3 access switch series that’s simple to deploy and manage with ClearPass Policy Manager, AirWave and Central.

Schede tecniche

2930F TAA Switch Series Data Sheet

Layer 3 access switch series that’s simple to deploy and manage with ClearPass Policy Manager, AirWave and Central. TAA Models.

Schede tecniche

2920 Switch Series Data Sheet

With a powerful ProVision ASIC, the 2920 provides security, scalability, and ease of use for the enterprise campus, SMB, and branch office networks.

Schede tecniche

2540 Switch Series Data Sheet

Layer 2 access switches deliver enterprise class features with 10GbE uplink that’s simple to deploy and manage with ClearPass Policy Manager, AirWave, and Central.

On Demand

Airheads Techtalk: Virtual Gateway (VGW) deployment in Microsoft Azure

With Virtual Gateway, users can extend their SD-WAN overlay services to the public cloud infrastructure. Virtual Gateways function as VPN concentrators in the SD-WAN architecture. Virtual Gateways can terminate tunnels from; Branch Gateway, Instant APs (micro-SD-Branches) and VIA clients.

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Support Portal at a Glance

Our next generation self-service portal was designed to save customers and partners time and boost network performance. It provides one click entry to manage cases, submit online RMAs, manage assets, set custom notifications, manage devices, licenses and contracts, access software and documents, and more!

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Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 518 Series Access Points Ordering Guide

This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories, and other components for the 518 Series.

Documentazione tecnica

CX 10000 QuickStart Service Brief

The CX 10000 Distributed Services Switch QuickStart Service accelerates the implementation of CX 10000 features into your environment, so that your organization can operate next-generation architectures that simplify, accelerate, and scale network and security services across your enterprise or provider edge colocation. Learn more in the below service brief or the detailed service description.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Proactive Engineering Services – Essentials and Enterprise Service Brief

Proactive Engineering Services allow your organization to achieve digital transformation and meet business goals with services that ensure your HPE Aruba Networking wireless and wired networks always deliver peak performance. Learn more in the below service brief or the detailed service descriptions for Proactive Engineering Services - Essentials or Proactive Engineering Services - Enterprise.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

ClearPass QuickStart Service Brief

ClearPass QuickStart Service helps you ramp up on the next generation of ClearPass security solutions and assists in the preparation for operational support. Learn more in the below service brief or the detailed service description.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Campus Switching QuickStart Service Brief

The Campus Switching QuickStart Service accelerates the implementation of baseline HPE Aruba Networking CX switch features into any environment, so that organizations can more quickly take advantage of next-gen CX switches. Learn more in the below service brief or the detailed service description.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

WLAN QuickStart Service Brief

Engage with HPE Aruba Networking experts to quickly deploy our latest WLAN technology. Discover the benefits quickly, learn best practices, and be prepared to transform your environment at your own pace. Learn more in the below service brief or the detailed service description.

Schede tecniche

AirWave to Central Migration Service Description

The AirWave to Central Migration Service is designed to accelerate migration of certain WLAN features from AirWave into HPE Aruba Networking Central, so you can more quickly utilize Central features to achieve your business goals.

Schede tecniche

CX 10000 QuickStart Service Description

The CX 10000 Distributed Services Switch QuickStart Service accelerates the implementation of CX 10000 features into your environment, so that your organization can operate next-generation architectures that simplify, accelerate, and scale network and security services across your enterprise or provider edge colocation. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.

Schede tecniche

ArubaOS 6 to ArubaOS 8 Migration Service Description

The ArubaOS 6 to ArubaOS 8 Migration Service provides the fastest route for you to upgrade your campus environment using the ArubaOS network operating system and quickly put new features to use in your environment. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.

Schede tecniche

ClearPass Synchronization Service Description

Save time and keep your network access secure across multiple HPE Aruba Networking ClearPass clusters with our purpose-built tool. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.

Schede tecniche

ClearPass QuickStart Service Description

ClearPass QuickStart Service helps you ramp up on the next generation of ClearPass security solutions and assists in the preparation for operational support. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.

Schede tecniche

Campus Switching QuickStart Service Description

The Campus Switching QuickStart Service accelerates the implementation of baseline HPE Aruba Networking CX switch features into any environment, so that organizations can more quickly take advantage of next-gen CX switches. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.

Schede tecniche

WLAN QuickStart Service Description

Engage with HPE Aruba Networking experts to quickly deploy our latest WLAN technology. Discover the benefits quickly, learn best practices, and be prepared to transform your environment at your own pace. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.

Schede tecniche

Network Health Check Service Description

Your network must be in constant good health to ensure its high availability, security, and optimal performance. Get ahead of your network with a proactive Network Health Check from HPE Aruba Networking before network maintenance throws your team into constant fire-fighting mode. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.

Schede tecniche

Proactive Engineering Services – Essentials Service Description

Proactive Engineering Services - Essentials allows your organization to achieve digital transformation and meet business goals with services that ensure your HPE Aruba Networking wireless and wired networks always deliver peak performance. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.

Schede tecniche

Proactive Engineering Services – Enterprise Service Description

Proactive Engineering Services - Enterprise allows your organization to achieve digital transformation and meet business goals with services that ensure your HPE Aruba Networking wireless and wired networks always deliver peak performance. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.

Schede tecniche

Remote 5 Day QuickStart Service Service Description

A time-based engagement designed to accelerate implementation of all HPE Aruba Networking solutions into your environment, so that your organization can more quickly achieve its business goals.

On Demand

Neden SASE’ye ihtiyacınız olduğunu keşfedin

Hem ağ hem de güvenlik çözümlerinin entegre bir şekilde bir hizmet olarak verilmesine yönelik artan talebi karşılamak adına, kenar ağdan bulutu kapsayacak güvenlik yetkinliklerin genişletilmesini sağlayan HPE Aruba Networking’in Unified SASE yaklaşımını konuşacağımız webinarımıza katılmak için lütfen kayıt olun.

On Demand

Unlock Insider Insights to the Future of Network Management.

Join us for our next webinar and step into the future of network management with the latest enhancements to HPE Aruba Networking Central. In this hour-long deep-dive session, including an exclusive demo and live Q&A session, discover how automation is revolutionizing campus and data-center network configuration, simplifying Wi-Fi access with pre-shared keys, and fortifying your network security through AOS 10.5.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Fueling Oil & Gas Operational Efficiency with Next-Generation Networks

HPE Aruba Networking powers the network transformation in the Oil & Gas industry. Discover how HPE Aruba enhances connectivity, security, and network management.

Guide agli ordini

ClearPass Scaling and Ordering Guide

Learn details about ClearPass SKUs, licenses, and specifications for ordering and scaling.

On Demand

Webinar | When industry-trusted SD-WAN meets award-winning SSE

Join us to hear from Steve Isles, HPE Aruba Networking SSE Practice Lead for Australia and New Zealand, as he covers the latest trends bringing security and networking closer and closer, and how the acquisition of Axis Security allows HPE Aruba Networking to aid Security and Networking leaders break down those traditional silos.

Register hereInglese (Australia)
Case Study

Canterbury Christ Church University

As-a-service next-gen connectivity facilitates digital learning, while transforming student experiences.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

HPE GreenLake for Networking

​​Learn how partners can help customers lower risk, accelerate ROI, and enable business outcomes through a Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) subscription-based consumption model.


Wi-Fi 7 questions answered

Interview with CTO addresses top questions about the upcoming Wi-Fi 7 standard.

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What is Wi-Fi 7?

This explainer video covers Wi-Fi 7 which is the proposed standard for WLAN also known as IEEE 802.11be that increases data rates through the use of 320 MHz channels, multi-link operations (MLO), and the 6 GHz band.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

HPE Aruba Networking Edge-to-Cloud Security enabling secure Edge adoption and WAN transformation

Growth at the edge in the form of remote users and large numbers of new IoT devices has created unique challenges around onboarding, visibility and inherently, security. At the same time, continued migration of applications to the cloud has changed the way we approach network planning and related security requirements, since legacy networks were not designed to accommodate a cloud-first world. Learn how HPE Aruba Networking Edge-to-Cloud Security enables higher levels of security as your network expands.

On Demand

Accelerating Digital Transformation

Experience the ultimate solution for comprehensive digital visibility - from the user's perspective to the network's perspective. With UXI's continuous testing and troubleshooting combined with HPE Aruba Networking Central's AI-powered insights, gain unparalleled visibility into your network and devices simultaneously.

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On Demand

Empowering You to Do More with Less with Aruba Central Updates

What's new for Aruba Central? Learn about the latest enhancements to AI-powered Monitoring & Troubleshooting capabilities across LAN, WLAN & SD-Branch networks geared toward simplifying operations for an Aruba Central Network Admin along with a live demo of key features!

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On Demand

Save Time, Effort & Money with Aruba Central Automation

dive into Aruba Central’s API and extensibility features for programmatic network management. We will show you how automation can truly enhance your daily network operations.

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On Demand

Orchestrate network configuration and security services at global scale with Aruba Central NetConductor

Join the Aruba CS Team and guest speakers in our live webinar titled "Orchestrate network configuration and security services at global scale with Aruba Central NetConductor" which will cover insights regarding operational challenges such as network complexity, manual tasks, static security and rip & replace difficulties. As businesses modernize their networks, they are faced with unique visibility and security challenges that necessitate the adoption of identity-based access policies as a foundation for implementing Zero Trust and SASE security frameworks. Join this session to learn about how Aruba Central NetConductor cloud-native security services for network orchestration and policy management alleviates configuration complexity and enables customers with networks of any size to adopt the solution at a pace defined by their business needs.

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On Demand

Enhance IoT Visibility with New AI-Powered Client Insights

Join the Aruba CS Team and guest speakers in our live webinar as we share how you can leverage Aruba Central's AIOps to help see what’s on your network (IoT, laptops, cameras, phones) and grant access privileges for network and security demands. Aruba Central experts will walk you through how Ai-powered client insights can provide the visibility and actionable risk-based segmentation that IT teams need to keep up with what’s connected to the network.

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On Demand

Aruba Central Release Webinar: Delivering Even More Flexibility from the Cloud

Hear from a team of Aruba Central experts as they walk through some exciting developments in our upcoming software release. See how you’ll benefit from a more frictionless customer experience across your network infrastructure and the broader HPE solution ecosystem, while getting more flexibility to maximize budgets and optimize the value of your Central SaaS subscriptions.

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On Demand

Feature Roundup: See What's New in Aruba Central

Join a roundtable discussion led by Roberto Anguiano, Customer Success Manager at Aruba, as he sits down with Miguel Wilson Cruz, Customer Success Enablement Manager and Mason Coffman, Product Marketing Manager, to share the latest on the new release of Aruba Central and see how you can take advantage of these new features in a live demo.

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Documentazione tecnica

HPE Aruba Networking Central Data Privacy Tech Brief

HPE Aruba Networking Central and the network infrastructure under management are engineered to adhere to strict privacy and compliance requirements of international and industry standards including CCPA, and FedRAMP.


Introducing Aruba’s new NaaS offerings

Find out why Aruba’s new network-as-a-service (NaaS) offerings give an agile and dynamic network option to those looking for a solution that can flex up or down as business requirements shift. Also learn why we developed HPE GreenLake for Networking (NaaS) with channel partners in mind.

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HPE GreenLake for Networking Network as a Service (NaaS)

Learn how NaaS with HPE GreenLake for Networking provides organizations with the agility and flexibility they need to keep pace with changing business dynamics.

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How Partners Should Leverage CEM in HPE GreenLake for Networking for NaaS Success

Explore how partners can quickly onboard customers by reducing the complexity associated with installation while minimizing the risk of managing the network.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 9100 Series Hybrid Gateway Ordering Guide

Ordering details for the 9100 Series Hybrid Gateway including capacity licenses and add-ons.

On Demand

Connect What Matters Most - 5 Principles to Drive Network Modernization

Webinar that explores 5 Principles to drive a modern network - connectivity of scale, automation, security, agility and an adaptive network (NaaS).

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On Demand

Live-Webinar – Update: Cloud Auth

Cloud Auth on Aruba Central allowed end users to safely and instantly connect to wired and wireless networks. The cloud security solution connects with a company's existing cloud identity store such as Google Workspace or Azure Active Directory to verify the users information and assign them the correct level of network access.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Reti di data center intelligenti per una produzione smart

Consegne più puntuali e complete con reti di data center ottimizzate. Ottieni visibilità in tempo reale e automazione della rete per un provisioning più rapido tramite cui ridurre le attività manuali del data center, per limitare i ritardi e aumentare l'agilità operativa.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Reti di data center intelligenti per l’assistenza sanitaria

Migliora le prestazioni della rete per medici e pazienti, garantendo nel contempo una sicurezza affidabile con gli switch per DPU HPE Aruba Networking. Promuovi cure personalizzate sicure, imaging digitale, IoT per il settore medico, applicazioni cloud e molto altro, riducendo nel contempo i costi.


Ridurre la complessità del data center

Migliora l’automazione della rete per accelerare il provisioning eliminando le attività manuali del data center.


Reti di data center sicure

Distribuisci la sicurezza Zero Trust più vicino alle applicazioni critiche del data center per una rete che mette la sicurezza al primo posto.


Switch intelligenti per i data center

Rivoluziona il data center con switch intelligenti, sicuri e potenti.


Modernizzazione del data center

Garantisci prestazioni e sicurezza per affrontare tutte le problematiche dei data center moderni.


Unleashing the retail opportunity for global service providers

This white paper explores the importance of network modernization in retail and showcases how global service providers, in partnership with HPE Aruba Networking, can unlock the full potential of digital transformation and empower retailers to thrive in the evolving landscape.


HPE Aruba Networking's Guide to Successful C-Suite Network Connections

Understand how CIOs can foster a successful relationship between fellow C-suite members and the enterprise network.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

La Value proposition HPE GreenLake per Networking dedicata ai partner

Scopri come HPE GreenLake per Networking, un’offerta NaaS, è un modo completamente nuovo per vendere le soluzioni di rete.

On Demand

For Federal agencies, the future of networking is flexible. The future is NaaS.

Join Hannes Terlinde, Sales Leader Americas NaaS & John Wilson, NaaS Global Services Go-To-Market & Sales at Aruba for a discussion about GreenLake for Networking.

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Case Study

The Home Depot

Retail giant interconnects in-store and online shopping experiences on a massive scale by leveraging HPE GreenLake for Networking.

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Simplify network configuration and security orchestration with automation

HPE Aruba Networking Central NetConductor automates enterprise network deployment, ongoing network configuration, and security operations from the cloud, and provides quantifiable business benefits.


Il networking basato sull’AI per migliorare l’esperienza dell’operatore IT: non lavorare di più, ma in modo più intelligente 

Quali vantaggi puoi ottenere dall’AI? In questo webcast, scopri come CarMax e la Doane University utilizzano il networking basato sull’AI per aumentare l’efficienza.

On Demand

Live-Webinar – Update: Aruba CX Edge Insights

Aruba CX Edge Insights allows application visibility and integrated network flow analysis via IPFIX along with on-device flow visibility and analytics using Traffic Insights. The data collected from IPFIX can also be exported and displayed on SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA).

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Enable advanced security with Aruba EdgeConnect SD-Branch

This document provides an overview of Aruba’s advanced threat defense capabilities within the Aruba SD-Branch solution.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

HIPAA Compliance: Delivering Privacy and Security for ePHI with a Business-driven SD-WAN

HIPAA compliance puts a lot of demands on covered entities and business associates. Learn how Aruba EdgeConnect helps to address the critical compliance areas with its unique features.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking Analytics and Location Engine

Use contextual data from the Analytics and Localization Engine (ALE) to make contextual information such as traffic patterns available to location services using robust APIs.

On Demand

Debunking NaaS Myths

Network as a service, or NaaS, is gaining momentum as IT organizations seek greater flexibility and agility in addressing cost, staffing, and technology needs. However, an increase in both customer adoption of NaaS and the number of vendors offering NaaS solutions has given rise to several “myths,” which incorrectly characterize key aspects of this emerging consumption model for networking. Join IDC, HPE Aruba Networking, and Vince DiStasi, VP of Information Technology and CIO of Grove City College, as we debunk some of the more popular NaaS myths related to key topics such as NaaS vs. leasing, NaaS third-party management and the importance of the underlying hardware in a NaaS offering.

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Schede tecniche

Extend the WAN to Remote Workers with EdgeConnect Microbranch

Extend the WAN to home offices, small offices, and even temporary locations with EdgeConnect Microbranch. Our EdgeConnect Microbranch solution builds upon proven remote access point technology with new SD-WAN, cloud-based management, and SASE integration capabilities – without requiring an on-premises gateway.


Automated network optimization actions to take

Avoid performance issues by leveraging AI-powered optimization actions to take for wireless and wired networks.

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Cos’è il SASE unificato?

In questo video, scopri come il SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) unificato aiuta le organizzazioni ad affrontare le sfide di rete e sicurezza del cloud computing e del lavoro ibrido in quattro casi d'uso.


10 motivi per cui i CXO adottano il SASE per favorire il lavoro ibrido

Scopri i primi dieci motivi per cui i responsabili IT scelgono piattaforme Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) per aumentare la sicurezza degli accessi garantendo al contempo un’esperienza eccellente ai dipendenti da remoto e in ufficio.


La guida dell’architetto all’adozione del SASE

Con la forza lavoro ibrida e le applicazioni su cloud di oggi, gli architetti non possono fare affidamento su tecnologie progettate per proteggere applicazioni e utenti vincolati alla rete. Dovranno rivalutare il modo in cui garantire un accesso sicuro alle applicazioni. Scopri quali sono le priorità degli architetti che adottano un’architettura SASE.


5 modi in cui i responsabili di rete sfruttano il SASE per la trasformazione in un’architettura cloud-first

5 modi in cui i responsabili di rete usano il SASE per modernizzare l’architettura: consolidamento, risparmi sui costi, accelerazione delle iniziative di trasformazione digitale, scalabilità dei servizi a livello globale e aumento dell’affidabilità.


Il dilemma tra innovazione e rischio

Scopri in che modo i leader aziendali possono usare la rete per bilanciare innovazione e rischio.

On Demand

Explore the world of cybersecurity funding – Webinar

With increased cyber threats and attacks, organizations must protect their networks and users. As they work to establish cybersecurity measures that include Zero Trust Security strategies, the need for funding to support such efforts is ever important.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

GDPR and CCPA Compliance: Ensuring Data Protection with Best-of-Breed SD-WAN and SASE

Learn how Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN and best-of-breed SASE help organizations comply with data privacy laws including GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act)


Unlocking the opportunities in manufacturing for global service providers

Learn how HPE Aruba Networking helps global service providers address the priority use cases for manufacturers today with a smart, secure, easy to integrate network solution.


Edge-to-Cloud Security in Retail

Digital transformation, new IoT devices, remote users, cloud-based applications, and touch-free experiences has created unique challenges around onboarding, visibility and inherently, security. Learn how Aruba Edge-to-Cloud Security enables higher levels of security for retail as you meet the demands from line-of-business groups and customers.

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On Demand

HPE Aruba Networking Airheads TechTalk | COP Deployment and troubleshooting

COP (Central On Premises) is similar to Central but can be deployed on Premises. This is a monitoring and managing Solution for Aruba Devices with Central capabilities and functionalities. This is a scalable solution and flexible to very large Network Deployments.

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Do you really know what's on your network?

AIOps automation helps classify and see all Wi-Fi and wired clients (IoT, laptops, cameras, phones) accurately to grant access privileges for security and bandwidth demands.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

UXI Agent for Android solution overview

UXI agent keeps a watchful eye on your users' digital experiences by running synthetic tests and providing in-depth insights across networks, applications, and user devices.


Aruba Grant and Funding Program

Aruba is proud to offer a comprehensive grant support program. This value-added Aruba Grant and Funding Team will connect you to resources and opportunities that align with your needs and help support the goals of your organization.


Edge-to-Cloud Security in Hospitality

A high level overview of the Aruba solutions that help with Edge-to-Cloud security in the hospitality vertical. Document outlines zero trust, Dynamic Segmentation, Central NetConductor and role-based access.

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Edge-to-Cloud Security in Healthcare

A high level overview of the Aruba solutions that help with Edge-to-Cloud security in the healthcare vertical. Document outlines zero trust, Dynamic Segmentation, Central NetConductor and role-based access.

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A 360-degree View of People, Process and Technology: Aruba Security Solutions for GDPR

GDPR introduces standards for data protection impacting organizations maintaining European personal data, and other governments worldwide are adopting similar approaches. Discover how HPE Aruba Networking solutions can help you prepare to data privacy regulations.

On Demand

HPE Aruba Networking Airheads TechTalk | Let me tell you the HPE Aruba Networking Security story

We want to help you to demonstrate the value of the HPE Aruba Networking Security solutions across LAN, WLAN, SD-WAN, Data Center and SASE by telling a simple and fun story.

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SASE unificato in breve

Porta connettività e sicurezza alla potenza dell’offerta SASE unificata di HPE Aruba Networking.


Aruba 1-2-3: CBRS Explained (aka Citizens Broadband Radio Service)

What is CBRS? CBRS is unlicensed spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band that is typically used for private LTE or private 5G to augment Wi-Fi connectivity for specific use cases.

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HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN Fabric

Learn how the unified EdgeConnect SD-WAN Fabric easily and securely connects access edge locations with applications and data wherever they are hosted.

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ArubaOS 10: un’esperienza di rete self-service e privacy-first

Con la versione più recente del software ArubaOS 10, la rete gestita da HPE Aruba Networking Central può essere configurata con un'esperienza self-service e privacy-first per gli utenti finali, senza ulteriori interventi dell'operatore di rete.


Next Generation Aruba Certification Program Infographic

A new vision for Aruba Certification supports the IT professionals delivering the next generation of networking solutions—from campus and data center to edge-to-cloud environments.

On Demand

Webinar: Un approccio unificato al SASE

Scopri perché ti serve un SASE unificato e cosa otterrai con il nostro webinar introduttivo sulla soluzione integrata HPE Aruba Networking.


Una guida introduttiva al SASE unificato

Improve network performance, efficiency, and cost savings with award-winning SSE and industry-leading SD-WAN all integrated into one solution—HPE Aruba Networking unified SASE.

Case Study

Ishraq Hospitality

Ishraq Hospitality refines the guest experience with consistent connectivity.

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Il networking basato sull’AI: rivoluzionare le operazioni IT

Sapevi che il networking basato sull’AI sta cambiando le regole del gioco per l’IT? Leggi l’eBook per scoprire come:

Schede tecniche

Aruba CX 8325 Switch Series Data Sheet

The Aruba CX 8325 Series switch provides 6.4Tbps of switching capacity in a 1U form factor. Supported interfaces include 10GbE, 25GbE, 40GbE and 100GbE. This switch can serve as a campus core/aggregation switch or a data center leaf switch.

On Demand

Airheads TechTalkAOS-10 Clustering & Live Upgrade Part II

AOS 10 is the distributed operating system for Aruba’s Access Points (AP), Gateways (GW), and SD-Branch technology. With the AOS 10 clustering, you can run over-lay network for Data Centre and large campus all managed from central.


Optimizing SaaS traffic with EdgeConnect SD-WAN AppExpress

Learn how EdgeConnect SD-WAN optimizes SaaS traffic and dynamically selects the best path based on network conditions across network service providers, SSE PoPs and cloud service providers such as AWS and Azure.

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Simplifying connectivity to AWS with EdgeConnect SD-WAN

In this video, you will learn how EdgeConnect SD-WAN integrates with AWS Cloud WAN to simplify connectivity and preserve end-to-end segmentation for site-to-cloud, site-to-site via AWS backbone, and VPC-to-VPC via AWS backbone traffic.

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Protecting hybrid workers with SSE

Watch this video to learn how SSE (Security Service Edge) helps secure a hybrid workforce with ZTNA, SWG and CASB.

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Security inspection based on customer-defined risk with HPE Aruba Networking

Watch this video to learn how HPE Aruba Networking Gateway IDS/IPS engine selectively inspects security threats using a risk-oriented traffic inspection approach.

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The power of EdgeConnect SD-WAN and Megaport

In this video, co-hosted by HPE Aruba Networking and Megaport experts, learn how EdgeConnect SD-WAN can be deployed onto Megaport Virtual Edge (MVE) to deliver a secure, high performance cloud-to-cloud network platform, while providing long-haul transport links and creating a resilient connection from the branch to the cloud.

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Automating EdgeConnect SD-WAN with APIs

In this video, learn how EdgeConnect SD-WAN API automates SD-WAN deployments and helps customize telemetry information to build data-driven insights in third-party monitoring solutions.

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Trasformare l’ambiente di lavoro con SASE

In questo video puoi scoprire come il SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) ti aiuta a trasformare l’ambiente di lavoro e a garantire un accesso sicuro a filiali e dipendenti da remoto, migliorando nel contempo la qualità dell’esperienza e la sicurezza IoT.


Primo giorno del Field CTO di Axis all’HPE Aruba Networking

Il field CTO di Axis Security, che ora fa parte di HPE Aruba Networking, spiega le caratteristiche e i vantaggi della piattaforma SSE Axis e di come crea una soluzione SASE single vendor potente abbinata alle soluzioni SD-WAN avanzate di HPE Aruba Networking.

Documentazione tecnica

Optimizing SaaS with EdgeConnect SD-Branch

This document provides examples of optimizing the performance of SaaS applications (such as Office 365, Salesforce, Dropbox, etc.).

Case Study

Dawson County Schools

High-achieving Georgia school district addresses rapidly evolving curriculum demands with Aruba CX, Central and UXI.

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Case Study

Circa Resort & Casino

Las Vegas entertainment hub delivers 1.25 million square feet of transcendent experiences using Aruba ESP-based network.

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On Demand

Enabling and Supporting Modernized Financial Services

Aruba ESP offers the solutions needed to drive digital transformation and fully comply with regulatory, security and safety requirements. In addition, it adapts to business needs that are growing every day.

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On Demand

Enabling and Supporting Modernized Healthcare

We invite you to this important conversation about the contribution of networking technology in the healthcare vertical and learnabout all HPE Aruba Networking solutions to support the transformation of your business.

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On Demand

Hospitality Network Solutions

Is your network ready for hospitality at the edge? Create amazing guest and staff experiences from the edge to the cloud with a network that is secure, agile and autonomous.

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On Demand

Connect & Protect - Affrontare i gap della sicurezza informatica dall'edge al cloud

Partecipa al webinar del 22 marzo 2023 alle 16:30 GMT per saperne di più su questo e altri risultati pubblicati dal Ponemon Institute nel suo report dal titolo Colmare il gap della sicurezza IT.

On Demand

The New Approach to Network Security

A recent penetration test of UK universities run by an education think tank revealed a 100% success rate of gaining access to institutions high-value data within two hours. A mere 15 percent of the surveyed universities’ IT and security staff rated their organisation as eight or better out of ten for being well protected.

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On Demand

Aruba Airheads TechTalk | Update: AOS-10 Introduction

AOS 10 is the distributed operating system for Aruba’s Access Points (AP), Gateways (GW), and SD-Branch technology. With the introduction of AOS 10, you can have a remote worker, branch, Data Center and large campus all managed from a single pane of glass.

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Case Study

Grove City College

Grove City College boosts digital-first education by advancing institutional agility.

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Case Study

Grey Bruce Health Services

Grey Bruce Health Services embraces digital first to ensure patient and visitor well-being.

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Aruba 1-2-3: Outdoor WLAN: How are outdoor APs different?

Not all outdoor APs are placed outdoors. In this video, Outdoor WLAN Product Manager Jerrod Howard outlines the differences in terms of hardening, power supply, and IoT support as well as expanded use cases for outdoor WLAN access points such as giant refrigerators and dusty warehouses.

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Aruba 1-2-3: Wi-Fi 5 vs Wi-Fi 6 vs Wi-Fi 6E

The Wi-Fi standards keep evolving to meet demand. Wi-Fi 5 (also known as 802.11ac) was a huge leap forward but how does it compare to the newer standards: Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E? When is the right time to upgrade?

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Aruba 1-2-3: Wi-Fi 7 Explained

What is Wi-Fi 7? Wi-Fi 7 is the newest standard for WLAN also known as IEEE 802.11be that increases data rates through the use of 320 MHz channels and multi-link operations (MLO).

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HPE Aruba Networking Central: IoT Operations Demo with AOS 10 and Blyott

In this demo, join experts from HPE Aruba Networking as they show how line of business IoT services can be integrated directly with your network infrastructure using 100% cloud-native capabilities. A wide range of use cases across retail, hospitality, healthcare, and more are supported by HPE Aruba Networking Central. To learn more, view the full webinar here.

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HPE Aruba Networking Central: Personal Device Sharing Demo with AOS 10

In this demo, join experts from HPE Aruba Networking as they show how new personal device-sharing capabilities to deliver a completely self-service, privacy-first network experience for end-users – this will also dramatically improve the IT management experience. To learn more, view the full webinar here.

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HPE Aruba Networking Central: Vendor Agnostic Cloud Security Demo with AOS 10 and Axis

In this demo, join HPE Aruba Networking SSE experts as they show how you can build an integration with Axis Security and other third-party providers within HPE Aruba Networking Central. All SD-Branch and Microbranch gateway deployments running AOS 10 are supported. To learn more, view the full webinar here.

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On Demand

Aruba Airheads TechTalk | Aruba AOS-10 Clustering & Live Upgrade

AOS 10 is the distributed operating system for Aruba’s Access Points (AP), Gateways (GW), and SD-Branch technology. With the AOS 10 clustering, you can run over-lay network for Data Centre and large campus all managed from central.

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What is Multi-Cloud Networking (MCN)?

This video unpacks multi-cloud networking (MCN), one of hottest enterprise IT topics by defining MCN, providing reasons why MCN is so relevant for enterprise digital transformations and highlights the challenges of implementing MCN.

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HPE Aruba Networking User Experience Insight for Hospitality

The network has become the heart of the guest experience, the hospitality industry is finding it difficult to draw a line where their network meets the guests. Learn how HPE Aruba Networking UXI is helping the hospitality industry to ensure that guests are getting a seamless digital experience.

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Incident detection: User Experience Insight

A view into how Aruba User Experience Insight with AI-powered Incident Detection identifies client and application specific issues in real-time. And cuts down on alert fatigue.

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Case Study

The View Hospital

The View Hospital debuts at the top end of the global healthcare industry.

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Wi-Fi 7 reference guide

Get essential information on Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be) including channel information, data rates, multi-link operations, and enterprise benefits.

On Demand

Top 6 Networking Predictions for 2023

What changes will this year bring for your network? Be ready for what comes next.

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On Demand

Federal CTO Tech Talk: Spin up Private LTE/5G Networks with Celona CBRS

Aruba recently announced a strategic partnership with Celona to bring CBRS private LTE/5G networks to the enterprise.

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On Demand

Aruba Central and the Magic of AIOps

Join us for Aruba Central and the Magic of AIOps as Aruba experts share how built in AI helps with Day 0 to Day N management tasks and frees you up to do the impossible.

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On Demand

Get Rid of Shadow-IT & RF Network Blindness: RF Geofence Policy Enforcement

Billions of everyday consumer and enterprise devices use radio to communicate. It is important for security professionals to understand where these devices are and create a geofence boundary to limit where they are allow to go or not allow to be. In high-security, you can set up an automated enforcement when your client device crosses the RF geofence boundary and gets a restricted access policy.

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On Demand

The American Rescue Plan Act for K-12: What’s in it for I.T.?

On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was signed into law, contributing to nearly $200 billion in Coronavirus Relief Funding to support K-12 education systems. This funding spans across multiple programs, so it is important to understand how much funding is allocated to your institution, how to receive it and what it can be used for.

Join us as speakers Dan Rivera – Aruba K-12 & E-rate Manager, and Peter Kaplan – Aruba E-rate National Channel Manager review where we are today, provide solutions that can help your organization, and enable safe, secure and reliable connectivity on- and off- campus.

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On Demand

HPE U.S. Public Sector Technology Virtual Summit- Aruba Data Center Networking

The world is shifting from traditional data centers to “centers of data”. Enterprise data centers are being augmented by distributed and virtualized data centers, extending out toward where data is processed at an increasing number of edge data centers.

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On Demand

Top 3 Must-Haves for a Cloud-Managed Network

By 2022, 50% of new network deployments will be managed via cloud-based platforms, as IT seeks to improve operational agility and deliver new services faster. What else is driving this shift to the cloud, and how can you prepare your network?

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On Demand

Protecting Your Business from Cyberattacks

Leverage top security practices to protect your business.
Cybersecurity is making headlines, but it’s not always large, multinational corporations in the news.

Join us on June 21st at 10:00 am PDT/ 1:00 pm EDT for our deep dive for business owners and IT teams that will map out a plan of defense powered by network solutions.

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On Demand

3 Ways to Reduce Costs with Cloud-based Networking

By 2022, 50% of new network deployments will be managed via cloud-based platforms, as IT seeks to improve operational agility and deliver new services faster. What else is driving this shift to the cloud, and how can you prepare your network?

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On Demand

Making sense of HEERF I & HEERF II: Emergency relief funds for Higher Education

CARES and CRRSAA legislation provided relief funds that help colleges and universities prepare for the next phase of the pandemic. More help is on the way.

Join us as Kevin Kawabata from the University of Hawaii system explains how he made the most of HEERF I & HEERF II.

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On Demand

Reduce Help Desk Tickets with Improved Network Performance

The primary goal for IT is to deliver high performance connectivity and application performance to all users and guests on the network. But how can you consistently maintain the level of service and accessibility needed to keep users happy with a limited amount of manual intervention by your IT team?

Join us as we discuss how to effortlessly guarantee high performance of your network and applications services and reduce help desk tickets.

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On Demand

Webcast: Connect what matters most Network as a Service: State of the Market

Abbiamo collaborato con IDC per porre le domande sul NaaS più interessanti. Ascolta Brandon Butler, analista di settore di IDC, che parla dei risultati di una recente indagine e scoprire quali sono le opinioni dei clienti sull’implementazione del NaaS.

On Demand

No-Compromise SASE: Automating Aruba EdgeConnect Integrations with SSE

To accelerate digital transformation, work-from-anywhere enterprises require the most modern and secure network possible, allowing them to deliver optimal business outcomes. Infrastructure, operations, and security leaders who make SD-WAN deployment decisions face more confusing options than ever before. Watch the webinar where we’ll explore what questions to ask when choosing a best-of-breed SD-WAN and SSE solution.

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On Demand

Secure your Healthcare Network with Confidence

Hear from three key industry experts in healthcare, security, and network operations.

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On Demand

Best Practices to Prevent Cyber Threats in K12 Schools from the FBI’s Perspective

Discover how the FBI addresses the cyber threats in schools, the cyber threat landscape and provide prevention and mitigation techniques to keep your students, faculty, and staff safe. Learn how Aruba Edge-to-Cloud Security solutions will give you full visibility, control, and enforcement with a built-in foundation for Zero Trust and SASE frameworks.

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On Demand

Modernizing the Hotel Network: from Edge to Cloud

In this session, we will dive deeper into how Aruba cloud-managed solutions can provide a single end-to-end view of the hotel network across single or multiple properties.

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On Demand

Accelerate your move to SASE with Aruba SD-WAN and Zscaler SSE

Join speakers from Aruba and Zscaler on October 13th at 10:00 am PT/ 1:00 pm ET to learn how enterprise organizations have transformed their WAN and security architecture to accelerate business performance.

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On Demand

Ditch the buzzwords: What scale and connectivity mean for your SMB

Join our webinar to learn how you can use Aruba’s network portfolio to build Wi-Fi performance that grows effortlessly with your business.

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On Demand

L’AIOps e un’offerta per la rete autonoma

Migliorare l’efficienza operativa è uno degli obiettivi principali delle iniziative di trasformazione digitale. Tuttavia, per la natura distribuita dell’IT, la realizzazione di questo obiettivo diventa più problematica. Ed è chiaro che questa problematica continuerà con l’emergere dei nuovi IoT, cloud e tecnologie di sicurezza. Dalla ricerca di ESG emerge che il 54% dei responsabili IT e del personale accede a reti estremamente più complesse rispetto a due anni fa. L’AIOps può essere di aiuto.

On Demand

Designing Hyper-Aware Healthcare Facilities with Aruba ESP and IoT Partners

Hospitals, labs, and clinics need to control costs, boost labor productivity, enhance infection management, and improve staff and patient experiences. AI-powered Aruba ESP offers connectivity, security, and SD-WAN solutions that provide the foundation to achieve these goals: real-time awareness about site activity, location of human and physical assets, inventory, and machine status.

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On Demand

Top benefits of Wi-Fi 6/6E for Healthcare

Aruba’s High-performance Wi-Fi 6 technology is designed to support hundreds of healthcare devices at the same time without impacting Wi-Fi quality. Patients and staff can seamlessly roam a facility, with consistently great performance.

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On Demand

Best Practices to Address Mental Health and School Safety Concerns

Mental Health and Violence Prevention Initiatives are top of mind for parents, educators, students, and community members alike. The White House is calling for a major transformation of our mental health system and is investing heavily in activities that support this agenda.

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On Demand

K-12 Networks for student success

Join us as speaker Dan Rivera, K-12 & E-rate manager at Aruba, breaks down all program changes and how you can best leverage funding to optimize your network to keep students and faculty connected.

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On Demand

Deliver the best end user experience on your network

Traditional network monitoring systems can see how your network is performing from the inside. But they can’t see how end-users are experiencing mission-critical business applications—which are often in the cloud—and can be affected by various factors. Aruba UXI solves this problem by being a real user on your network and using those applications and services.

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On Demand

Modernize your agency’s network with FedRAMP Authorized Aruba Central

Is your IT team struggling to keep up with your agency’s demands? It’s time to simplify, optimize and manage your network with Aruba Central, our FedRAMP Authorized cloud-native dashboard. With this crucial authorization, civilian and military operations can finally recognize the cloud benefits of greater efficiency, accessibility, and rapid innovation with a cloud-managed network.

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On Demand

E-rate FY2023: What’s new, what’s not?

Join speaker Dan Rivera, K-12 & E-rate manager at Aruba, as he breaks down all program and Eligible Services List (ESL) changes and how you can best leverage funding to optimize your network to keep students, staff and faculty connected.

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On Demand

Secure Mobility with Multi-Zone

Aruba’s networking solutions provide a more secure Wi-Fi environment that is different from any other vendor in the market today. This webinar details the implementation and key security advantages of Aruba’s centralized architecture, along a new feature called MultiZone, to demonstrate how you provide unparalleled security by separating different classifications of data into unique controller domains.

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On Demand

CTO Tech Talk: Say Goodbye to the Stone Age of Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi 6E)

On April 23, the United States FCC voted unanimously to open the 6 GHz band for use by Wi-Fi and other unlicensed broadband radio systems. This new Order – which adds an additional 1,200 MHz for Wi-Fi – is the single most consequential FCC decision in at least a generation and in some ways eclipses the original 1997 decision opening the 5 GHz U-NII bands. Chuck will review the scope of the decision, the concurrent Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, and preview likely developments in this band in 2021 and beyond.

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On Demand

CTO Tech Talk: Network Security Essentials

Our customers often want to know if our networking solutions are “secure.” What does it mean to be secure, and how do we achieve it? The pillars of network security include encryption (protecting confidentiality), authentication (ensuring the right people have access), and integrity (ensuring data hasn’t been tampered with). Join Dan Harkins and Jon Green to learn about these topics that are sure to make you a hit at your next cocktail party.

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On Demand

Extending the 5G experience with Wi-Fi 6

In this session, we’ll explore the intersection of Wi-Fi and cellular networks to learn how Wi-Fi 6 and 5G offer complementary paths to satisfy demanding new networking requirements. We’ll examine the commercial forces driving mobile operators to develop 5G networks, the technological building blocks at their disposal, and the comparative advantages and constraints of Wi-Fi 6 and the 5G New Radio in relation to specific use cases. Participants will learn how technology decisions made today will shape future commercial relationships between locally-managed, private networks and global service providers, take away a framework for understanding the implications of 5G for private networking needs, and evaluate the prospects for enterprise Wi-Fi to become an on-ramp to 5G networks and services.

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On Demand

The Home SCIF: Teleworking in High Security Environments

OK, we admit it – an actual SCIF at home is probably a pretty rare thing. But what about access to SBU or SECRET level systems from home? During the pandemic, a number of US Government organizations have been exploring this idea as a way to keep their people safe while still achieving their missions. Join Aruba experts Jon Green and Ken Rich for a discussion around policies, technologies, and architectures that make teleworking a possibility for workers in high-security environments. We’ll cover Commercial Solutions for Classified along with specific Aruba solutions designed for remote working, and we’ll leave plenty of time for your questions.

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On Demand

Federal IT: Use WAN Optimization to Boost User Experience

Modernizing the wide-area network is a priority for many federal IT leaders. But ensuring that staff have consistently fast, reliable access to data and applications from anywhere is more challenging than ever.

Join Chris DeHoust, Senior Director, Systems Engineering, Americas SD WAN for Aruba & Barry Kroneberger, Systems Engineering Director for Aruba Federal, on Wednesday June 29th for a discussion about how WAN optimization can help with these challenges. With Aruba Boost, our WAN optimization solution, federal IT organizations can:

  • Improve the user experience
  • Complete backups and replications fast
  • Use WAN bandwidth more efficiently

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Schede tecniche

Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN Solution Data Sheet (Service Provider)

In-depth product features, functionality, benefits, and specifications for service providers.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Cloud-Managed Networking with HPE Aruba Networking Central

Read how organizations can deploy, optimize and protect their branch, campus and remote and data center networks from a single pane of glass.


HPE Aruba Networking Central NetConductor use cases

HPE Aruba Networking Central NetConductor comprises of network configuration and security services to address the challenges with adoption of Zero Trust and SASE security from edge to cloud at global scale. Discover how HPE Aruba Networking Central NetConductor can help you automate and accelerate the deployment, operations, and security of your network.

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Schede tecniche

ClearPass Policy Manager Data Sheet

A platform that provides role- and device-based network access control for any user across any wired, wireless and VPN infrastructure.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 600R Series Remote Access Points Ordering Guide

This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories, and other components for the 600R Series.

Guide agli ordini

HPE Aruba Networking 500R Series Remote Access Points Ordering Guide

This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories, and other components for the 500R Series.

Case Study


LendingTree spurs financial innovations by empowering employees with a transformative, cloud-first workplace

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On Demand

Aruba Airheads TechTalk | Update: AOS-10 Microbranch

Most WLAN campus deployments typically have some remote branch site. AOS 10.x currently supports deploying a single AP as a Microbranch AP in such remote sites such as home offices, small branch offices, retail locations, and so on. AOS 10.x enables APs in these remote sites to be configured and managed by the Aruba cloud platform also known as Aruba Central.

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Doane University develops future leaders by providing intimate, hyper-connected academic experience

A center of educational innovation for over 150 years, Doane University is continuing to provide leading-edge academic and life experiences by infusing next-generation learning opportunities with digital, immersive, AI, and IoT technologies supported by high-performance, secure wired and wireless infrastructure.

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Kent State University takes strategic approach to delivering exceptional academic experiences

By modernizing its network infrastructure to deliver high-performance, secure and reliable connectivity, the institution provides exceptional experiences in classrooms, laboratories, innovation centers and residence halls.

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Torrance Memorial Medical Center Elevates Patient Care with Networking upgrades

Affiliated with Cedars-Sinai, Torrance Memorial Medical Center includes an extensive integrated system of physicians and comprehensive medical services to provide coordinated communication and continuum of care. Technology is embedded into the fabric of the organization as a key component of delivering quality patient care.

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Grove City College boosts digital-first education by advancing institutional agility

Academic technology access and innovation have long played critical roles in Grove City College’s commitment to developing leaders who advance the common good. To infuse its leading-edge learning models with digital, immersive, and IoT technologies, the institution is using AI-powered networking infrastructure delivered via HPE GreenLake for Networking.

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On Demand

HPE Aruba Networking Central, incontra ArubaOS 10

Risolvi le problematiche di rete con HPE Aruba Networking Central e AOS 10. Partecipa insieme a noi al webinar per scoprire cosa succede quando introduci l’AOS 10 nella tua rete gestita dal cloud.


Why Manufacturing Organizations Choose HPE Aruba Networking

Learn how HPE Aruba Networking is helping manufacturing companies improve return on asset, minimize indirect and direct costs, and increase shareholder value with networking solutions that provide better, faster, less expensive, and high-performing services.

Case Study

Pilatus Aircraft

Pilatus streamlines global production with strengthened global network built on HPE Aruba Networking.

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Infografica 2023 di IDC sulla situazione del mercato NaaS

L’infografica 2023 di IDC sulla situazione del mercato NaaS fornisce una panoramica generale dei principali driver e vantaggi del NaaS rilevati con un’indagine condotta da IDC tra i responsabili IT in 11 Paesi.


Documento di sintesi 2023 di IDC sulla situazione del mercato NaaS

Il documento di sintesi 2023 di IDC sulla situazione del mercato NaaS fornisce una visione dettagliata di un report in base a un’indagine di IDC sul NaaS tra i responsabili IT in 11 paesi.


HPE Aruba Networking CX Campus Core Switches At-A-Glance

At-A-Glance brochure that highlights the advantages of CX campus core switches and how they deliver critical high availability, exceptional scalable performance, and robust end-to-end security.

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The Economic Benefits of Cloud-managed networking with Aruba Central

Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) conducted an Economic Validation study to quantify how much a business can save by leveraging Aruba Central for cloud-managed networking. This infographic captures a summary of the key findings. View the full report

Schede tecniche

Enterprise Aruba Orchestrator-as-a-Service Data Sheet

Secure, cloud-hosted, Software-as-a-Service subscription that enables enterprises to centrally assign business intent policies to applications and manage and monitor their Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN.

Schede tecniche

USB LTE Modem Data Sheet

The HPE Aruba Networking USB LTE Modem makes it easy to add high speed primary or backup WAN uplinks with plug and play support for HPE Aruba Networking Access Points and Gateways. Explore the comprehensive list of features, specifications, and ordering information.

Case Study

Altorfer Cat

Altorfer Cat supplies the equipment that powers billions of dollars in human and economic benefits.

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Guide agli ordini

370 Series Outdoor Access Point Ordering Guide

View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 370 AP.


HPE Aruba Networking in K12

This series of brief videos explains how Aruba ESP can connect and protect k12 students and staff and showcases grants and funding opportunities.

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Colmare il gap di sicurezza IT: La situazione della sicurezza Zero Trust e SASE

Hewlett Packard Enterprise ha recentemente collaborato con il Ponemon Institute a un’indagine che analizza le minacce - e le possibili soluzioni - nel panorama della sicurezza IT. Dai un’occhiata all’infografica che mette in luce i risultati dell’indagine di Ponemon e scopri come confrontarti.


Aruba CX 6100 Series Why Upgrade At-A-Glance

This at-a-glance explains the benefits of upgrading to the Aruba CX 6100 access layer switch series and includes a key feature comparison with Aruba 2530 and 2540 Switch Series.

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Aruba CX 6000 Series Why Upgrade At-A-Glance

This at-a-glance explains the benefits of upgrading to the Aruba CX 6000 access layer switch series and includes a key feature comparison with Aruba 2530 Switch Series.

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On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: Aruba AOS 10 & SD-Branch [DUTCH]

In het webinar van maart hebben we jullie al een algemene update gegeven over AOS 10. In dit webinar gaan we dieper in op de veranderingen voor SD-Branch.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Modern Campus Networking Delivered Your Way

Prepare for the unexpected with a single point of visibility and control for your edge-to-cloud campus network. With a versatile range of high performance and secure connectivity options, provide enhanced user experience and protection for your enterprise.

On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: IoT för Aruba [SWEDISH]

IoT för Aruba – Genomgång av IoT funktionaliteten inom Aruba.

On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: Switch managering i Aruba Central [SWEDISH]

Vi går igenom hur Aruba Central hjälpa er att automatisera, effektivisera och standardisera hantering och konfiguration av Arubas switchar.

On Demand

Airheads TechTalk: AOS 10 [SWEDISH]

AOS 10 – Nästa generation av operativsystem för våra accesspunkter och gateways erbjuder möjlighet att hantera allt från små hemmakontor till stora campusnät i ett och samma verktyg.

On Demand

Airheads TechTalk: Aruba EdgeConnect [SWEDISH]

Aruba EdgeConnect och bl.a. prata om aktuella och kommande funktioner samt hur vi hjälper kunder att hantera de nya kraven som ställs på dagens WAN lösningar.

On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk Kampus tukiasemasta AOS10 tukiasemaksi [FINNISH]

Demo siitä kuinka Kampus tukiaseman saa päivitettyä AOS10 tukiasemaksi ja mitä höytyjä se tuo langattomaan verkkoympäristöön

On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk - Aruba Microbranch [FINNISH]

Uusi katsaus Aruban MicroBranch ratkaisuun.

On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: AOS10 [Finnish]

Katsaus uuteen AOS 10 käyttöjärjestelmään

On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: Aruba ja automaatio [FINNISH]

Aruba ja automaatio - automaattinen Aruba. Katsaus automaatiotyökaluihin Aruba Central kulma edellä.

On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: Katsaus uuteen Central 2.5.5 versioon [FINNISH]

Katsaus uuteen Central 2.5.5 versioon - Esimerkiksi mitä siirtyminen Greenlake alustalle tarkoittaa ja miten otetaan AOS 10 käyttöön

On Demand


Maaliskuun webinaarissa otetaan katsaus tietoturva-asioihin. WIDS, WIPS, IDS, IPS – mitä nämä tarkoittavat ja miten niitä käytetään?

On Demand

Rethinking the Network: It Starts with the Network: Powering Hybrid Work

The way we work has undergone a monumental change. Nearly two years on, Covid-19 is still creating challenges, with businesses struggling to navigate how to define and implement a secure, agile and productive hybrid workplace that can cope with emerging Covid variants and changing work from home mandates. As the meaning of the workplace continues to be redefined, there are two ways in which organizations can get ahead. One is by understanding that things likely won’t go back to the way they were, and that the ‘new normal’ - a hybrid workplace - is here to stay. The other is grasping that it’s the network that can make or break a business’s success in the Covid-era, and that it should be at the very heart of hybrid work strategies. In episode one of Aruba’s ‘Rethinking the Network’ series, Eve-Marie Lanza, Senior Solutions Marketing Manager, Aruba ESP & Hybrid Workplace, IoT at Aruba and Bob Laliberte, Principal Analyst at ESG are sharing essential insights into how organizations can place a redefined network at the center of their strategies. From exploring how the network has been redefined, to diving into how organizations can use the new network to thrive despite uncertainty, join Eve-Marie and Bob to hear: - How the nature of the network has changed and what defines a hybrid workplace in 2022 - How to make sure that hybrid workplaces are ensuring that on-campus network experiences match remote experiences, with employees able to access the same resources in the same way wherever they are - Ways in which the reimagined office will increasingly rely on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, IoT sensors and other capabilities - How IT leaders can drive operational efficiency by making the most of cloud-based network management platforms that utilize AI-powered insights, workflow automation, and robust security - The importance of unified management of wired and wireless environments - And more"

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On Demand

CTO Tech Talk: The Edge is the Pivot Point for WAN and Security Transformation

Join Aruba’s Chief Product and Technology Officer David Hughes, and Conrad Menezes from the office of the CTO, for a webinar titled The Edge is the pivot point for WAN and security transformation. In this CTO tech talk, you’ll learn: • How COVID-19 and today’s “work from anywhere” normal is accelerating cloud adoption and digital transformation towards a modern, cloud-native, internet-based SASE architecture • How customers can maximize the value of cloud and digital transformation investments with a new WAN edge • How the Silver Peak and Aruba ESP (Edge Services Platform) integration makes it possible to centrally-assign and enforce consistent application and security policies from edge-to-cloud

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On Demand

Aruba edge-to-cloud security

An increased attack surface from more mobile and IoT devices. A more complex security landscape. A shifting work-from-anywhere normal. Today, every networking discussion touches on security—and every security conversation touches on networking. This convergence presents both challenges and opportunities. The webinar Aruba edge-to-cloud security featuring Derek Granath, senior director of SD-WAN product and technical marketing, explores: • better security with a Zero Trust and SASE framework • greater operational simplicity from a unified approach spanning wireless and wired connectivity, SD-WAN, 5g, and IoT • improved application performance—benefitting not just users but IT as well

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On Demand

The Winning Formula for SaaS Optimization

"There’s a better way to do SaaS optimization than using application acceleration platforms alone. Join us for a 30-minute webinar to understand how consolidating your existing platforms – such as Riverbed and Citrix – with market-leading SD-WAN architecture can benefit your business. You’ll see a better application experience and more agility, automation and security for your business. In the webinar, we’ll cover: 1. Improving SaaS/IaaS performance - Discover new ways to optimize and accelerate performance for your most critical business applications. 2. VoIP – Learn how to run high quality VoIP and video over any underlay for increased agility and performance. 3. Optimized cloud on-ramp – See how to extend and automate your fabric into the multi-cloud to increase agility and control costs. 4. SASE - Learn how to construct a world-class security framework with Zero Trust Network Access, dynamic segmentation, and the ability to seamlessly integrate any cloud security service."

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Drive Your Business into the Future with Aruba CX

Ready to trade in your legacy network? See what’s under the hood of the Aruba CX Switching Portfolio and gain the performance, agility, and efficiency to excel in the digital economy.

On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: Aruba AOS-CX 10.10 Update [DUTCH]

In dit webinar geven we meer inzicht in de nieuwe features en verbeteringen in de nieuwe AOS-CX versie 10.10

On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: Aruba EdgeConnect - Secure SD-WAN [DUTCH]

Bouw met SD-WAN een meerlaagse beveiligings infrastructuur. SD-WAN maakt het mogelijk snel meerdere netwerk beveiligingsniveaus te implementeren en beheren.

On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: Aruba Central 2.5.5 update [DUTCH]

Met de 2.5.5 upgrade wordt Aruba Central ondergebracht op het HPE Greenlake Cloud Platform. In dit webinar geven we uitleg over de nieuwe mogelijkheden en uiteraard staan we stil bij alle wijzigingen die deze verhuizing met zich meebrengen.

On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: Aruba AOS 10 update [DUTCH]

De afgelopen paar jaar is achter de schermen hard gewerkt aan de volgende versie van het wireless Aruba Operating System, ook wel bekend als AOS10. In dit webinar geven we uitleg over de verschillen tussen voorgaande versies en uiteraard staan we stil bij een aantal nieuwe features zoals MicroBranch.

On Demand

Airheads TechTalk: Bæredygtighed og cirkulær IT - Aruba Certificeringer [DANISH]

Aruba har fået nye certificerings tracks og hvordan er Arubas tilgang til bæredygtighed og Cirkulær IT?

On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: WiFi6 og OpenLocate [DANISH]

Hvad betyder WiFi6 for dine enheder og hvorfor er OpenLocate så cool?


Agile NaaS - For what comes next

Gain the agility you need to deliver innovative business outcomes so you're ready for what comes next.

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On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: Aruba uddannelser [DANISH]

På denne Brighttalks vil vi gennemgå Arubas certificerings muligheder, herunder vores fast track til jer med en Cisco certificering. Vi vil også gennemgå en række af vores gratis uddannelses muligheder.


Le sei dimensioni di Agile NaaS

Scopri quali sono i 6 principali criteri decisionali da valutare per la scelta di una soluzione NaaS.


Guida pratica a Agile NaaS

Scopri come collaborare con i team IT per sviluppare una strategia NaaS a prova di futuro basata sui tuoi obiettivi di business.


La guida al Network as a Service per gli operatori

Scopri in che modo i leader e i team tecnici possono collaborare per implementare una soluzione NaaS che consente di realizzare risultati di business.


AOS 10 in sintesi

AOS 10 è il nostro software del sistema operativo distribuito per gli Access Point (AP) WLAN di Aruba e gateway (opzionali) che consente ai clienti di gestire piccoli uffici, filiali di medie dimensioni e grandi architetture campus da un unico singolo punto di gestione. Scopri le funzionalità e i vantaggi di AOS 10 in questa panoramica.


Your path to an adaptive, modern network

In our highly distributed world—where employees work from anywhere, where we demand always on, always secure connectivity—a flexible, modern network is the foundation. One that connects your business to what matters most and evolves as times change.

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On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: Aruba Portfolio Update [DUTCH]

In de afgelopen maanden zijn weer diverse nieuwe producten geïntroduceerde en toegevoegd aan het portfolio. In dit webinar praten we jullie weer helemaal bij.

On Demand

Driving Business Outcomes with Use Cases

An increased attack surface from more mobile and IoT devices. A more complex security landscape. A shifting work-from-anywhere normal. Today, every networking discussion touches on security—and every security conversation touches on networking. This convergence presents both challenges and opportunities. The webinar Aruba edge-to-cloud security featuring Derek Granath, senior director of SD-WAN product and technical marketing, explores: • better security with a Zero Trust and SASE framework • greater operational simplicity from a unified approach spanning wireless and wired connectivity, SD-WAN, 5g, and IoT • improved application performance—benefitting not just users but IT as well

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On Demand

Airheads Tech Talk: Aruba Microbranch [FINNISH]

AOS 10 on jo (viimeinkin) lähes nurkan takana. Katsotaan miten sdwan ratkaisu toteutetaan Aruba microbranchillä. Jos aikaa jää niin ehditään myös tutustumaan muihin AOS 10 omonaisuuksiin.

On Demand

5G & IoT - The Role of Next-Gen Wireless WAN Edge on Digital Transformation

The rapid advancement in wireless WAN technologies and the wide-scale adoption of IoT devices will have a significant impact on Digital Transformation – but what does this mean for you? How can SD-WAN help address these opportunities and challenges?

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Aruba Fabric Composer: Secure workloads with vSphere TAG and Aruba Fabric Composer

Learn how with Aruba Fabric Composer’s integration with VMware vSphere provides the ability to quickly scale the task of securing workloads by simply associating them with vSphere TAGs – directly in vSphere.

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Aruba Fabric Composer: Create microsegmentation with Aruba Fabric Composer

Learn how Aruba Fabric Composer abstracts away the complexity of setting up security within the data center by simplifying and automating the microsegmentation process with an easy to use, point-and-click user interface.

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Key Campus Networking Use Cases

Supporting a variety of use cases across campuses both large and small, Aruba campus solutions provide a single point of visibility and control for your edge-to-cloud campus network. With a versatile range of high performance and secure connectivity options, explore how customers have deployed their next-generation solution with Aruba.

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Why Retailers Choose Aruba

Learn directly from Aruba retail customers on how Aruba is helping them improve customer experiences and outcomes with IT solutions that provide better, faster, less expensive, and high-performing services.


Why Healthcare Organizations Choose Aruba

Learn directly from Aruba healthcare organizations on how Aruba is helping improve patient and staff experiences while improving operational outcomes. Aruba solutions provide better, faster, less expensive, and high-performing services.


Why K12 Organizations Choose Aruba

Learn directly from Aruba K12 education organizations on how Aruba is helping improve student and staff experiences while improving operational outcomes. Aruba solutions provide better, faster, less expensive, and high-performing services.


Inizia con ArubaOS 10: Implementazioni IAP gestite da Aruba Central

Per i clienti che utilizzano già Aruba Central per gestire le implementazioni di Instant AP, l’upgrade del firmware AP ad ArubaOS 10 (AOS 10) offre una rete di livello campus senza paragoni per le reti AP. Sei pronto a sfruttare tutti i vantaggi di Aruba Central con AOS 10? Inizia subito con questa guida pratica.


Implementazione di architetture SASE e zero trust basate sull'identità

Leggi questo eBook per scoprire come utilizzare il controllo accesso di rete basato su identità e criteri per proteggere la tua organizzazione.

Partner Solution Overview

Securitas Healthcare Partner Solution Overview

Securitas Healthcare’s enterprise-grade Real-Time Location System (RTLS) platform, running over Aruba’s wireless infrastructure, provides pinpoint location services that enables better patient and staff safety, asset utilization, and medication monitoring. Real-Time Visibility and Protection solutions included Asset Management, Environmental Monitoring, Hugs® Infant Protection, Staff Protection, People Visibility and more.


The economic benefits of cloud-managed networking with HPE Aruba Networking Central

Read ESG’s qualitative and quantitative findings, which revealed that organizations using Aruba Central can provide faster time to value and improved business agility while reducing operational complexity, administrative overhead, and risk to the organization. ESG's models predict that Aruba Central can lower the cost of administration by up to 67% at a TCO that is roughly 40% lower than using traditional or legacy network management solutions.


Architecting a secure business-driven SD-WAN

Learn how a secure SD-WAN deployment can better safeguard today’s dynamic, cloud-first enterprises. Get an extensive overview of the set of security capabilities incorporated in the HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN platform.


Beyond connectivity

Discover how well leaders understand the enterprise network and its impact, and how that affects their ability to deliver business outcomes.


Sustainability with HPE GreenLake for Networking

Learn how HPE Aruba Networking and our partners are working to reduce emissions generated by network operations and how HPE GreenLake for Networking can help.

Schede tecniche

Aruba 503 Series Access Points Data Sheet

This data sheet provides an overview of the 503 Series Access Points, which are affordable Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) APs for low-to-medium-density indoor environments.


FedRAMP reform measures enacted into law

The FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is now signed legislation that will reform the FEDRAMP cybersecurity authorization program for cloud vendors. FEDRAMP-authorized tools can now be used in any federal agency without additional oversight or verification.

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Case Study

Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH)

Secure, mobile learning environment powers next generation of Swiss teaching talent.

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Tendenze dei risparmi sui costi della Wi-Fi per il 2023

Le pressioni macroeconomiche e politiche affrontano un 2023 tumultuoso. Dai un'occhiata all'infografica e scopri le principali tendenze per il Wi-Fi a prova di recessione e per una maggiore efficienza operativa.


WPA3 and Enhanced Open White Paper

What is WPA3 and Enhanced Open, and how can they secure the enterprise? As successors to WPA2 and traditional open networks, learn how these new standards provide enhanced capabilities to support the next generation of secure mobility.

Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Modernizing Mobility in Federal

Selecting mobile communication technologies used to be simpler: Use wireless LANs to connect laptops, phones, and other devices in offices and campuses and use cellular to connect devices over long distances. But as wireless LAN and cellular technology evolved to meet the requirements of a digital-first world, U.S. federal IT leaders gained a slew of new choices: Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 6E, and 5G.

Schede tecniche

HPE Aruba Networking 518 Series Access Points Data Sheet

This data sheet provides detailed information on the features, capabilities, and specifications of the 518 Series Access Point for indoor deployments.

Schede tecniche

Aruba 370 Series High-Performance 802.11ac Wave 2 Access Points Data Sheet

Weatherproof and temperature hardened, Aruba 370 series access points deliver 802.11ac Wave 2 Gigabit Wi-Fi to outdoor and environmentally challenging locations.

Schede tecniche

Aruba 370EX Series Hazardous Location APs Data Sheet

High performance Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac Wave 2) for hazardous locations and harsh outdoor environments.

Schede tecniche

360 Series Outdoor Access Points Data Sheet

Low-cost 802.11ac Wave 2 AP for outdoor enterprise environments.

Schede tecniche

Aruba 340 Series High Performance 802.11ac Wave 2 Campus Access Points Data Sheet

Designed with an integrated, 802.3bz compliant, HPE SmartRate multi-gig Ethernet port to eliminate wired bottlenecks, these APs offer unmatched wireless performance and capacity. The unique and flexible dual-5 GHz architecture of the 340 series offers a way to double 5 GHz capacity where needed, without compromise or restrictions.

Schede tecniche

Aruba 318 Series 802.11ac Wave 2 Access Points Data Sheet

The hardened Aruba 318 series access point delivers gigabit Wi-Fi performance to 802.11ac mobile devices in harsh, weather-protected environments such as warehouses, industrial freezers or enclosures in extreme environments such as stadiums.

Schede tecniche

AP-303H Access Point Data Sheet

The multi-functional Wave 2 303H access point delivers best-in class Wi-Fi connectivity for hospitality and branch offices, enabling an always-on user experience with low TCO.


Airheads Community Stats-at-a-Glance

Aruba’s Airheads Community is a vibrant interactive community and a place to share and learn about wireless and wired LANs, network security, mobile devices, applications, software-defined networking (SDN), network management, and mobile engagement.

Documentazione tecnica

AI Assist: Dynamic Logs and Packet Capture

Automated troubleshooting via Aruba Centrals Log and PCAP collection with streaming data visibility dashboard views.

Case Study

Alabama ONE

Credit union supports rapid growth, digitalizes member services, and generates revenue with Aruba ESP.

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Schede tecniche

EdgeConnect 10104 Spec Sheet

In-depth product specifications for EdgeConnect 10104.

Schede tecniche

EdgeConnect US Spec Sheet

In-depth product specifications for EdgeConnect US.

Case Study

Enloe Medical Center

Regional healthcare institution mobilizes, secures, and digitalizes 1M sq ft, while saving 1,800 IT hours, with Aruba ESP.

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Case Study

Crédit Agricole Normandie

Simple and sustainable meeting room management to free up 20% more workspace.

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Building your managed network-as-a-service (NaaS) practice with Aruba

This video highlights how the Aruba Edge Services Platform enables MSPs to build and deliver a competitive, differentiated portfolio of managed networking services that meet customer needs.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

Aruba CX 10000 Guardicore Solution Overview

Data Center networking fabric and security integration with the Aruba CX 10000 and Guardicore.


Role-based segmentation with a secure SD-WAN

Learn how a secure SD-WAN can segment the traffic based on role and identity to enforce fine-grained segmentation across the LAN and WAN and implement a zero trust network approach.

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Automate Best-of-Breed SASE Deployments with Integrated Orchestration

SASE is the combination of advanced WAN edge functions, unified and deployed at the branch, married with a rich set of cloud-delivered security services. Most enterprises prefer best-of-breed WAN technology and best-of-breed cloud-delivered security, without compromising either. According to the results of a recent Ponemon Institute security best practices survey, of more than 1800 networking and security IT professionals, more than 70% of respondents favored multi-vendor integrations that simplify deployment and ongoing operations without compromising networking or security capabilities. But how can we make a multi-vendor solution easy to deploy and easy to update? To implement cloud-delivered security and deliver the best cloud app performance, you must configure secure IPsec tunnels between branch locations and cloud security enforcement points. And it’s imperative that you configure enforcement points to be as close to the branch location as possible to minimize delay which in turn results in the best application performance. With integrated orchestration that automates a best-of-breed multi-vendor SASE architecture, IT and the enterprise realizes the best in operational efficiency without compromising either the networking component or the cloud security component of a SASE architecture.

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Aruba EdgeConnect Unified SD-WAN Fabric

In today's organizations, employees connect from anywhere and access applications that reside in the cloud or in the data center. Network administrators must provide an always-on connectivity and a superior user experience while overcoming security risks. Watch how Aruba EdgeConnect provides a unified SD-WAN fabric that connects users and devices accessing the network from different locations, such as the corporate network, retail stores and home office to meet various business needs in an automated, secure and agile way.

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Five Predictions for the Future of Retail

Aruba worked with global trends agency Foresight Factory to uncover five ways in which the retail experience is set to change, and the network implications this will bring.

Documentazione tecnica

Using Aruba IDevID

Aruba Initial Device Identity (IDevID) PKI and Control Plane Security for Aruba infrastructure explained.


Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) for Wi-Fi 6E in Action

Aruba and our AFC system partner, Federated Wireless, performed the world’s first end-to-end demonstration of 6 GHz Standard Power in Saudi Arabia in August. In this video, we show how this joint solution coordinates spectrum access and protects incumbents in the 6 GHz band while enabling Aruba Wi-Fi 6E APs to operate outdoors, at higher powers, and with connectorized antennas. We review the interactions between Federated Wireless’s AFC, Aruba Central, and the Aruba AP-655s . Although Wi-Fi 6E Low Power Indoors (LPI) is already delivering tremendous value, AFC and Standard Power (SP) will complete the full range of Enterprise Wi-Fi use cases in 6 GHz.

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Wi-Fi 6E Demo: The Art of the Possible

Enterprises and large public venues are rapidly adopting #Wi-Fi6E to unlock the new unlicensed spectrum in the #6GHz band. However, without the full 1200 MHz of spectrum it may not be feasible to use 80/160 MHz channels and achieve multi-gigabit speeds to support today’s demanding environments and future growth. This demo shows what is truly possible with the full 1200 MHz of new channels in the 6 GHz band.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

La sostenibilità di Aruba attraverso HPEFS

Il riciclo e il riutilizzo della tecnologia non fanno bene solo all’ambiente, ma anche al budget. Scopri come i Servizi di asset-upcycling di HPE possono aumentare al massimo il valore degli asset al termine della loro vita utile e consentirti di recuperare i fondi per altri progetti di innovazione.


In quale modo il NaaS promuove la sostenibilità ambientale? (Parte 6)

Nella parte 6 della serie “Cos’è il NaaS?”, Alan Ni, Sr. Director Edge Marketing di Aruba, spiega in quale modo il NaaS e lo smaltimento degli asset IT (ITAD) possono aiutare la tua azienda a raggiungere gli obiettivi di sostenibilità.


Best-of-breed SASE with Aruba and Netskope

With more sensitive data now in the cloud and users connecting from anywhere, the traditional network architecture that places the data center at the center of the universe is no longer relevant to enforce security. Watch how Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN tightly integrates with Netskope to build a best-of-breed SASE architecture combining advanced SD-WAN features with industry-leading SSE capabilities such as SWG, CASB and ZTNA.

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Multi-Cloud Networking with Aruba SD-WAN

Organizations setting up multi-cloud network environments face traffic visibility issues, inconsistent policies and disparate services across clouds. Watch how Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN can be seamlessly deployed in cloud platforms such as AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud through different deployment options to streamline multi-cloud network operations.

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Aruba EdgeConnect Powering Large SD-WAN Deployments

A business impact study of large-scale businesses using Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN edge platform, featuring customer examples.

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Panoramiche delle soluzioni

The Role of AIOps for Network as a Service

An analysts (Moor Insights) perspective on the role and benefits that AI can play by customers when choosing a NaaS management provider.


Una rete a prova di recessione: Modernizzare un’architettura campus in 5 fasi

Le aziende di oggi sopravvivono all’incertezza socioeconomica e geopolitica e ora ci sono segnali che il mondo potrebbe avviarsi verso la recessione. Leggi l’eBook 5 fasi per un’architettura campus a prova di recessione.

Case Study

Ronal Group

Alloy wheel maker accelerates its production agility from the strength and security of its global network.

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Aruba Global Services - AI for today’s strained IT workforce

An overview of how Aruba Global Services is using artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) in Aruba Central to help customers solve network and user experience issues.

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A New Network Consumption Model for K-12

This infographic explains how K-12 institutions can keep pace with changing conditions with a resilient, secure, and flexible network.


Gateway Use Cases At a Glance

Explore five common challenges where HPE Aruba Networking gateways can be deployed to better meet today’s connectivity requirements.

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Partner Solution Overview

Lambent PSO

Lambent is a Boston-based software company that helps large venues, corporate campuses, and universities understand how people utilize their spaces so they can make better use of spaces. Aruba and Lambent have partnered to provide for seamless integration of location and other contextual data from Aruba Wi-Fi infrastructure with Lambent's analytics platform.


Streamline PCI Compliance with the Aruba CX 10000 Distributed Services Switch

Streamline PCI Compliance with the Aruba CX 10000 Distributed Services Switch.


Aruba’s self-locating indoor access points

Introducing the industry’s first self-locating indoor APs with built-in GPS receivers and Open Locate, a proposed new industry standard for sharing location information from an AP to a device. Find out why this is important for IT and LOB by watching the interview with Stuart Strickland, HPE Fellow from the Office of the CTO.

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A New Network Consumption Model for Retail

This infographic explains how retail organizations can keep pace with changing conditions with a resilient, secure, and flexible network.

Case Study

Really Awesome Gaming Expo (rAge)

Aruba LAN delivers low-latency, always-on networking to the biggest Bring Your Own Computer gaming marathon in SA.

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Case Study

Polimeks Holding

Aruba Delivers Gold Standard Wi-Fi Connectivity for Ashgabat Olympic Complex in Turkmenistan.

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Case Study

Vesting Finance

Aruba Smart Workplace prepares finance specialist for business transformation.

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Case Study

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Information Technology Services Office

PolyU is the first university in Hong Kong to deliver a full 802.11ac all-wireless network for #GenMobile.

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Case Study

Yas Mall, Abu Dhabi

Yas Mall Enhances Retail Experience for Shoppers with Mall-Wide Public Wi-Fi Based on Aruba Wireless Technologies

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Case Study

Ledyard Public Schools – Ledyard, Connecticut

Aruba Gigabit Wi-Fi + wired network solution modernizes Ledyard School District, benefits from expanded E-Rate funding

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Case Study

Gruppo Campeggi Vacanze di Charme

Gruppo Campeggi Vacanze di Charme sceglie Aruba per offrire un servizio Wi-Fi di alto livello.

Case Study

Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Unimore si affida ad Aruba per incrementare la disponibilità e l’efficienza dei servizi Wi-Fi.

Case Study

Lepida S.c.p.A.

L'architettura Aruba assicura copertura Wi-Fi gratis e performante per oltre 36.000 spettatori allo stadio Dall'Ara.


Perché i partner dovrebbero vendere la Rete as-a-service (NaaS)

Questo breve video mostra come il mercato della rete stia cambiando e in quale modo Aruba Agile NaaS e il nostro programma Partner Ready Vantage as-a-service sono in grado di aiutare i partner a proporre questa soluzione in base ai risultati che i clienti richiedono.


Monitor End User Digital Experience with Aruba UXI

Aruba UXI is your trusted remote technician that is deployed onsite and monitors end-user digital experience on the network and proactively alerts the IT team for any network and application-related issues, along with root cause analysis.

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Case Study

Açı Okulları

Açı Okulları, eğitimde mükemmeliyete odaklanarak ağ altyapısı için Aruba Yönetilen Hizmetleri kullanıyor.

Case Study

Açı Schools

Turkish private school embraces network managed service to enable focus on educational excellence.

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Case Study

LendingTree enjoys secure connectivity anywhere with Aruba ClearPass

Aruba ClearPass provides secure network access control so the LendingTree IT team can enjoy granular control combined with automated enforcement, while delivering seamless Wi-Fi connectivity anywhere.

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Case Study

LendingTree accelerates branch office network builds with Aruba Central

By orchestrating operations from the Aruba Central cloud-native dashboard, the LendingTree IT operations team can install new branch office networks remotely and quickly.

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Case Study

Simple. Fast. Secure. LendingTree enjoys seamless Wi-Fi delivery with Aruba.

From workstation to patio to library, LendingTree associates enjoy always-on connectivity anywhere — thanks to Aruba Wi-Fi.

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Case Study

LendingTree’s IT Team enjoys peace of mind with Aruba AIOps

Aruba AI-powered network infrastructure delivers automated troubleshooting and insights — and offers LendingTree’s IT team a level of comfort in their ability to deliver superior and seamless network performance.

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Case Study

LendingTree Provides Seamless and Secure Connectivity in New Iconic Space with Aruba ESP

Associates, customers and guests benefit from Aruba’s intelligent network managed by Central with AIOps to boost productivity.

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Partner Solution Overview

Tellus Partner Solution Overview

An overview of the partnership between Aruba and Tellus supporting remote monitoring solutions for long-term care.


WLAN and Wi-Fi Explained

Find out more about Wireless LAN (#WLAN) and Wi-Fi including what the difference between the two is (spoiler: there isn’t one), what Wi-Fi really stands for, the impact on networks from growth in IoT and client devices, and what to look for in terms of #wifi hardware and software to help you deploy modern networks in a scalable way.

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Aruba 1-2-3: What is the future of Wi-Fi?

Augmented reality, interactive gaming in higher education, new ways of telepresence with hybrid work – all these are impacting Wi-Fi and placing greater demands on the network. After nearly 20 years of being limited to the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands, Wi-Fi 6E introduces the 6 GHz band which gives us access to much more bandwidth to support a wide range of applications and devices.

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What is AOS 10?

AOS 10 is Aruba’s new operating system that is designed for scalable cloud-managed environments. As a single, unified operating system, it can span small deployments of a single AP to large campus deployments of thousands of APs for greater agility and efficiency. Learn more about the new capabilities of ArubaOS (AOS) and what you can do with the data using AIOps at https://www.arubanetworks.com/resource/aos-10-at-a-glance/.

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EMEA Atmosphere 2016 Innovation Keynote: The Digital Workplace

Partha Narasimhan and the product management team from Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, share insights and live demonstrations on managing, monitoring and improving user experience to ensure a digital ready network.

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Partner Solution Overview

AmberBox Partner Solution Overview

This partner solution overview describes the integration of AmberBox gunshot detection sensors with Aruba wireless access points.

Case Study


Global travel leader adopts standard network templates as-a service to accelerate digital transformation.

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Case Study

Fuji Corporation

Fuji optimizes performance and reliability for AWS workloads with Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN.

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Case Study