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6 GHz reference guide

Everything you need to know at a glance about the 6 GHz band, including regulatory adoption, channel information, minimizing interference, and automated frequency coordination (AFC). Critical for Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) and Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be) planning.


VPN e ZTNA: la checklist

Con l’aumento utenti mobili e cloud le VPN, un tempo ponte digitale per l’accesso da remoto alle risorse aziendali, sono obsolete. Consulta questa infografica e controlla se la VPN soddisfa tutti i tuoi requisiti per sicurezza, flessibilità, e gestione.


Getting started on private 5G for federal

HPE is extending its leadership in enterprise connectivity with unique capabilities for private networking across both 5G and Wi-Fi to support applications from edge to cloud.


Compliance checklist NIS2 per la protezione della rete

La tua rete è pronta per i nuovi requisiti di compliance NIS2? Scopri come HPE Aruba Networking può aiutarti con una rete basata sull’AI security first.


Simplify network configuration and security orchestration with automation

HPE Aruba Networking Central NetConductor automates enterprise network deployment, ongoing network configuration, and security operations from the cloud, and provides quantifiable business benefits.


5 modi in cui i responsabili di rete sfruttano il SASE per la trasformazione in un’architettura cloud-first

5 modi in cui i responsabili di rete usano il SASE per modernizzare l’architettura: consolidamento, risparmi sui costi, accelerazione delle iniziative di trasformazione digitale, scalabilità dei servizi a livello globale e aumento dell’affidabilità.


Next Generation Aruba Certification Program Infographic

A new vision for Aruba Certification supports the IT professionals delivering the next generation of networking solutions—from campus and data center to edge-to-cloud environments.


Wi-Fi 7 reference guide

Get essential information on Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be) including channel information, data rates, multi-link operations, and enterprise benefits.


Why Manufacturing Organizations Choose HPE Aruba Networking

Learn how HPE Aruba Networking is helping manufacturing companies improve return on asset, minimize indirect and direct costs, and increase shareholder value with networking solutions that provide better, faster, less expensive, and high-performing services.


Infografica 2023 di IDC sulla situazione del mercato NaaS

L’infografica 2023 di IDC sulla situazione del mercato NaaS fornisce una panoramica generale dei principali driver e vantaggi del NaaS rilevati con un’indagine condotta da IDC tra i responsabili IT in 11 Paesi.


The Economic Benefits of Cloud-managed networking with Aruba Central

Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) conducted an Economic Validation study to quantify how much a business can save by leveraging Aruba Central for cloud-managed networking. This infographic captures a summary of the key findings. View the full report


Colmare il gap di sicurezza IT: La situazione della sicurezza Zero Trust e SASE

Hewlett Packard Enterprise ha recentemente collaborato con il Ponemon Institute a un’indagine che analizza le minacce - e le possibili soluzioni - nel panorama della sicurezza IT. Dai un’occhiata all’infografica che mette in luce i risultati dell’indagine di Ponemon e scopri come confrontarti.


Drive Your Business into the Future with Aruba CX

Ready to trade in your legacy network? See what’s under the hood of the Aruba CX Switching Portfolio and gain the performance, agility, and efficiency to excel in the digital economy.


Why Retailers Choose Aruba

Learn directly from Aruba retail customers on how Aruba is helping them improve customer experiences and outcomes with IT solutions that provide better, faster, less expensive, and high-performing services.


Why Healthcare Organizations Choose Aruba

Learn directly from Aruba healthcare organizations on how Aruba is helping improve patient and staff experiences while improving operational outcomes. Aruba solutions provide better, faster, less expensive, and high-performing services.


Why K12 Organizations Choose Aruba

Learn directly from Aruba K12 education organizations on how Aruba is helping improve student and staff experiences while improving operational outcomes. Aruba solutions provide better, faster, less expensive, and high-performing services.


Beyond connectivity

Discover how well leaders understand the enterprise network and its impact, and how that affects their ability to deliver business outcomes.


Tendenze dei risparmi sui costi della Wi-Fi per il 2023

Le pressioni macroeconomiche e politiche affrontano un 2023 tumultuoso. Dai un'occhiata all'infografica e scopri le principali tendenze per il Wi-Fi a prova di recessione e per una maggiore efficienza operativa.


Airheads Community Stats-at-a-Glance

Aruba’s Airheads Community is a vibrant interactive community and a place to share and learn about wireless and wired LANs, network security, mobile devices, applications, software-defined networking (SDN), network management, and mobile engagement.


Five Predictions for the Future of Retail

Aruba worked with global trends agency Foresight Factory to uncover five ways in which the retail experience is set to change, and the network implications this will bring.


Modernizzare la rete per ridurre l’impatto ambientale

L’infografica sulla sostenibilità illustra le caratteristiche e i casi d’uso del portafoglio Aruba che aiutano i clienti a ridurre le emissioni di anidride carbonica.


A New Network Consumption Model for K-12

This infographic explains how K-12 institutions can keep pace with changing conditions with a resilient, secure, and flexible network.


A New Network Consumption Model for Retail

This infographic explains how retail organizations can keep pace with changing conditions with a resilient, secure, and flexible network.


Lo stato delle architetture Zero Trust, SD-WAN e SASE

Il Ponemon Institute ha intervistato 1.826 professionisti IT a livello globale per capire lo stato delle architetture SD-WAN, SASE e sicurezza Zero Trust. I risultati potrebbero sorprenderti.


Progetta un edge sicuro

Il lavoro da remoto sta accelerando la migrazione nel cloud e i requisiti di sicurezza della rete devono cambiare di conseguenza. "Presentazione del modello Zero Trust Edge per la sicurezza e i servizi di rete" di Forrester mostra come agire.


La tua rete Wi-Fi è in grado di supportare gli odierni requisiti dei luoghi di lavoro?

Is the Wi-Fi faster at home than in-office? Then it might be time for a network refresh. Read this short checklist to see if your business is ready for modern workplace demands.


The ROI of Cloud-managed Networking with Aruba Central

Discover the ROI and business outcomes customers are experiencing with Aruba Central, a cloud-native networking solution that simplifies network operations and reduces costs.


2022 IDC NaaS Global Survey Infographic

Il 2022 IDC NaaS Global Survey Infographic illustra gli elementi e i vantaggi principali di NaaS attraverso un sondaggio condotto tra oltre 1.000 leader nel settore del networking di 11 paesi.


Perché gli operatori del settore alberghiero scelgono Aruba

Scopri di più sulle soluzioni Aruba per il settore alberghiero e su come iniziare.


Higher Education is Going Mobile-first

Mobility enabled learning and Wi-Fi powered environments can elevate success for the always connected student. As the campus community evolves, so must mobility solutions.


Federal IT: Support Mission Objectives with a Modern, Cloud-First SD-WAN from Aruba

Learn why Aruba's SD-WAN solution for Federal helps the government with their evolving networks needs and challenges.


Modernizzare Subito La Tua Rete

La modernizzazione della rete è fondamentale per la trasformazione digitale. Le reti di oggi non sono pronte ad affrontare il futuro. Scopri come agire ora.


L’interesse per il NaaS è in aumento in tutta Europa

Scopri cosa abbiamo appreso sulla richiesta di modelli di rete più agili e adattabili quando abbiamo intervistato 5.400 leader IT.


Transform to ESP with Aruba Global Services

Discover the services Aruba offers that will help you transform your environment to Aruba Edge Services Platform (ESP) quickly and without disruption.


La trasformazione digitale ha accelerato. La tua rete ti sta trattenendo?

Scopri perché hai bisogno di una rete unificata che si estenda cablata, wireless e WAN, tra filiali, campus, lavoratori remoti e sedi di data center.


Why State and Local Government Chose Aruba

Learn directly from Aruba state and local government organizations on how Aruba is helping improve citizen, staff and visitor experiences while improving operational outcomes. Aruba solutions provide better, faster, less expensive, and high-performing services.


Why Higher Education Chooses Aruba

Learn directly from Aruba higher education organizations on how Aruba is helping improve student and staff experiences and outcomes. Aruba solutions provide better, faster, less expensive, and high-performing services.


How Aruba User Experience Insight can help you deliver a great user experience

The cost of not monitoring end users experience on your network is very high, learn how HPE Aruba Networking User Experience Insight is helping businesses across verticals to reduce this cost and making their network future ready.


AIOps: Transforming Network Operations

Infographic highlights the top things that IT teams are looking for in an AIOps solution during the buying cycle.


Wi-Fi 6 vs Wi-Fi 6E

Compare Wi-Fi 6 to Wi-Fi 6E to better understand which is right for your enterprise to meet today's needs and future business requirements.


Improve Branch Operations by up to 68% with SD-Branch

See how cloud-managed networking can help modernize your branch, optimize resources and improve the overall experience in this infographic.


IDC Report: The Retail Sector Adopts NaaS

As retailers around the globe look to embrace digital transformation initiatives, they’re increasingly realizing the importance of their enterprise network as a critical enabler of digital-native initiatives.


The post-pandemic workplace: How IT is responding

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on employees and how businesses are planning for the future—from changing investment decisions to companies adopting different consumption models. This infographic shows the highlights from The Edge Survey research.


NaaS from Aruba Infographic

An infographic on the cost for keeping the status quo on your network.


3 tendenze tecnologiche del 2020

Siamo nel 2020. È probabile che l’IT debba muoversi in un milione di direzioni diverse. Analizza queste tendenze tecnologiche per scoprire dove focalizzare la tua attenzione.


Are You Ready to Weather the IoT Storm?

Today’s networks need to adapt to meet the demands of exponentially more devices, data, and traffic. Is your network prepared for the imminent IoT storm?


Switching di nuova generazione da Aruba

Scopri come il portafoglio di prodotti di switching CX di Aruba trasforma le connessioni in rete dall'edge al core con un design moderno e cloud-native basato su un'architettura flessibile, con intelligenza, programmabilità e automazione integrate.


Policy Enforcement Firewall

This infographic for the Policy Enforcement Firewall (PEF) provides an overview on its security and visibility capabilities. PEF has also been designated by Marsh as effective in reducing risk in the Cyber Catalyst program.


Aruba Dynamic Segmentation

This Dynamic Segmentation Infographic provides information on how network architects and engineers can simplify configuration and provide consistent policy enforcement to improve overall network operations.


Aruba SMB Switching Gifographic

Learn how mobility and IoT are changing your network needs, and why your wired network is critical to Wi-Fi performance.


What’s threatening IT security and what are people doing about it?

The Ponemon Institute surveyed 3,500+ IT security leaders and practitioners and here’s a glimpse at what they found.


Modernizing School Networks

Create an uninterrupted 1:1 learning environment that prioritizes learning apps and online testing for the #GenMobile student.


Context-Aware mobile marketing

Keep guests engaged with context-aware mobile marketing.


Shattering Wi-Fi Records at Levi's Stadium

Our stadium Wi-Fi smashed all sorts of records at Levi’s Stadium’s biggest game.


6 Mobile-First Ways to Keep Shoppers in Your Stores

Mobile phones have a powerful role in the in-store shopping experience.


Moving your business at the speed of mobile

Your network is evolving from an IT resource to a strategic business enabler – and needs to run with optimal speed and performance.


Aruba IntroSpect: User and Entity Behavior Analytics

This infographic depicts the five forensic steps to remediating a threat attack using Machine Learning and User and Entity Behavior Analytics.


Aruba ClearPass Risk Assessment

Identifying what’s on your network is a never-ending challenge. Not only do you need to prevent malicious users from gaining access, you have to protect against unauthorized devices and applications. How strong are your defenses?


Unlocking the Potentials of the Digital Workplace

Digital Revolutionaries are winning by using more technology at work, and laying a foundation for how the workplace of tomorrow will look.


L’IoT sta trasformando il nostro modo di vivere nelle città intelligenti

Sembra che l’IoT stia rendendo più intelligenti tutti gli oggetti, dai sistemi di sicurezza fino all’illuminazione stradale e alle auto che guidiamo. Scopri cosa dicono i leader delle pubbliche amministrazioni circa le opportunità e le minacce correlate alle città intelligenti con l’IoT.


L’IoT guida il settore 4.0.

Entro il 2019, il 92% delle organizzazioni di settore avrà adottato la tecnologia IoT, e il 77% ritiene che trasformerà la produzione. Ma come viene utilizzato l’IoT oggi e quali sono le sfide principali relative alla sua adozione? Per scoprirlo, guarda l’infografica.


L’IoT sta unendo l'esperienza retail fisica con quella digitale

Anche se più della metà dei rivenditori intervistati ha notato un ritorno fino al 40% sugli investimenti IoT, la paura è quella che la rete e i dati sui clienti si trovino esposti a violazioni correlate all’IoT. Per saperne di più, guarda l’infografica.


L’IoT sta accelerando il passaggio all’ambiente di lavoro smart

L’IoT offre opportunità illimitata, come sale conferenze intelligenti, maggiore produttività nell’ambiente di lavoro e un utilizzo efficiente delle risorse, ma pone anche rischi ed espande potenzialmente le superfici di attacco della rete. Scopri cosa dicono i leader aziendali dello stato dell’IoT.


L’IoT nel settore sanitario migliora la cura del paziente il ROI dei fornitori

I partecipanti appartenenti al settore sanitario notano un ROI superiore al 40% con le iniziative IoT e un aumento esponenziale dei dispositivi IoT: nei prossimi due anni ci si aspetta la connessione di monitor pazienti, generatori di corrente, lettori e macchinari per imaging e raggi X. La difficoltà starà nell’incorporare questo influsso di dispositivi IoT con le infrastrutture di rete esistenti. Guarda tutte le cifre.


La tua rete è pronta per l'ondata di trasformazione del business?

Scopri come la tecnologia mobile ed il cloud consentono alle medie imprese di competere a tutti i livelli. Cavalca l'onda con una rete semplice che non sacrifica le prestazioni, la sicurezza e l'affidabilità di classe business.