
Los eventos de Aruba, tanto en línea como presenciales, acercan a la comunidad del área de redes para conectarse, colaborar y aprender de los expertos para ayudarte en tu experiencia edge-to-cloud.


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HPE Aruba Networking Day: Columbus, OH

Lower.com Field
Peak Performance
Evento virtual

Peak Performance: APJ

Aruba is offering a series of free half-day online workshops, featuring an interactive guided lab experience and deep dive into the Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN platform.
18/10/2024 | 7hr
11:00 PST
Evento presencial


San Antonio, TX
Evento presencial

HPE Aruba Networking Day: Carson, CA

Dignity Health Sports Park
Evento presencial

HPE Aruba Networking Day: Frisco, TX

Omni PGA Frisco Resort
Peak Performance
Evento virtual

Peak Performance: United Kingdom & Ireland

Aruba is offering a series of free half-day online workshops, featuring an interactive guided lab experience and deep dive into the Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN platform.
24/10/2024 | 5.5hr
09:30 GMT
Evento presencial

HPE Aruba Networking Day: Philadelphia, PA

Independence Seaport Museum
Evento presencial

HPE Aruba Networking Day: Toronto, ON

Arcadian Court & Loft
Evento presencial

HPE Aruba Networking Day: Boston, MA

Encore Boston Harbor​
Evento presencial

HPE Aruba Networking Day: Scottsdale, AZ

Talking Stick Resort
Evento presencial

HPE Aruba Networking Day: Atlanta, GA

Georgia Aquarium
Chase Center
Evento presencial

HPE Aruba Networking Day: Hollywood, FL

Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
Evento presencial

HPE Aruba Networking Day: Houston, TX

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Headquarters
Evento presencial

HPE Aruba Networking Day: Denver, CO

Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum
Seminarios web
Evento virtual & A demanda

La verdad sobre VPN: cómo mitigar los riesgos en la era del trabajo remoto

Conoce los riesgos de las VPN y cómo evitarlos. En esta sesión virtual, los expertos de seguridad explican con más detalle los desafíos de las VPN.
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Webinar 2 HPE Aruba Networking Unified SASE

Te invitamos a descubrir los beneficios de SASE Unificado, desde conectar tus oficinas de forma segura, mejorando el desempeño hasta entregarle a tus usuarios híbridos una política de seguridad unificada y consistente para acceso a aplicaciones privadas, SaaS o navegación segura hacia internet donde quiera que estén.
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Considerations and benefits of single-vendor SASE

Explore what’s driving rapid customer adoption of single-vendor SASE and how you can begin your journey to SASE by joining HPE Aruba Networking SASE experts and Dell’Oro Group’s lead enterprise networking and security analyst for an informative and lively webinar.
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Seminario web: Aumenta la agilidad, seguridad y eficiencia empresarial con automatización de red

Para gestionar con éxito las aplicaciones más recientes en centros de datos modernos y entornos de campus empresariales rediseñados, las redes necesitan mejor soporte para la agilidad del negocio.

Al liberar todas las capacidades de una gestión de red basada en la nube con IA y automatización, las empresas pueden obtener la agilidad que necesitan para eliminar procesos manuales lentos y acelerar la obtención de beneficios. ¿Cómo?

Con HPE Aruba Networking Central y conmutadores HPE Aruba Networking CX, las empresas pueden responder a las necesidades de sus entornos de aplicaciones modernas.

Descubre cómo impulsar agilidad y eficiencia con automatización de red en centros de datos empresariales y entornos de campus. Únete a Bob Laliberte, analista del Enterprise Strategy Group y a Conrad Menezes, CTO FSI & Retail de HPE Aruba Networking en el debate:

  • La importancia de tener la gestión basada en la nube correcta impulsada por IA
  • Los principales desafíos y beneficios de la automatización de red
  • La simplicidad de los conmutadores HPE Aruba Networking CX con HPE Aruba Networking Central para aumentar la agilidad, la seguridad y la eficiencia operativa
  • Investigación adicional relacionada con ESG
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Las principales predicciones sobre redes y seguridad para 2024

Tras los cambios drásticos sufridos en los últimos años, 2023 representó una “nueva normalidad”, caracterizada por el movimiento de regreso a la oficina, la adopción temprana de la inteligencia artificial, el lanzamiento de la red 5G, la inflación a nivel mundial y la aceleración de la transformación digital.

¿Qué nos espera en 2024? Únete a David Hughes, director de productos y tecnología en HPE Aruba Networking, quien compartirá las principales tendencias en redes y seguridad para el nuevo año, para brindar soporte a tus clientes y acelerar la transformación de tu red.

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3 Steps to Jump Start your SASE Journey

Are you ready to discover how the Secure Access to Services architecture in the SASE cloud is transforming enterprise security and connectivity? Learn 3 ways to start your transformation to SASE.
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Redes Zero-Trust – ¿nebulosa o realidad?

La seguridad Zero Trust garantiza que los mismos controles que se apliquen a las redes de campus y sucursales se extiendan también al hogar o al trabajador remoto.
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SD-WAN 2.0 – No todas las SD-WAN son iguales, ¿Quieres saber por qué?

Descubre el portafolio de extremo seguro y SD-WAN Aruba EdgeConnect.
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Debunking NaaS Myths

Network as a service, or NaaS, is gaining momentum as IT organizations seek greater flexibility and agility in addressing cost, staffing, and technology needs. However, an increase in both customer adoption of NaaS and the number of vendors offering NaaS solutions has given rise to several “myths,” which incorrectly characterize key aspects of this emerging consumption model for networking. Join IDC, HPE Aruba Networking, and Vince DiStasi, VP of Information Technology and CIO of Grove City College, as we debunk some of the more popular NaaS myths related to key topics such as NaaS vs. leasing, NaaS third-party management and the importance of the underlying hardware in a NaaS offering.
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Accelerating success | Business Webinars | Datacenters de siguiente generación con HPE Aruba CX

¡Experimenta de primera mano como uno de nuestros clientes ha resuelto desafíos con los nuevos Servicios distribuidos para Datacenters de siguiente generación!
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Accelerating success | Business Webinars | 3 Caminos para comenzar tu transformación hacia SASE

¿Estás listo para descubrir como la arquitectura de Acceso Seguro a Servicios en la nube SASE esta transformando la seguridad y conectividad empresarial?
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Explore the world of cybersecurity funding – Webinar

With increased cyber threats and attacks, organizations must protect their networks and users. As they work to establish cybersecurity measures that include Zero Trust Security strategies, the need for funding to support such efforts is ever important.
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Accelerating success | Business Webinars | Beneficios de Aruba Fabric Composer

¿Tienes problemas con el aprovisionamiento manual y aislado de TI o con el aumento de modelos operativos en tu infraestructura? Aruba Fabric Composer llegó para ayudarte
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Redes con IA para una experiencia de operación de TI mejorada: más inteligencia, menos trabajo 

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de la IA? En este webcast, conoce cómo CarMax y Doane University usan redes con IA para aumentar la eficiencia.
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Webinar: Enfoque unificado de SASE

Descubra por qué necesita SASE unificada y qué obtendrá de nuestro webinar que presenta la nueva solución integrada HPE Aruba Networking.
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Enabling and Supporting Modernized Financial Services

Aruba ESP offers the solutions needed to drive digital transformation and fully comply with regulatory, security and safety requirements. In addition, it adapts to business needs that are growing every day.
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HPE Aruba Networking TAC

Esperamos que la información presentada haya sido de gran valor y utilidad para ti.
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Enabling and Supporting Modernized Healthcare

We invite you to this important conversation about the contribution of networking technology in the healthcare vertical and learnabout all HPE Aruba Networking solutions to support the transformation of your business.
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Accelerating Success | Business Webinars | Soluciones de Red para Sector Público

¿Tu red está lista para innovación en el borde? Crea experiencias increíbles para la industria de gobierno y el personal desde el borde hasta la nube con una red que es segura, ágil y autónoma.
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Amplía tus conocimientos en Hotelería  

¿Tu red está lista para la hotelería en el borde? Crea experiencias increíbles para los huéspedes y el personal desde el borde hasta la nube con una red que es segura, ágil y autónoma.
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Accelerating success | Business Webinars | Soluciones de red para Servicios Financieros

Aruba ESP ofrece las soluciones necesarias para llevar adelante la transformación digital y cumplir completamente con los requisitos normativos, de protección y de seguridad. Además, se adapta a las necesidades comerciales que crecen día a día.
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HPE Aruba Networking Central, conoce ArubaOS 10

Resuelve tus desafíos de red con HPE Aruba Networking Central y AOS 10. Únete a nuestro seminario web y descubre qué ocurre cuando introduces AOS 10 en tu red gestionada en la nube.
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Soluciones de Redes para la Salud

Crea una experiencia moderna y personalizada para el cuidado de la salud de todos: pacientes, proveedores y administradores.
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Aruba Airheads TechTalk | Update: AOS-10 Introduction

AOS 10 is the distributed operating system for Aruba’s Access Points (AP), Gateways (GW), and SD-Branch technology. With the introduction of AOS 10, you can have a remote worker, branch, Data Center and large campus all managed from a single pane of glass.
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Conecta lo más importante, la red como servicio: Webcast sobre el estado del mercado

Nos hemos asociado con IDC para hacer las preguntas importantes de NaaS. Únete a nosotros para escuchar al analista de la industria de IDC, Brandon Butler, hablar sobre los hallazgos de nuestra última encuesta y descubrir lo que los clientes tienen que decir sobre su implementación de NaaS.
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Soluciones de Red para Minoristas

Te invitamos a esta importante conversación sobre la contribución de la tecnología en Retail y conoce todos los avances que las soluciones de redes traen para apoyar la transformación de tu negocio.
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Soluciones de Red para la Educación

Conoce todos los avances que las soluciones de redes traen para apoyar la transformación de tu negocio.
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Soluciones de Red para Manufactura

Te invitamos a esta importante conversación sobre la contribución de la tecnología en Manufactura y conoce todos los avances que las soluciones de redes traen para apoyar la transformación de tu negocio.
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Connect & Protect – Cómo abordar brechas de ciberseguridad desde el borde hasta la nube

Únete al seminario web el 22 de marzo de 2023 a las 9:30 AM PST | 12:30 PM EST | 4:30 PM GMT para conocer más sobre este y otros temas del informe lanzado por el Ponemon Institute, Cómo cerrar la brecha de seguridad de TI.
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Modernizing the Hotel Network: from Edge to Cloud

In this session, we will dive deeper into how Aruba cloud-managed solutions can provide a single end-to-end view of the hotel network across single or multiple properties.
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Modernize your agency’s network with FedRAMP Authorized Aruba Central

Is your IT team struggling to keep up with your agency’s demands? It’s time to simplify, optimize and manage your network with Aruba Central, our FedRAMP Authorized cloud-native dashboard. With this crucial authorization, civilian and military operations can finally recognize the cloud benefits of greater efficiency, accessibility, and rapid innovation with a cloud-managed network.
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La seguridad no es un pasatiempo, es tu comprensión de la realidad

La movilidad, el IoT y el trabajo híbrido hacen que la seguridad de redes sea todo un desafío. Entérate de lo que se conecta a tu red, sin importar la ubicación. Acompáñanos y aprende como puedes adaptar una seguridad holística y aprovechar todos sus beneficios.
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E-rate FY2023: What’s new, what’s not?

Join speaker Dan Rivera, K-12 & E-rate manager at Aruba, as he breaks down all program and Eligible Services List (ESL) changes and how you can best leverage funding to optimize your network to keep students, staff and faculty connected.
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Si hay conexión, lo hay todo, aprendiendo a convertir los retos en oportunidades

Conoce las soluciones que te permiten obtener el máximo beneficio de lo invertido en la nube a través de mejoras económicas, un mayor control y mejor rendimiento.
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Conectarse a lo que más importa es conocer tu negocio

Aprende cómo implementar una red de área extensa autosuficiente para empresas con prioridad en la nube.
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Designing Hyper-Aware Healthcare Facilities with Aruba ESP and IoT Partners

Hospitals, labs, and clinics need to control costs, boost labor productivity, enhance infection management, and improve staff and patient experiences. AI-powered Aruba ESP offers connectivity, security, and SD-WAN solutions that provide the foundation to achieve these goals: real-time awareness about site activity, location of human and physical assets, inventory, and machine status.
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Ditch the buzzwords: What scale and connectivity mean for your SMB

Join our webinar to learn how you can use Aruba’s network portfolio to build Wi-Fi performance that grows effortlessly with your business.
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Todo lo que no sabías sobre Datacenter

El cambio hacia los centros de datos distribuidos implica desafíos. ¿Quieres saber más sobre los datos curiosos y la evolución de los Datacenter en América Latina? Te invitamos a conocer cómo a través de la tecnología los usuarios han podido transformar los retos en oportunidades permitiendo a sus negocios adoptar modelos operativos resilientes, flexibles y eficientes.
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Accelerate your move to SASE with Aruba SD-WAN and Zscaler SSE

Join speakers from Aruba and Zscaler on October 13th at 10:00 am PT/ 1:00 pm ET to learn how enterprise organizations have transformed their WAN and security architecture to accelerate business performance.
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La conexión es el poder de crecer tu negocio, principalmente para pequeñas y medianas empresas

¿Cuáles son los desafíos que enfrenta la red de una Pyme en crecimiento? Conéctate el próximo 12 de octubre y conoce todas las respuestas de la mano de expertos en tecnología.
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Best Practices to Prevent Cyber Threats in K12 Schools from the FBI’s Perspective

Discover how the FBI addresses the cyber threats in schools, the cyber threat landscape and provide prevention and mitigation techniques to keep your students, faculty, and staff safe. Learn how Aruba Edge-to-Cloud Security solutions will give you full visibility, control, and enforcement with a built-in foundation for Zero Trust and SASE frameworks.
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Deliver the best end user experience on your network

Traditional network monitoring systems can see how your network is performing from the inside. But they can’t see how end-users are experiencing mission-critical business applications—which are often in the cloud—and can be affected by various factors. Aruba UXI solves this problem by being a real user on your network and using those applications and services.
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No-Compromise SASE: Automating Aruba EdgeConnect Integrations with SSE

To accelerate digital transformation, work-from-anywhere enterprises require the most modern and secure network possible, allowing them to deliver optimal business outcomes. Infrastructure, operations, and security leaders who make SD-WAN deployment decisions face more confusing options than ever before. Watch the webinar where we’ll explore what questions to ask when choosing a best-of-breed SD-WAN and SSE solution.
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Best Practices to Address Mental Health and School Safety Concerns

Mental Health and Violence Prevention Initiatives are top of mind for parents, educators, students, and community members alike. The White House is calling for a major transformation of our mental health system and is investing heavily in activities that support this agenda.
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For Federal agencies, the future of networking is flexible. The future is NaaS.

Join Hannes Terlinde, Sales Leader Americas NaaS & John Wilson, NaaS Global Services Go-To-Market & Sales at Aruba for a discussion about GreenLake for Networking.
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K-12 Networks for student success

Join us as speaker Dan Rivera, K-12 & E-rate manager at Aruba, breaks down all program changes and how you can best leverage funding to optimize your network to keep students and faculty connected.
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Secure your Healthcare Network with Confidence

Hear from three key industry experts in healthcare, security, and network operations.
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The Home SCIF: Teleworking in High Security Environments

OK, we admit it – an actual SCIF at home is probably a pretty rare thing. But what about access to SBU or SECRET level systems from home? During the pandemic, a number of US Government organizations have been exploring this idea as a way to keep their people safe while still achieving their missions. Join Aruba experts Jon Green and Ken Rich for a discussion around policies, technologies, and architectures that make teleworking a possibility for workers in high-security environments. We’ll cover Commercial Solutions for Classified along with specific Aruba solutions designed for remote working, and we’ll leave plenty of time for your questions.
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Extending the 5G experience with Wi-Fi 6

In this session, we’ll explore the intersection of Wi-Fi and cellular networks to learn how Wi-Fi 6 and 5G offer complementary paths to satisfy demanding new networking requirements. We’ll examine the commercial forces driving mobile operators to develop 5G networks, the technological building blocks at their disposal, and the comparative advantages and constraints of Wi-Fi 6 and the 5G New Radio in relation to specific use cases. Participants will learn how technology decisions made today will shape future commercial relationships between locally-managed, private networks and global service providers, take away a framework for understanding the implications of 5G for private networking needs, and evaluate the prospects for enterprise Wi-Fi to become an on-ramp to 5G networks and services.
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CTO Tech Talk: Network Security Essentials

Our customers often want to know if our networking solutions are “secure.” What does it mean to be secure, and how do we achieve it? The pillars of network security include encryption (protecting confidentiality), authentication (ensuring the right people have access), and integrity (ensuring data hasn’t been tampered with). Join Dan Harkins and Jon Green to learn about these topics that are sure to make you a hit at your next cocktail party.
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CTO Tech Talk: Say Goodbye to the Stone Age of Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi 6E)

On April 23, the United States FCC voted unanimously to open the 6 GHz band for use by Wi-Fi and other unlicensed broadband radio systems. This new Order – which adds an additional 1,200 MHz for Wi-Fi – is the single most consequential FCC decision in at least a generation and in some ways eclipses the original 1997 decision opening the 5 GHz U-NII bands. Chuck will review the scope of the decision, the concurrent Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, and preview likely developments in this band in 2021 and beyond.
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Secure Mobility with Multi-Zone

Aruba’s networking solutions provide a more secure Wi-Fi environment that is different from any other vendor in the market today. This webinar details the implementation and key security advantages of Aruba’s centralized architecture, along a new feature called MultiZone, to demonstrate how you provide unparalleled security by separating different classifications of data into unique controller domains.
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Federal IT: Use WAN Optimization to Boost User Experience

Modernizing the wide-area network is a priority for many federal IT leaders. But ensuring that staff have consistently fast, reliable access to data and applications from anywhere is more challenging than ever.

Join Chris DeHoust, Senior Director, Systems Engineering, Americas SD WAN for Aruba & Barry Kroneberger, Systems Engineering Director for Aruba Federal, on Wednesday June 29th for a discussion about how WAN optimization can help with these challenges. With Aruba Boost, our WAN optimization solution, federal IT organizations can:
  • Improve the user experience
  • Complete backups and replications fast
  • Use WAN bandwidth more efficiently
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Home Office Versus Workplace: How Does Your Network Measure Up?​

HPE is making the move back to office. Join for a webcast as we explore new back-to-office trends and how HPE is using innovative network technology to welcome employees back in style.
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Top benefits of Wi-Fi 6/6E for Healthcare

Aruba’s High-performance Wi-Fi 6 technology is designed to support hundreds of healthcare devices at the same time without impacting Wi-Fi quality. Patients and staff can seamlessly roam a facility, with consistently great performance.
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Protecting Your Business from Cyberattacks

Leverage top security practices to protect your business.
Cybersecurity is making headlines, but it’s not always large, multinational corporations in the news.

Join us on June 21st at 10:00 am PDT/ 1:00 pm EDT for our deep dive for business owners and IT teams that will map out a plan of defense powered by network solutions.
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The American Rescue Plan Act for K-12: What’s in it for I.T.?

On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was signed into law, contributing to nearly $200 billion in Coronavirus Relief Funding to support K-12 education systems. This funding spans across multiple programs, so it is important to understand how much funding is allocated to your institution, how to receive it and what it can be used for.

Join us as speakers Dan Rivera – Aruba K-12 & E-rate Manager, and Peter Kaplan – Aruba E-rate National Channel Manager review where we are today, provide solutions that can help your organization, and enable safe, secure and reliable connectivity on- and off- campus.
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3 Ways to Reduce Costs with Cloud-based Networking

By 2022, 50% of new network deployments will be managed via cloud-based platforms, as IT seeks to improve operational agility and deliver new services faster. What else is driving this shift to the cloud, and how can you prepare your network?
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Making sense of HEERF I & HEERF II: Emergency relief funds for Higher Education

CARES and CRRSAA legislation provided relief funds that help colleges and universities prepare for the next phase of the pandemic. More help is on the way.

Join us as Kevin Kawabata from the University of Hawaii system explains how he made the most of HEERF I & HEERF II.
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Reduce Help Desk Tickets with Improved Network Performance

The primary goal for IT is to deliver high performance connectivity and application performance to all users and guests on the network. But how can you consistently maintain the level of service and accessibility needed to keep users happy with a limited amount of manual intervention by your IT team?

Join us as we discuss how to effortlessly guarantee high performance of your network and applications services and reduce help desk tickets.
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Get Rid of Shadow-IT & RF Network Blindness: RF Geofence Policy Enforcement

Billions of everyday consumer and enterprise devices use radio to communicate. It is important for security professionals to understand where these devices are and create a geofence boundary to limit where they are allow to go or not allow to be. In high-security, you can set up an automated enforcement when your client device crosses the RF geofence boundary and gets a restricted access policy.
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Top 3 Must-Haves for a Cloud-Managed Network

By 2022, 50% of new network deployments will be managed via cloud-based platforms, as IT seeks to improve operational agility and deliver new services faster. What else is driving this shift to the cloud, and how can you prepare your network?
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HPE U.S. Public Sector Technology Virtual Summit- Aruba Data Center Networking

The world is shifting from traditional data centers to “centers of data”. Enterprise data centers are being augmented by distributed and virtualized data centers, extending out toward where data is processed at an increasing number of edge data centers.
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Aruba Central and the Magic of AIOps

Join us for Aruba Central and the Magic of AIOps as Aruba experts share how built in AI helps with Day 0 to Day N management tasks and frees you up to do the impossible.
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Federal CTO Tech Talk: Spin up Private LTE/5G Networks with Celona CBRS

Aruba recently announced a strategic partnership with Celona to bring CBRS private LTE/5G networks to the enterprise.
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Building IoT: The State of Smart

In one of the most popular sessions from Aruba’s ATM Digital 2020 event, we’ll take a look at the state of IoT-enabled buildings today and the discipline required for better outcomes. Today’s commercial buildings are smarter. But are they as smart as we think they are?
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Qué es SD-Branch y por qué la necesitas

Conoce cómo la solución que combina SD-WAN con WLAN, LAN y seguridad bajo un único marco de políticas y segmentación, te ayudará a tener una mejor experiencia en la sucursal de extremo a extremo.
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Enterprise Security with a Fluid Perimeter

As the perimeter evolves, more devices are being added--often devices that can't be logged, updated or monitored. This webcast will examine critical techniques to addressing this issue, including the role of baselining, integrating and automating response, and defending against attacks more quickly. You will also learn ​how recent attacks play into the fluid perimeter and specific action items for better protection.
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Multizone AP – Secure Mobility

Aruba’s centralized architecture provides a more secure Wi-Fi environment that is different from any other Wi-Fi vendor on the market today. This webinar details the implementation and key security advantages of this architecture in a federal government environment.
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Dislodging the Advanced Persistent Threat

Some cyberattacks are designed for the quick hit and a quick buck – think ransomware. Others are designed to emphasize stealth, sitting quietly and leaking confidential data while it burrows through the network, often using legitimate credentials of regular users and privileged accounts. Watch this webcast to explore how you can gain the upper hand over these attacks by combining granular access control with automated attack detection.
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