show boot-history


show boot-history [all]


Shows boot information. When no parameters are specified, shows the most recent information about the boot operation, and the three previous boot operations for the active management module. When the all parameter is specified, shows the boot information for the active management module and all available line modules. To view boot-history on the standby, the command must be sent on the standby console.

Command context

Manager (#)



Shows boot information for the active management module and all available line modules.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


This command displays the boot-index, boot-ID, and up time in seconds for the current boot. If there is a previous boot, it displays boot-index, boot-ID, reboot time (based on the time zone configured in the system) and reboot reasons. Previous boot information is displayed in reverse chronological order.


The position of the boot in the history file. Range: 0 to3.

Boot ID

A unique ID for the boot . A system-generated 128-bit string.

Current Boot, up for <SECONDS> seconds

For the current boot, the show boot-history command shows the number of seconds the module has been running on the current software.

Timestamp boot reason

For previous boot operations, the show boot-history command shows the time at which the operation occurred and the reason for the boot. The reason for the boot is one of the following values:


The daemon identified by <DAEMON-NAME> caused the module to boot.

Kernel crash

The operating system software associated with the module caused the module to boot.

Reboot requested through database

The reboot occurred because of a request made through the CLI or other API.

Uncontrolled reboot

The reason for the reboot is not known.


Showing the boot history of the active management module:

switch# show boot-history
Management module

Index : 3
Boot ID : f1bf071bdd04492bbf8439c6e479d612
Current Boot, up for 22 hrs 12 mins 22 secs

Index : 2
Boot ID : edfa2d6598d24e989668306c4a56a06d
07 Aug 18 16:28:01 : Reboot requested through database 

Index : 1
Boot ID : 0bda8d0361df4a7e8e3acdc1dba5caad
07 Aug 18 14:08:46 : Reboot requested through database 

Index : 0
Boot ID : 23da2b0e26d048d7b3f4b6721b69c110
07 Aug 18 13:00:46 : Reboot requested through database 

Showing the boot history of the active management module and all line modules:

switch# show boot-history all
Management module

Index : 3
Boot ID : f1bf071bdd04492bbf8439c6e479d612
Current Boot, up for 22 hrs 12 mins 22 secs

Index : 2
Boot ID : edfa2d6598d24e989668306c4a56a06d
07 Aug 18 16:28:01 : Reboot requested through database 

Index : 1
Boot ID : 0bda8d0361df4a7e8e3acdc1dba5caad
07 Aug 18 14:08:46 : Reboot requested through database 

Index : 0
Boot ID : 23da2b0e26d048d7b3f4b6721b69c110
07 Aug 18 13:00:46 : Reboot requested through database 

Line module 1/1
Index : 3
10 Aug 17 12:45:46 : dune_agent crashed