checkpoint diff


checkpoint diff {<CHECKPOINT-NAME1> | running-config | startup-config} 
     {<CHECKPOINT-NAME2> | running-config | startup-config}


Shows the difference in configuration between two configurations. Compare checkpoints, the running configuration, or the startup configuration.

Command context

Manager (#)


{<CHECKPOINT-NAME1> | running-config | startup-config}

Selects either a checkpoint, the running configuration, or the startup configuration as the baseline.

{<CHECKPOINT-NAME2> | running-config | startup-config}

Selects either a checkpoint, the running configuration, or the startup configuration to compare.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


The output of the checkpoint diff command has several symbols:
  • The plus sign (+) at the beginning of a line indicates that the line exists in the comparison but not in the baseline.

  • The minus sign (-) at the beginning of a line indicates that the line exists in the baseline but not in the comparison.


In the following example, the configurations of checkpoints cp1 and cp2 are displayed before the checkpoint diff command, so that you can see the context of the checkpoint diff command.

switch# show checkpoint cp1
Checkpoint configuration:
!Version ArubaOS-CX XL.10.00.0002
!Schema version 0.1.8
module 1/1 product-number jl363a
vlan 1,200
interface 1/1/1 
    no shutdown
    ip address
interface 1/1/2 
    no shutdown
    ip address

switch# show checkpoint cp2
Checkpoint configuration:
!Version ArubaOS-CX XL.10.00.0002
!Schema version 0.1.8
module 1/1 product-number jl363a
vlan 1,200,300
interface 1/1/1 
    no shutdown
    ip address
interface 1/1/2 
    no shutdown
    ip address

switch# checkpoint diff cp1 cp2
--- /tmp/chkpt11501550258421    2017-08-01 01:17:38.420514016 +0000
+++ /tmp/chkpt21501550258421    2017-08-01 01:17:38.420514016 +0000
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-vlan 1,200
+vlan 1,200,300
 interface 1/1/1 
     no shutdown
     ip address