show interface energy-efficient ethernet


show interface [<IFNAME>|<IFRANGE>] energy-efficient-ethernet


Displays Energy-Efficient Ethernet information for the interface.

Command context




Specifies the name of an interface on the switch. Use the format member/slot/port (for example, 1/1/1).


Specifies the port identifier range of an interface on the switch. Use the format member/slot/port (for example, 1/1/1).


Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


The following example shows when the interfaces are Energy-Efficient Ethernet capable:

switch# show interface energy-efficient-ethernet
Port     Enabled    Negotiated   Speed       TX Wake     RX Wake
                                 (MB/s)      Time(us)    Time (us)
1/1/1    no         no           --          --         --
1/1/2    yes        yes          100         36         36
1/1/3    yes        yes          1000        17         17
1/1/4    no         no           --          --         --
1/1/5    yes        no           1000        --         -- 

The following example shows when the interface is not Energy-Efficient Ethernet capable :

switch# show interface 1/1/1 energy-efficient-ethernet
   Port 1/1/1 does not support Energy-Efficient-Ethernet