Customizing data displayed on the graph

There are several ways you can customize the data displayed on a time series graph to show more or less data.

  1. View a tooltip for each data point on the graph by hovering the cursor over the data point.

    The tooltip displays the date, time range, and min-max range.

    Graph with tooltip displayed

  2. Hover over a specific item in the legend following the graph to show only that specific data line on the graph. The other data will be less visible.
  3. From the graph shown on the Agent Details page, click the Chart icon Configure Chart button to open the Customize Chart dialog box.
    • The default mode is Automatic Monitoring, where the most meaningful monitors and resources are automatically selected to display on the agent graph. To customize what data (monitors and resources) you want displayed on the agent time series graph, select Customize Monitoring.

    • You can sort and filter the Show column. If a monitor is a wildcard type, then you see a different icon from the check box, where you can click and select subresources under that monitor.

      The graph displays alerts for all metrics being monitored. However, the graph can show graphed data for a maximum of eight metrics at a time. The metrics that are being shown on the graph are listed at the bottom of the graph. You can choose which metrics to show. To remove the metric from the graph, clear the box in the Show column of the metric you want to remove. To show a metric in the graph, select the box in the Show column of the metric you want to display.

    • The Resources Selected column shows how many total resources are selected out of the total available resources.

    • If a monitor can have an aggregation function, that function is displayed in the Aggregation column.

    Customize Chart