Editing a LAG

Use this procedure to perform the following tasks:

  • Add and delete ports

  • Set admin status

  1. To add ports:
    1. In the navigation pane, select LAGs.

      The LAGs page is displayed.

    2. In the LAGs panel, select a lag, and click Edit.

      The Edit Lag dialog box is displayed.

    3. Select Add Ports.
    4. Enter the port number in the member/slot/port notation.

      You can add multiple ports with comma separated port numbers. For example, 1/1/1,1/1/2,1/1/3.

    5. Click Update.
  2. To delete ports:
    1. In the Edit Lag dialog box, select Delete Ports.
    2. Delete the port numbers that you want to retain. The ports that are displayed in the dialog box are deleted for the selected LAG.
    3. Click Update.
  3. To set admin status:
    1. In the Edit Lag dialog box, select Set Admin Status.
    2. Select Up or Down as the admin status.
    3. Click Update.