Spanning Tree page

The Spanning Tree page displays the spanning tree configuration details of the switch. The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) eliminates Layer 2 loops in networks, by selectively blocking some ports and allowing other ports to forward traffic.

Status panel

The Status panel shows information about the spanning tree configuration—whether spanning tree is enabled or disabled and the spanning tree mode that is selected.

You can enable spanning tree with Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) or Rapid Per-Vlan Spanning Tree (Rapid PVST) mode.

In the Multiple Spanning Tree mode, the Spanning Tree page displays additional details like the assigned ports, MSTP configuration details, the number of times the topology was changed, and the time since the topology changed.

In the Rapid Per-Vlan Spanning Tree mode, the Spanning Tree page displays only the details of the assigned ports. The Rapid Per-Vlan Spanning Tree mode enables a separate spanning tree in each VLAN, including the default VLAN.

Assigned Ports panel

The Assigned Ports panel shows the details of the ports based on the ports added in the spanning tree configuration. For example, if some ports are set as BPDU Filter or Guard Ports, then the port numbers are displayed in the member/slot/port notation.

Inconsistent Ports panel

The Inconsistent Ports panel shows the details of the ports that are in an inconsistent STP state. Inconsistent state occurs when the ports on both ends of a point-to-point link are untagged members of different VLANs or when the ports have different configurations on both end. For example, if one end is configured as trunk and the other end is configured as an access port.

MSTP Configuration Details panel

The MSTP Configuration Details panel shows the name of the region, the revision number, and a digest of the MST VLANs-to-instance mapping from the switch configuration.

Topology panel

The Topology panel shows the number of times the topology changed.

Topology Change Time panel

The Topology Change Time panel shows the time since the topology changed.