Adding and deleting an SNMPv3 user

You can add SNMPv3 users to provide secured access to SNMP management stations. You can optionally associate an authentication protocol and a privacy protocol, with passwords, to each user.

The user names that you add can be used when adding SNMPv3 trap receivers.

  1. To add an SNMPv3 user:
    1. In the navigation pane, expand System, and select SNMP.

      The SNMP page is displayed.

    2. In the SNMPv3 Users panel, click Add.

      The New SNMPv3 User Info dialog box is displayed.

    3. Enter a user name.

      The user name can contain a maximum of 32 characters without a space and must begin and end with an alphabet, a number, or an underscore. The user name cannot contain any special characters other than the underscore.

    4. You can configure the following optional parameters:
      • Authentication Protocol: You can select either md5 (Message Digest) or sha (Secure Hash Algorithm) as the standard cryptographic hash function, to provide secured access to the user.

      • Authentication Password: You must enter a password if you select an authentication protocol. The password must be 8 to 32 characters long, and can contain alphabets, numbers, and special characters.

      • Privacy Protocol: You can select either aes (Advanced Encryption Standard) or des (Data Encryption Standard) as the standard encryption method, to provide secured access to the user.

      • Privacy Password: You must enter a password if you select a privacy protocol. The password must be 8 to 32 characters long, and can contain alphabets, numbers, and special characters.

      • Context: You can enter an SNMPv3 context that exists in the switch. For more information about viewing and adding SNMPv3 context, see the AOS-CX Command-Line Interface Guide.

    5. Click Add.
  2. To delete an SNMPv3 user:
    1. In the SNMPv3 Users panel, select the SNMPv3 user name that you want to delete, and click Delete.

      A confirmation message is displayed.

    2. Click Delete.