LAGs page

The LAGs page displays a list of LAGs. Details on each LAG include: Name of the LAG, whether the admin status is up or down, LAG bond status, whether the LAG is a multi-chassis LAG, a list of down interfaces, a list of up interfaces, a list of VLANs, whether trunk allowed or not allowed, and a list of IP addresses.

Links in the Interfaces and VLANs columns allow you to drill down to the respective Interfaces or VLANs pages, auto-selecting the appropriate resource. Selecting a row in the LAGs list displays more information on the LAG. Details include Interfaces and LAG statistics.

You can add and delete static LAGs. You can edit a LAG and add or delete ports, and set the admin status.

Use the Show/Hide Column Filters button or Column Settings button to customize the table display.