Adding and deleting an EST Profile

  1. To add an EST profile:
    1. In the navigation pane, expand Security, and select PKI.

      The PKI page is displayed.

    2. In the EST Profiles panel, click Add.

      The New EST Profile Info dialog box is displayed.

    3. Enter a profile name for the EST profile.
    4. Configure the following optional parameters:
      • Arbitrary Label: Enter an arbitrary label for the EST URI to distinguish it from the other EST profiles running on the EST server. The arbitrary label can contain alphabets, numbers, and special characters without a space. Only dot (.), underscore (_), tilde (~), colon (:), slash (/), and hyphen (-) are allowed as special characters.

      • Arbitrary Label Enrollment: Enter an arbitrary enrollment label for EST URI.

      • Arbitrary Label Re-enrollment: Enter an arbitrary re-enrollment label for EST URI.

      • Re-enrollment Lead Time: Enter the lead time to re-enroll a certificate before it expires. The time should be from 0 to 30 days. The default value is 2 days.

      • Retry Count: Enter the number of times to retry to enroll a certificate. The value should be from 0 to 32. The default value is 3 retries.

      • Retry Interval: Enter the interval after which the switch can retry to enroll a certificate. The value should be from 30 to 600 seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.

      • URL: Enter the URL for the EST server.

      • Username: Enter the username to access the EST server. The username can contain alphabets, numbers, and special characters without a space.

      • Password: Enter the password for the username in the plain-text format. The password can contain alphabets, numbers, and special characters without a space.

      • VRF: Select the VFR that the switch uses to communicate with the EST server. VRF mgmt is used by default.

    5. Click OK.
  2. To delete an EST profile:
    1. In the EST Profiles panel, select the EST profile, and click Delete.

      A confirmation message is displayed.

    2. Click Delete.