Editing a VLAN

Use this procedure to perform the following tasks:

  • Edit the VLAN name

  • Add and delete ports

  • Configure IPv4 address


For the default VLAN, you cannot edit the name or delete ports.

  1. To edit a VLAN name:
    1. In the navigation pane, select VLANs.

      The VLANs page is displayed.

    2. In the VLANs panel, select the VLAN, and click Edit.

      The Edit VLAN dialog box is displayed.

    3. Edit the name.
    4. Click OK.
  2. To add ports:
    1. In the Edit Vlan dialog box, select Add Ports.
    2. Select the Vlan Mode as Access or Trunk.
      • If you select the Vlan Mode as Access, then you can add access ports. All access ports are displayed in the Untagged column in the VLANs panel.

      • If you select the Vlan Mode as Trunk, then you can select Allowed or Native under Vlan Trunk. All trunk ports are displayed in the Tagged column in the VLANs panel.

      • If you select the Vlan Trunk as Allowed, then you can select the Allow all Vlans checkbox to associate the entered port with all configured VLANs. By default, the port is associated to any new VLAN that you add.

      • If you select the Vlan Trunk as Native, then you can select the Tag checkbox to add the port as native-tagged. Not selecting the Tag checkbox, leaves the ports as native-untagged.

    3. Enter the port number in the member/slot/port notation.

      You can add multiple ports with comma separated port numbers. For example, 1/1/1,1/1/2,1/1/3. You can also add a LAG by entering the LAG name. For example, lag1, lag2.

    4. Click OK.
  3. To delete ports:
    1. In the Edit Vlan dialog box, select Delete Ports.
    2. Delete the port numbers that you want to retain. The ports that are displayed in the dialog box are deleted for the selected VLAN.

      Ports are displayed in the dialog box based on the option that you select for the Vlan Mode and Vlan Trunk.

    3. Click OK.
  4. To configure IP address:
    1. In the Edit Vlan dialog box, select IP Configuration.
    2. Select Enable to create a VLAN interface (if not created earlier) for the selected VLAN, and configure a static IPv4 address.

      Selecting Disable, removes any previously configured static IPv4 address on the selected interface. Only the default VLAN can have DHCP IP configuration. For the default VLAN, configuring a static IP through the Web UI, overrides the DHCP IP address. If you disable static IP configuration, the IP address changes to the DHCP IP.

    3. Enter the IP Address with the subnet mask in the IPv4 format (x.x.x.x/x).
    4. Click OK.