DHCPv6 relay scenario 2

(This scenario is not supported on the 6200 Switch Series.)

In this scenario, the two host computers communicate with two different DHCP servers. Each server is reached on a different VRF. The physical topology of the network looks like this:

  1. Create the two VRFs.
    switch# config
    switch(config)# vrf vrf 1
    switch(config)# vrf vrf 2
  2. Configure interface 1/1/1. Set its IP address, associate it with VRF 1, and define the helper IP address to reach DHCP server 1.
    switch(configif)# interface 1/1/1
    switch(configif)# vrf attach vrf1
    switch(configif)# ipv6 address
    switch(configif)# ipv6 helper-address unicast 1040::2
  3. Configure interface 1/1/2. Set its IP address and associate it with VRF 1.
    switch(configif)# interface 1/1/2
    switch(configif)# vrf attach vrf1
    switch(configif)# ipv6 address  1040::1/120
  4. Configure interface 1/1/3. Set its IP address and associate it with VRF 1.
    switch(configif)# interface 1/1/3
    switch(configif)# vrf attach vrf2
    switch(configif)# ipv6 address 3030::1/120
  5. Configure interface 1/1/4. Set its IP address, associate it with VRF 2, and define the helper IP address to reach DHCP server 2.
    switch(configif)# interface 1/1/4
    switch(configif)# vrf attach vrf2
    switch(configif)# ipv6 address  4040::1/120
    switch(configif)# ipv6 helper-address unicast 3030::2