show interface tunnel
show interface tunnel[<TUNNEL-NUMBER>] [vsx-peer]
Shows configuration settings for all IP tunnels, or a specific tunnel.
Command context
Manager (#)
Specifies the number of an IP tunnel. Range: 1 to 127.
Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed. This parameter is available on switches that support VSX.
Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.
Shows configuration settings for tunnel
10, which is a GRE tunnel in the following example.
switch# show interface tunnel10 Interface tunnel10 is up Admin state is up tunnel type GRE IPv4 tunnel interface IPv4 address tunnel source IPv4 address tunnel destination IPv4 address tunnel ttl 60 RX 0 input packets 0 bytes 0 dropped TX 0 output packets 0 bytes 0 dropped
Shows configuration settings for tunnel 12, which is an IPv6 in IPv6 tunnel in the following example.
switch# show interface tunnel12 Interface tunnel12 is up Admin state is up tunnel type IPv6 in IPv6 tunnel interface IPv6 address 4::1/64 tunnel source IPv6 address 2::1 tunnel destination IPv6 address 2::2 tunnel ttl 60 Description: Network2 Tunnel RX 0 input packets 0 bytes 0 dropped TX 0 output packets 0 bytes 0 dropped
Shows configuration settings for all tunnels.
switch# show interface tunnel Interface tunnel10 is up Admin state is up tunnel type GRE IPv4 tunnel interface IPv4 address tunnel source IPv4 address tunnel destination IPv4 address tunnel ttl 60 RX 0 input packets 0 bytes 0 dropped TX 0 output packets 0 bytes 0 dropped Interface tunnel11 is up Admin state is up tunnel type IPv6 in IPv4 tunnel source IPv4 address tunnel destination IPv4 address tunnel ttl 80 Description: Network11 RX 0 input packets 0 bytes 0 dropped TX 0 output packets 0 bytes 0 dropped Interface tunnel12 is up Admin state is up tunnel type IPv6 in IPv6 tunnel interface IPv6 address 4::1/64 tunnel source IPv6 address 2::1 tunnel destination IPv6 address 2::2 tunnel ttl 60 Description: Network2 Tunnel RX 0 input packets 0 bytes 0 dropped TX 0 output packets 0 bytes 0 dropped