How static link aggregation groups are built
Reference port selection process
When setting the aggregation states of the ports in an aggregation group, the system automatically chooses a member port as the reference port. A selected port must have the same operational key and attribute configurations as the reference port.
The system chooses a reference port from the member ports in the up state. The first member interface which is operationally up is selected as reference port.
Setting the aggregation state of each member port
After the reference port is chosen, the system sets the aggregation state of each member port in the static aggregation group.
After the maximum limit of members is reached in a LAG, an additional port cannot be added to the aggregation group. If a port belongs to a card type with a different speed than the other aggregation members, the port can still be added to the aggregation group. If dynamic LAG is enabled, any port member with a speed different than other aggregation members is blocked or ineligible from the same aggregation group. Any operational keys/attributes or configuration changes might affect the aggregation states of the member ports.