Defining Network Settings

The next steps in setting up AirWave are to configure the network interface, DNS settings, NTP servers, and static routes.

Figure 1 illustrates the contents of the AMP Setup > Network page when setting up an IPv4 or IPv6 interface. Ensure to enter an IPv4 address into the IPv4 address field even if the AirWave server will use IPv6 as the primary interface, as this IPv4 address field is mandatory. For information, see Primary Network Interface Settings.

Figure 1  Network Page

Specify the network configuration options described in the sections that follow to define the AirWave network settings. Select Save when you have completed all changes on the AMP Setup > Network page, or select Revert to return to the last settings. Save restarts any affected services and may temporarily disrupt your network connection.

Refer to the following topics for configuration information: