Cluster Load Balancing

Cluster load-balancing is achieved through the features, Client load-balancing and AP load-balancing. Both these features are explained in this section.

Active Client Load Balancing

The client load balancing feature ensures that clients are evenly distributed across the cluster members, thereby using the system resources efficiently.

If the system detects a distorted distribution of load, it balances the load on the managed devices by changing the UAC of these clients. The load across all the managed devices is balanced in the cluster regardless of the type of platform.

The cluster manager calculates the ratio of the existing number of clients on a managed device and its maximum capacity. Based on this ratio and additional threshold triggers, client load balancing is triggered.

When any new managed device, including the managed device that comes up after a failover, is added to an existing cluster, it is considered for load balancing and accordingly, APs and clients are moved to balance the load in the cluster.

Load balancing is enabled by default when a cluster is configured.

Threshold Triggers

  • AP Total Load Balance threshold—The total load balance threshold is set to 40%. This is the default value and cannot be configured.

When the redundancy mode is enabled, the capacity of the cluster is reduced to half.

ArubaOS now supports the bucket based client load balancing feature. The Active client rebalance threshold, Standby client rebalance threshold, and Unbalanced threshold parameters are removed in the Configuration > Services > Clusters page.

Bucket Based Client Load Balancing

ArubaOS now supports the bucket based client load balancing feature that distributes the buckets based on the platform capacity in a cluster. In bucket based client load balancing, the cluster manager intermittently checks for the proportionate distribution of the bucketmap among the cluster nodes, and if required, re-balances 8 buckets of one ESSID Extended Service Set Identifier. ESSID refers to the ID used for identifying an extended service set. in one iteration. The periodicity of rebalancing of the buckets among the cluster nodes is at every 20 seconds.

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command displays the current bucket distribution for all the ESSIDs Extended Service Set Identifier. ESSID refers to the ID used for identifying an extended service set..

(host) [mynode] #show lc-cluster bucket distribution all

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command displays the current bucket distribution for a specific ESSID Extended Service Set Identifier. ESSID refers to the ID used for identifying an extended service set..

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command displays the details of the bucketmap publish counters.

(host) [mynode] #show lc-cluster bucketmap publish counters

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command clears the details of the bucketmap publish counters.

(host) [mynode] #clear lc-cluster bucketmap publish counters

AP Load Balancing

The AP load balancing feature ensures that the cluster leader manages the load balancing based on the platform capacity. The AP is dynamically assigned an AAC when it connects to a cluster. Here, instead of client load, AP load is considered.

Both active and standby APs are considered for load balancing.

Following is the AP load balancing criteria if a managed device is newly added:

  • When an AP threshold is already met in the cluster nodes, if a new managed device is added, the Active AP table of the new managed device is filled first based on AP count set.
  • When the threshold is not met, APs are moved to standby AP table of the newly added managed device.
  • The count of these APs will increment based on the AP count set only after the stabilization of the cluster, however, the APs that were moved during this phase cannot be always based on AP Count.

The Active AP load balancing feature is enabled by default. In previous releases, this feature is disabled by default.

The active AP load balancing is performed using VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol. VRRP is an election protocol that dynamically assigns responsibility for a virtual router to one of the VRRP routers on a LAN. for L2 connection and the switch IP of one cluster member for L3 connection. The AP Total Load Balance threshold is set to 40% and active AP load balancing threshold value is set to 20%. This is the default value.

The cluster leader considered the AP load on each cluster member and assigned the cluster member with least total AP load as the AAC.

For initial load balancing, cluster leader evaluates if the managed device with the least active AP load percentage can accommodate additional APs. If yes, return this managed device as the candidate AAC.

For periodic load balancing, the cluster leader performs load balancing based on the following conditions:

  1. Finds the managed devices with maximum and minimum active load percentage.
  2. Finds the managed devices with maximum and minimum total load percentage
  3. Checks if the max active load percentage is more than the active load percentage threshold. Also, checks if the difference between the maximum and minimum loaded managed devices is more than the unbalance threshold.
  4. Moves the active APs from maximum loaded managed devices to minimum loaded managed device. However, if it is unable to move the Active APs, it will re-balance the standby load by moving the standby APs from the maximum load percentage managed device to minimum load percentage managed device.

The periodic load re-balancing occurs every 1 minute, which is the default value and APs are considered for load re-balancing based on AP count, which is 50 by default.

After APs are listed on a cluster member, the cluster manager periodically recalculates the load of the cluster members to balance the load. For example, when a new managed device joins the cluster.

The triggers for client load balancing and AP load balancing are same.

Listed below are the advantages of AP load balancing

Configuring Cluster Load Balancing

The following procedure describes how to configure load balancing for a cluster:

  1. In the Managed Network node hierarchy, navigate to the Configuration > Services > Clusters tab.
  2. In the Clusters table, select a cluster to configure AP load balancing.
  3. In the Cluster Profile > <cluster name> window, expand the Advanced accordion.
  4. Configure the active AP load balancing settings described in table below.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Click Pending Changes.
  7. In the Pending Changes window, select the checkbox and click Deploy changes.

Table 1: Active AP Load Balancing Parameters




Enable redundancy. When the redundancy mode is enabled, the capacity of the cluster is reduced to half and only 8000 clients are considered to reach the threshold.

Heartbeat threshold

Minimum heartbeat threshold is set in milliseconds. The default setting is based on the latency determined between each pair of managed devices and the cluster. It also depends on the connection type between managed device and distribution switch (single ethernet cable, or port channel, and so on).

ArubaOS now supports the bucket based client load balancing feature. The Active client rebalance threshold, Standby client rebalance threshold, and Unbalanced threshold parameters are removed in the Configuration > Services > Clusters page.

The following procedure describes how to configure the AP and client load balancing values:

  1. In the Managed Network node hierarchy, navigate to the Configuration > System tab.
  2. Click Profiles.
  3. Expand the Cluster accordion and click Classic Controller Cluster.
  4. Click + to create a cluster profile.
  5. Add the AP load balancing values and Client Load Balancing values.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Click Pending Changes.
  8. In the Pending Changes window, select the checkbox and click Deploy changes.

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. commands configure load balancing for a cluster:

Following is an example of Active AP load balancing:

(7210-24) #show lc-cluster load distribution ap

Cluster Load Distribution for APs


Type IPv4 Address Active APs Standby APs

---- --------------- -------------- ---------------

peer 25 20

self 20 25


Total: Active APs 45 Standby APs 45


(host) #show lc-cluster group-membership

Cluster Enabled, Profile Name = "ap-lb"

Redundancy Mode On

AP Load Balancing: Enabled

Active AP Rebalance Threshold = 20%

Active AP Unbalance Threshold = 5%

Active AP Rebalance AP Count = 50

Active AP Rebalance Timer = 1 minutes

Cluster Info Table


Type IPv4 Address Priority Connection-Type STATUS

---- --------------- -------- --------------- ------

peer 128 L2-Connected CONNECTED (Leader, last HBT_RSP 10ms ago, RTD = 0.000 ms)

self 128 N/A CONNECTED (Member)

ArubaOS now supports the bucket based client load balancing feature. The active-client-rebalance-threshold, standby-client-rebalance-threshold <standbyclient-rebalance-threshold>, and unbalance-threshold <unbalance-threshold> parameters are removed from the output of the show lc-cluster load distribution ap CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command.

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command checks if Active AP load balancing for IPv4 is enabled or disabled:

(host) #show lc-cluster group-membership

Cluster Enabled, Profile Name = "testLB"

Redundancy Mode On

AP Load Balancing: Enabled

Active AP Rebalance Threshold = 20%

Active AP Unbalance Threshold = 5%

Active AP Rebalance AP Count = 50

Active AP Rebalance Timer = 5 minutes

Cluster Info Table


Type IPv4 Address Priority Connection-Type STATUS

---- --------------- -------- --------------- ------

self 128 N/A CONNECTED (Leader)

peer 128 L2-Connected CONNECTED (Member, last HBT_RSP 38ms ago, RTD= 0.000 ms)


ArubaOS now supports the bucket based client load balancing feature. The active-client-rebalance-threshold, standby-client-rebalance-threshold <standbyclient-rebalance-threshold>, and unbalance-threshold <unbalance-threshold> parameters are removed from the output of the show lc-cluster group-membership CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command.

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command checks if Active AP load balancing for IPv6 is enabled or disabled:

(host) #show lc-cluster group-membership

Cluster Enabled, Profile Name = "72xx"

Redundancy Mode On

AP Load Balancing: Enabled

Active AP Rebalance Threshold = 20%

Active AP Unbalance Threshold = 40%

Active AP Rebalance AP Count = 50

Active AP Rebalance Timer = 1 minutes

Cluster Info Table


Type IPv6 Address Priority Connection-Type STATUS

---- ------------------- --------- --------------- -------------------------

peer 2000:192:168:28::24 128 L2-Connected CONNECTED (Member,last HBT_RSP 68ms ago, RTD = 0.000 ms)

peer 2000:192:168:28::26 128 L2-Connected CONNECTED (Member,last HBT_RSP 66ms ago, RTD = 0.000 ms)

peer 2000:192:168:28::22 128 L2-Connected CONNECTED (Member,last HBT_RSP 69ms ago, RTD = 0.503 ms)

self 2000:192:168:28::23 128 N/A CONNECTED (Leader)

ArubaOS now supports the bucket based client load balancing feature. The active-client-rebalance-threshold, standby-client-rebalance-threshold <standbyclient-rebalance-threshold>, and unbalance-threshold <unbalance-threshold> parameters are removed from the output of the show lc-cluster group-membership CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command.

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command displays the number of times a managed device published APs on the AP channel for A-AAC assignment:

(host) #show ap debug gsm-counters

STM GSM Counters


Name Value

---- -----

AP Publish Events 93

AP Delete Events 29

AP Publish Events(Load Balance)2

AP Delete Events(Load Balance) 2

Radio Publish, Activate, Activate Errors 28 11 0

Radio Delete Events 3

Radio Delete Errors 15

BSS Publish Events 41

Responses to BSS Rcvd 41

BSS Delete Events 18

BSS Delete Errors 30

BSS Delete Key Not Found (included above) 30

STA Publish Events 0

STA Delete Events 0

STA Activate on S-UAC, Errors 0 0

STA Activate for Delete, Errors 0 0

WIRED_AP Publish Events 0

The following command displays the number of times the AP tried to connect to the cluster leader and needed the cluster leader to assign an A-AAC for this AP:

(host) #show lc-cluster gsm counters | exclude 0

Cluster GSM Channel Counters


AP Channel: Adds >> 1

AP Channel: Deletes >> 1

BSS Channel: Adds >> 2

BSS Channel: Section Update >> 2

AP Channel: Adds and Need AAC Assignment>> 1

AP Channel: Deletes from SAPM, AP redirected>> 1