Managed Devices at Branch Offices

Many distributed enterprises with branch and remote offices and locations use cost-effective hybrid WAN Wide Area Network. WAN is a telecommunications network or computer network that extends over a large geographical distance. connectivity solutions that include low-cost DSL Digital Subscriber Line. The DSL technology allows the transmission of digital data over telephone lines. A DSL modem is a device used for connecting a computer or router to a telephone line that offers connectivity to the Internet., 4G Fourth Generation of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology. See LTE. and LTE Long Term Evolution. LTE is a 4G wireless communication standard that provides high-speed wireless communication for mobile phones and data terminals. See 4G. technologies, rather than relying solely on traditional E1/T1 or T3/E3 dedicated circuits. 7000 Series Cloud Services Controllers are optimized for these types of locations, which are more likely to use cloud security architectures instead of dedicated security appliances, and where clients are likely to access applications in the cloud, rather than on local application servers.

This chapter describes ArubaOS features designed to optimize the configuration and performance of managed devices in branch and remote offices, and lists the procedures to configure these features.

Learn more about Managed Device Optimization

Select any of the links below to view detailed information about ArubaOS features for managed device configuration and management, and examples of deployment topologies that support these features.

Provision and Configure a Managed Device

The following sections describe the procedures to configure your network for zero-touch managed device provisioning, and to define configuration settings for a group of managed devices.