DHCP Address Pools

Use the Configuration > Services > DHCP Server page to configure a pool of DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to an IP-enabled device from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network.  addresses. The managed device can use one of the addresses from this pool for its own IP address, and/or assign addresses in the pool to clients associating to that node.

Configuring DHCP Address pool

The following procedure describes how to configure a DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to an IP-enabled device from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network.  address pool:

1. In the Managed Network node hierarchy, navigate to Configuration > Services > DHCP > DHCP Server.

2. Click + below the Pool Configuration table.

3. Define the following values for the pool, then click Submit.

4. Click Pending Changes.

5. In the Pending Changes window, select the check box and click Deploy Changes.

Table 1: DHCP Pool Configuration Parameters



IP version

Assign IPv4 or IPv6 addresses

Pool Name

Give a name to the new address pool

Default router

IP address of the default router for the DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to an IP-enabled device from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network.  client. The client should be on the same subnetwork as the default router. You can specify up to eight IP addresses.

DNS Server

IP address of the DNS Domain Name System. A DNS server functions as a phone book for the intranet and Internet users. It converts human-readable computer host names into IP addresses and IP addresses into host names. It stores several records for a domain name such as an address 'A' record, name server (NS), and mail exchanger (MX) records. The Address 'A' record is the most important record that is stored in a DNS server, because it provides the required IP address for a network peripheral or element. server. You can specify up to eight IP addresses. Multiple IP addresses must be separated by spaces.

Import from DHCP/PPPoE

Select this option to use the DNS Domain Name System. A DNS server functions as a phone book for the intranet and Internet users. It converts human-readable computer host names into IP addresses and IP addresses into host names. It stores several records for a domain name such as an address 'A' record, name server (NS), and mail exchanger (MX) records. The Address 'A' record is the most important record that is stored in a DNS server, because it provides the required IP address for a network peripheral or element. server address obtained through PPPoE Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. PPPoE is a method of connecting to the Internet, typically used with DSL services, where the client connects to the DSL modem. or DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to an IP-enabled device from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network. .

Domain Name

Domain name to which the client belongs.


IP address of a NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System. A program that lets applications on different computers communicate within a LAN. Windows Internet Naming Service server. You can specify up to eight IP addresses. Multiple IP addresses must be separated by spaces.

Import from DHCP/PPPoE

Use the NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System. A program that lets applications on different computers communicate within a LAN. name server address obtained through PPPoE Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. PPPoE is a method of connecting to the Internet, typically used with DSL services, where the client connects to the DSL modem. or DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to an IP-enabled device from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network. .

Lease Days

The number of days that the assigned IP address is valid for the client.

Lease Hours

The number of hours that the assigned IP address is valid for the client.

Lease Minutes

The number of minutes that the assigned IP address is valid for the client.

Network IP Address Type

Choose Static to add a static IP address and netmask Netmask is a 32-bit mask used for segregating IP address into subnets. Netmask defines the class and range of IP addresses. to the pool, or select Dynamic to define a range of addresses that the DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to an IP-enabled device from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network.  server may assign to clients.

If you select Static, enter an IP address and netmask Netmask is a 32-bit mask used for segregating IP address into subnets. Netmask defines the class and range of IP addresses..

If you select Dynamic, enter the starting and ending IP address for the address range, as well as the maximum number of hosts to be supported by the pool.


Click + in Option to apply a client-specific option code and IP address or text string. See RFC Request For Comments. RFC is a commonly used format for the Internet standards documentss. 2132, “DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to an IP-enabled device from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network.  Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions”.

Assigning DHCP Address Pool to VLAN

The following procedure describes how to assign a DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to an IP-enabled device from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network.  address pool to a VLAN Virtual Local Area Network. In computer networking, a single Layer 2 network may be partitioned to create multiple distinct broadcast domains, which are mutually isolated so that packets can only pass between them through one or more routers; such a domain is referred to as a Virtual Local Area Network, Virtual LAN, or VLAN.:

1. In the Managed Network node hierarchy, navigate to the Configuration > interfaces > VLANs tab.

2. In the VLANs table, select the name of the VLAN Virtual Local Area Network. In computer networking, a single Layer 2 network may be partitioned to create multiple distinct broadcast domains, which are mutually isolated so that packets can only pass between them through one or more routers; such a domain is referred to as a Virtual Local Area Network, Virtual LAN, or VLAN. to which you want to assign the DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to an IP-enabled device from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network.  pool. A VLANS > (selected VLAN) table appears

3. Select the VLAN Virtual Local Area Network. In computer networking, a single Layer 2 network may be partitioned to create multiple distinct broadcast domains, which are mutually isolated so that packets can only pass between them through one or more routers; such a domain is referred to as a Virtual Local Area Network, Virtual LAN, or VLAN. ID of the VLAN Virtual Local Area Network. In computer networking, a single Layer 2 network may be partitioned to create multiple distinct broadcast domains, which are mutually isolated so that packets can only pass between them through one or more routers; such a domain is referred to as a Virtual Local Area Network, Virtual LAN, or VLAN. to use the address pool. The Port Members table opens.

4. In the Port Members table, select the IPv4 subtab and expand the IP Address Assignment accordion.

5. For IP assignment, select DHCP Pool.

6. Click the DHCP pool drop-down list and select a DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to an IP-enabled device from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network.  to associate to the VLAN Virtual Local Area Network. In computer networking, a single Layer 2 network may be partitioned to create multiple distinct broadcast domains, which are mutually isolated so that packets can only pass between them through one or more routers; such a domain is referred to as a Virtual Local Area Network, Virtual LAN, or VLAN..

7. Click Submit.

8. Click Pending Changes.

9. In the Pending Changes window, select the check box and click Deploy Changes.