Port Channel Link Aggregation Control Protocol

The ArubaOS implementation of LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. is based on the standards specified in 802.3AD. LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. provides standardized means for exchanging information with partner systems to form a port-channel group (LAG Link Aggregation Group . A LAG combines a number of physical ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data path. LAGs can connect two switches to provide a higher-bandwidth connection to a public network. ). LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. avoids port channel misconfiguration.

LACP Overview

Two devices (actor and partner) exchange LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. data units when forming a LAG Link Aggregation Group . A LAG combines a number of physical ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data path. LAGs can connect two switches to provide a higher-bandwidth connection to a public network. . After multiple ports in the system have the same actor system ID, actor key, partner system ID, and partner key, they belong to the same LAG Link Aggregation Group . A LAG combines a number of physical ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data path. LAGs can connect two switches to provide a higher-bandwidth connection to a public network. .

The maximum number of supported port-channels is eight. With the introduction of LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes., this number remains the same.

Two LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. configured devices exchange LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. data units to form a LAG Link Aggregation Group . A LAG combines a number of physical ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data path. LAGs can connect two switches to provide a higher-bandwidth connection to a public network. . A device is configurable as an active or passive participant. In active mode, the device initiates data units irrespective of the partner state; passive mode devices respond only to the incoming data units sent by the partner device. Hence, to form a LAG Link Aggregation Group . A LAG combines a number of physical ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data path. LAGs can connect two switches to provide a higher-bandwidth connection to a public network. group between two devices, one device must be an active participant. For detailed information on the LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. commands, see the ArubaOS CLI Reference Guide.

LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. data units exchange their corresponding system identifier or priority along with their port key or priority. This information determines the LAG Link Aggregation Group . A LAG combines a number of physical ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data path. LAGs can connect two switches to provide a higher-bandwidth connection to a public network. of a port. The LAG Link Aggregation Group . A LAG combines a number of physical ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data path. LAGs can connect two switches to provide a higher-bandwidth connection to a public network. for a port is selected based on its keys. The port is placed in that LAG Link Aggregation Group . A LAG combines a number of physical ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data path. LAGs can connect two switches to provide a higher-bandwidth connection to a public network. only when its system ID or key and system ID or key of its partner matches the other ports in the LAG Link Aggregation Group . A LAG combines a number of physical ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data path. LAGs can connect two switches to provide a higher-bandwidth connection to a public network. (if the group has ports).

Configuring Port Channel LACP

The following procedure describes the steps to add a new port channel using the WebUI:

1. In the Managed Network node hierarchy, navigate to the Configuration > Interfaces > Ports tab. In the Port Channel table, click + to open the New Port Channel dialog.

2. In the New Port Channel dialog, select a port channel ID from the drop-down list and click Submit.

3. In the Port ID section, select LACP from the Protocol drop-down list.

4. Select Active in LACP mode.

5. Click Submit.

6. Click Pending Changes.

7. In the Pending Changes window, select the check box, and click Deploy changes.


For information on configuring LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. on 220 Series and 270 Series access points, see Link Aggregation Support

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. commands configure LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. settings:

1. Enable LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. and configure the per-port specific LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes..

(host)[mynode] (config) #interface gigabitethernet <slot>/<module>/<port>

2. Configure LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. group and mode.

(host)[mynode] (config-submode)#lacp group <id> mode {active | passive}

group <id> range is 0–7.

Active mode—the interface is in an active negotiating state. LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. runs on any link that is configured to be in the active state. The port in an active mode also automatically initiates negotiations with other ports by initiating LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. packets.

Passive mode—the interface is not in an active negotiating state. LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. runs on any link that is configured in a passive mode. The port in a passive mode responds to negotiations requests from other ports that are in an active mode. Ports in passive mode respond to LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. packets.


A port in passive mode cannot set up a port channel (LAG Link Aggregation Group . A LAG combines a number of physical ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data path. LAGs can connect two switches to provide a higher-bandwidth connection to a public network. group) with another port in passive mode.

3. Set the timeout for the LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. session. The timeout value is the amount of time that a port-channel interface waits for a LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. data unit from the remote system before terminating the LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. session. The default long time-out value is 90 seconds; short is 3 seconds.

(host)[mynode] (config-submode)#lacp timeout {long | short}

4. Set the port priority. The higher the priority value the lower the priority. The range is 1-65535 and the default is 255.

(host)[mynode] (config-submode)#lacp port-priority <value>

5. Save the configuration.

(host)[mynode] (config-submode)#write memory

6. View your LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. neighbor.

The port uses the group number +1 as the “actor admin key”. All the ports use the long timeout value (90 seconds) by default.

(host)[mynode] (config-submode)#show lacp <id> neighbor

The port status is displayed as “DOWN” (see the following example) under the following conditions:

When a port in a LAG Link Aggregation Group . A LAG combines a number of physical ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data path. LAGs can connect two switches to provide a higher-bandwidth connection to a public network. is misconfigured (the partner device is different than the other ports)

If the neighbor ages out

If a neighbor cannot exchange LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. data units with the partner

(host)[mynode] (config-submode)#show lacp <id> internal

Additionally, you can configure logging levels for LAGM process and debug LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. related issues on the GSM channel by using the following commands:

Use the following command to configure the logging level for LAGM process:

(host)[mynode] (config)# logging system process lagm level <category> [subcat <subcategory>]

Use the following command to debug issues related to LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol. LACP is used for the collective handling of multiple physical ports that can be seen as a single channel for network traffic purposes. in the GSM channel:

(host) [mode]# show gsm debug channel port_info