WebRTC Prioritization
The webRTC prioritization feature prioritizes the media traffic from webRTC sources. WebRTC is an open framework for the web that enables real time communication using a web browser. WebRTC includes the fundamental building blocks for high-quality communication on the web like network, audio, and video components that are used in voice, video, and chat applications.
WebRTC prioritization provides better end user experience, dashboard visibility of all WebRTC applications like voice, video, and application sharing, and call quality monitoring for audio calls using upstream and downstream RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol. RTP is a network protocol used for delivering audio and video over IP networks. analysis. Enable DPI Deep Packet Inspection. DPI is an advanced method of network packet filtering that is used for inspecting data packets exchanged between the devices and systems over a network. DPI functions at the Application layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and enables users to identify, categorize, track, reroute, or stop packets passing through a network. before enabling WebRTC prioritization. To enable DPI Deep Packet Inspection. DPI is an advanced method of network packet filtering that is used for inspecting data packets exchanged between the devices and systems over a network. DPI functions at the Application layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and enables users to identify, categorize, track, reroute, or stop packets passing through a network. see ArubaOS Help Center.
WebRTC Prioritization Configuration
You can configure webRTC by using the CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.. The following commands enable webRTC on the Mobility Master using the CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions.:
(host) [mm] (config) #ucc webrtc
(host) [mm] (WebRTC ALG Configuration) #enable
(host) [mm] (WeRTC ALG Configuration) #priority video
(host) [mm] (WeRTC ALG Configuration) #priority voice
WebRTC Media Classification Support in Mobility Master
By default, all the VoIP Voice over IP. VoIP allows transmission of voice and multimedia content over an IP network. traffic undergo media classification on the managed device whenever RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol. RTP is a network protocol used for delivering audio and video over IP networks. Traffic reaches the managed device. The process in the Mobility Master can identify and prioritize calls made using webRTC ALG Application Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on. . The process also provides visibility for all voice calls made using the webRTC ALG Application Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on. . The process in the Mobility Master dynamically opens firewall Firewall is a network security system used for preventing unauthorized access to or from a private network. ports for voice and video traffic. You do not have to explicitly define a firewall Firewall is a network security system used for preventing unauthorized access to or from a private network. policy to permit such traffic.
WebRTC Media Flow Pattern
Following is the webRTC media flow pattern:
1. For any webRTC based call, there is STUN/TURN message exchanged between the webRTC endpoints.
2. The same endpoints (IP5 tuple) is used for Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS Datagram Transport Layer Security. DTLS communications protocol provides communications security for datagram protocols. ) packet exchange to derive the encryption/decryption keys.
3. The same endpoints (IP5 tuple) is subsequently used for Secure RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol. RTP is a network protocol used for delivering audio and video over IP networks. (SRTP) packets for exchanging media.
4. The SRTP header has stream and codec details which helps in identifying the media type such as voice and video.
UCC Score for WebRTC Media Classification
ArubaOS supports UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. score for webRTC calls prioritized using media classification. The UCM process supports:
Real-time quality analysis for webRTC voice and video calls (voice RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol. RTP is a network protocol used for delivering audio and video over IP networks. streams only)
Real-time computation of UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. score (delay, jitter, and packet loss) for webRTC VoIP Voice over IP. VoIP allows transmission of voice and multimedia content over an IP network. calls prioritized using media classification. The AP computes the UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. score in the downstream direction and the managed device computes the UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. score in the upstream direction.
Call quality versus client health chart is displayed in the UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. dashboard of the Mobility Master.
When VoIP Voice over IP. VoIP allows transmission of voice and multimedia content over an IP network. calls are prioritized using media classification, end-to-end call quality metrics such as mean opinion score, delay, jitter, and packet loss are not available. UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. score computes the quality of voice calls. It takes delay, jitter, and packet loss of SRTP packets into account. UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. score is computed on a scale of 0 to 100. To compute the UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. score, enable RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol. RTP is a network protocol used for delivering audio and video over IP networks. analysis on the Mobility Master.
Call Quality Metrics
Following call quality metrics are available for webRTC calls prioritized by media classification:
Client IP address
Client MAC Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network. address
Duration (approximate)
Origination time (approximate)
Call type (voice or video)
Client health
UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. band Band refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.
Source port
Destination port
Originated and modified DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point. DSCP is a 6-bit packet header value used for traffic classification and priority assignment.
The following call quality metrics are not available for webRTC calls prioritized by media classification because the SRTP packets are encrypted:
Client name
Called to
Mean Opinion Score (MOS)
MOS band Band refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.
End-to-end delay
Packet loss
File transfer and desktop sharing sessions are not prioritized by media classification. Upstream and downstream delay, jitter, and packet loss are not available for video sessions.
The ALG Application Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on. . The UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. dashboard displays statistics for media classification based webRTC ALG Application Layer Gateway. ALG is a security component that manages application layer protocols such as SIP, FTP and so on. .
commands displays statistics for media classification based WebRTCWebRTC Media Classification Limitations
WebRTC media classification limitations include:
Media classification logic is applicable only for UDP User Datagram Protocol. UDP is a part of the TCP/IP family of protocols used for data transfer. UDP is typically used for streaming media. UDP is a stateless protocol, which means it does not acknowledge that the packets being sent have been received.-based RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol. RTP is a network protocol used for delivering audio and video over IP networks. traffic, which applies to real-time voice and video calls.
WebRTC app-sharing and file-transfer sessions are not identified and prioritized by media classification.
When using media classification, UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. score, jitter, delay, and packet loss are calculated only for voice RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol. RTP is a network protocol used for delivering audio and video over IP networks. streams. These metrics are not available for video streams.
Media classification does not work in split-tunnel forwarding mode.
When VoIP Voice over IP. VoIP allows transmission of voice and multimedia content over an IP network. calls are prioritized using media classification, end-to-end call quality metrics such as MOS, delay, jitter, and packet loss are not available.
Media classification does not work when the managed device performs a NAT Network Address Translation. NAT is a method of remapping one IP address space into another by modifying network address information in Internet Protocol (IP) datagram packet headers while they are in transit across a traffic routing device. for media traffic. Media classification continues to work if the media traffic is subjected to NAT Network Address Translation. NAT is a method of remapping one IP address space into another by modifying network address information in Internet Protocol (IP) datagram packet headers while they are in transit across a traffic routing device. beyond the managed device.
WebRTC Troubleshooting
WebRTC allows basic troubleshooting tasks.
In Master Controller Mode, issue the show commands on the managed device. |
2. Connect clients to the SSID Service Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network.
3. Launch the webRTC application
4. Make audio and video calls between clients.
5. Issue the and commands and access the UCC Unified Communications and Collaboration. UCC is a term used to describe the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual whiteboards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. dashboard on the webUI to view the WebRTC call statistics and prioritization
[mynode] #show ucc client-info
Client Status:
Client IP Client MAC Client Name ALG Server(IP) Registration State Call Status AP Name Flags Device Type Home_Agent Foreign_Agent
--------- ---------- ----------- --- ---------- ------------------ ----------- ------- ----- ----------- ---------- ------------- e4:b3:18:08:36:a3 Client WebRTC REGISTERED In-Call 18:64:72:c2:07:54 Windows NA 48:51:b7:19:40:88 Client WebRTC REGISTERED In-Call 18:64:72:c2:07:54 Win 7 NA
Total Client Entries:2
Flags: V - Visitor, A - Away, W - Wired, R - Remote, E - External
(MM_UCC) [mynode] #show ucc call-info cdrs
Help: [C] - Metric calculated at the Controller
[A] - Metric calculated at the AP
CDR ID UCC Call ID Client IP Client MAC Client Name ALG Dir Called to Dur(sec) Orig Time Status Reason Call Type Client Health UCC Score[C] UCC Score[A] MOS Server(IP)
------ ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- --- --- --------- -------- --------- ------ ------ --------- ------------- ------------ ------------ --- ----------
65 NA 48:51:b7:19:40:88 Client WebRTC NA NA 63 Oct 29 22:23:58 ACTIVE NA Video 93 NA NA NA
64 NA e4:b3:18:08:36:a3 Client WebRTC NA NA 63 Oct 29 22:23:58 ACTIVE NA Video 92 NA NA NA
63 NA e4:b3:18:08:36:a3 Client WebRTC NA NA 63 Oct 29 22:23:58 ACTIVE NA Voice 92 69.45/Fair 84.82/Good NA
62 NA 48:51:b7:19:40:88 Client WebRTC NA NA 63 Oct 29 22:23:58 ACTIVE NA Voice 93 71.57/Good 84.61/Good NA
6. Issue the command on the managed device to verify if the calls are prioritized. A client with the Q flag indicates real-time analysis and a client with u flag indicates RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol. RTP is a network protocol used for delivering audio and video over IP networks. analysis of upstream VoIP Voice over IP. VoIP allows transmission of voice and multimedia content over an IP network. calls.
(LOCAL1-7010) #show datapath session | include | include 17 65525 54646 0/0 6 46 0 local 7 268 20552 FHPTCIVBOQu 6 17 65527 54648 0/0 5 34 0 local c8 94 53711 FHPTCVBO 6 17 54648 65527 0/0 5 34 0 local c8 117 51520 FHPTCVBO 6 17 54646 65525 0/0 6 46 0 local 2 786 71468 FHPTCIVBOQu 6
7. Issue the command to verify if the webRTC clients are in InCall state.
(MM_UCC) [mynode] #show ucc client-info
Client Status:
Client IP Client MAC Client Name ALG Server(IP) Registration State Call Status AP Name Flags Device Type Home_Agent Foreign_Agent
--------- ---------- ----------- --- ---------- ------------------ ----------- ------- ----- ----------- ---------- ------------- e4:b3:18:08:36:a3 Client WebRTC REGISTERED In-Call 18:64:72:c2:07:54 Windows NA 48:51:b7:19:40:88 Client WebRTC REGISTERED In-Call 18:64:72:c2:07:54 Win 7 NA
Total Client Entries:2
Flags: V - Visitor, A - Away, W - Wired, R - Remote, E - External
8. Issue the command on the managed device and look for the O flag indicating if the RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol. RTP is a network protocol used for delivering audio and video over IP networks. or RTCP RTP Control Protocol. RTCP provides out-of-band statistics and control information for an Real-Time Transport Protocol session.-related flows is installed on the managed device using OpenFlow OpenFlow is an open communications interface between control plane and the forwarding layers of a network. protocol.
(LOCAL1-7010) #show datapath session | include | include 17 65525 54646 0/0 6 46 0 local 7 268 20552 FHPTCIVBOQu 6 17 65527 54648 0/0 5 34 0 local c8 94 53711 FHPTCVBO 6 17 54648 65527 0/0 5 34 0 local c8 117 51520 FHPTCVBO 6 17 54646 65525 0/0 6 46 0 local 2 786 71468 FHPTCIVBOQu 6
9. Issue the command to display the CDR Call Detail Record. A CDR contains the details of a telephone or VoIP call, such as the origin and destination addresses of the call, the start time and end time of the call, any toll charges that were added through the network or charges for operator services, and so on. information or access the page in the webUI to verify if the calls are identified and prioritized.
(LOCAL1-7010) #show datapath session | include | include 17 65525 54646 0/0 6 46 0 local 7 268 20552 FHPTCIVBOQu 6 17 65527 54648 0/0 5 34 0 local c8 94 53711 FHPTCVBO 6 17 54648 65527 0/0 5 34 0 local c8 117 51520 FHPTCVBO 6 17 54646 65525 0/0 6 46 0 local 2 786 71468 FHPTCIVBOQu 6
10. Issue the and commands to view the different call metrics.
(MM_UCC) [mynode] #show ucc statistics counter call client
Per Client Call Counters:
Client IP Client MAC Call Originated Call Terminated Active Success Failed Blocked Aborted Forwarded WMM AC-VI WMM AC-VO WMM-BK WMM-BE
--------- ---------- --------------- --------------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- ------ ------ e4:b3:18:08:36:a3 22 23 2 20 23 0 0 0 10 12 0 0 48:51:b7:19:40:88 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
WMM (VI, VO, BK, BE):total calls with received priority
(MM_UCC) [mynode] #show ucc statistics counter call client
Per Client Call Counters:
Client IP Client MAC Call Originated Call Terminated Active Success Failed Blocked Aborted Forwarded WMM AC-VI WMM AC-VO WMM-BK WMM-BE
--------- ---------- --------------- --------------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- ------ ------ e4:b3:18:08:36:a3 22 23 2 20 23 0 0 0 10 12 0 0 48:51:b7:19:40:88 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
WMM (VI, VO, BK, BE):total calls with received priority
(MM_UCC) [mynode] #show ucc statistics counter call global
System-wide Call Counters:
Call Originated Call Terminated Active Success Failed Blocked Aborted Forwarded WMM AC-VI WMM AC-VO WMM-BK WMM-BE
--------------- --------------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- ------ ------
42 23 4 38 23 0 0 0 20 22 0 0
Device Type Allocations:
----------- --------- --------- ------ ------
Win 7 10 10 0 0
Windows 1 3 0 0
WMM (VI, VO, BK, BE):total calls with received priority
11. If the clients are not seen after issuing the command, verify the output by issuing the , , and commands:
(MM_UCC) [mynode] #show gsm debug channel ucc_client
ucc_client Channel Table
state uc_client_mac uc_client_ip uc_contact_name uc_server_name uc_client_flags uc_reg_state uc_alg uc_entry_type uc_role uc_active_call uc_replicatorip
----- ------------- ------------ --------------- -------------- --------------- ------------ ------ ------------- ------- -------------- ---------------
ACTV 48:51:b7:19:40:88 Client 1 4 32 1 0 1
ACTV e4:b3:18:08:36:a3 Client 1 4 32 1 0 1
Total Num of Objects :2
Total Num of Active Objects :2
Total Num of Replicated Objects :0
(MM_UCC) [mynode] #show gsm debug channel ucc_session
ucc_session Channel Table
state uc_client_mac uc_client_ip uc_active_call
----- ------------- ------------ --------------
ACTV 48:51:b7:19:40:88 1
ACTV e4:b3:18:08:36:a3 1
Total Num of Objects :2
Total Num of Active Objects :2
Total Num of Replicated Objects :0
(MM_UCC) [mynode] #show gsm debug channel ip_user
ip_user Channel Table
state v_repkey user_ip_address user_uuid ip_user_flags ip_user_timestamp
----- -------- --------------- --------- ------------- -----------------
REPL 3 000b869b53f70000003622db 0 1572431351926000
REPL 3 000b869b53f70000003622e4 0 1572430151259000
Total Num of Objects :2
Total Num of Active Objects :0
Total Num of Replicated Objects :2
12. Issue the command to view the Real-Time analysis report.
(MM_UCC) [mynode] #show ucc rtpa-report
Help: [C] - Metric calculated at the Controller
[A] - Metric calculated at the AP
[E] - Metric calculated End-to-End
Real-Time Analysis Call Quality Report
Client(IP) Client(MAC) Client(Name) ALG Jitter(usec)[C] Pkt-loss(%)[C] Delay(usec)[C] UCC Score[C] Jitter(usec)[A] Pkt-loss(%)[A] Delay(usec)[A] UCC Score[A] Forward mode
---------- ----------- ------------ --- --------------- -------------- -------------- ------------ --------------- -------------- -------------- ------------ ------------ e4:b3:18:08:36:a3 Client WebRTC 4104.440 0.240 177.432 69.494 9.221 0.619 448.391 88.653 tunnel 48:51:b7:19:40:88 Client WebRTC 2359.181 0.000 179.290 69.700 14.451 0.314 391.472 85.634 tunnel
Num Records:2
13. Issue the command to verify if the users are learned as OpenFlow OpenFlow is an open communications interface between control plane and the forwarding layers of a network. hosts. If a host entry is not present for a user then flow is not installed and the call is not prioritized.
(MM_UCC) [mynode] #show openflow-controller hosts
IP MAC Wireless Dpid Port No Port MAC
-- --- -------- ---- ------- -------- 00:1a:1e:11:7f:80 false 00:00:00:0b:86:9b:5f:b7 1 00:0b:86:9b:5f:b8 00:0c:29:4d:72:3a false 00:00:00:0b:86:9b:53:f7 1 00:0b:86:9b:53:f8 20:67:7c:d7:55:90 false 00:00:00:0b:86:9b:5f:b7 1 00:0b:86:9b:5f:b8 20:67:7c:83:a7:80 false 00:00:00:0b:86:9b:53:f7 1 00:0b:86:9b:53:f8 00:0c:29:de:58:2b false 00:00:00:0c:29:f8:68:14 2 00:0c:29:f8:68:14 00:0c:29:d3:a0:95 false 00:00:00:0c:29:f8:68:14 2 00:0c:29:f8:68:14 00:0c:29:17:04:c5 false 00:00:00:0c:29:f8:68:14 2 00:0c:29:f8:68:14 00:0c:29:3c:62:a5 false 00:00:00:0c:29:f8:68:14 2 00:0c:29:f8:68:14 ec:eb:b8:8f:7e:06 false 00:00:00:0c:29:f8:68:14 2 00:0c:29:f8:68:14 00:0c:29:6f:4b:d9 false 00:00:00:0b:86:9b:53:f7 1 00:0b:86:9b:53:f8
IP MAC Wireless Dpid Port No Port MAC
-- --- -------- ---- ------- -------- e4:b3:18:08:36:a3 True 00:00:00:0b:86:9b:53:f7 30 18:64:72:c2:07:54 48:51:b7:19:40:88 True 00:00:00:0b:86:9b:53:f7 30 18:64:72:c2:07:54
Total number of hosts: 12
14. Issue the command on the Mobility Master to verify if the flows are installed accurately
(MM_UCC) [mynode] #show openflow-controller flow-table
Dpid In Port Src Mac Dst Mac Ether Src IP Dst IP Proto Src Port Dst Port App Name Actions
---- ------- ------- ------- ----- ------ ------ ----- -------- -------- -------- -------
00:00:00:0b:86:9b:53:f7 * * * 0x800 17 65525 54646 ucm set-dscp=46,set-vlan-priority=6,output=normal,write-flag=VHQuI
00:00:00:0b:86:9b:53:f7 * * * 0x800 17 54646 65525 ucm set-dscp=46,set-vlan-priority=6,output=normal,write-flag=VHQuI
Dpid In Port Src Mac Dst Mac Ether Src IP Dst IP Proto Src Port Dst Port App Name Actions
---- ------- ------- ------- ----- ------ ------ ----- -------- -------- -------- -------
00:00:00:0b:86:9b:53:f7 * * * 0x800 17 54648 65527 ucm set-dscp=34,set-vlan-priority=5,set-appid=3621,output=normal,write-flag=VH
00:00:00:0b:86:9b:53:f7 * * * 0x800 17 65527 54648 ucm set-dscp=34,set-vlan-priority=5,set-appid=3621,output=normal,write-flag=VH
15. Issue the command on the managed device to check if the OpenFlows are added in the managed device.
(LOCAL1-7010) #show openflow flow-table
Openflow Flow Table
In Port Src Mac Dst Mac Ether Src IP Dst IP Proto Src Port Dst Port Packets Bytes Actions
------- ------- ------- ----- ------ ------ ----- -------- -------- ------- ----- -------
* * * 0x800 17 54648 65527 8587 4055725 ,(Set IP DSCP:34),(Set Vlan pcp:5),(Set AppID:3621)(Output:normal),(Write Flag:VH)
* * * 0x800 17 60000 60000 0 0 (Output:controller)
* * * 0x800 17 65525 54646 13512 1053494 ,(Set IP DSCP:46),(Set Vlan pcp:6)(Output:normal),(Write Flag:QVHIu)
* * * 0x800 17 54646 65525 36690 3328022 ,(Set IP DSCP:46),(Set Vlan pcp:6)(Output:normal),(Write Flag:QVHIu)
* * * 0x800 17 65527 54648 7011 4064747 ,(Set IP DSCP:34),(Set Vlan pcp:5),(Set AppID:3621)(Output:normal),(Write Flag:VH)