Enabling DPI

For application and application category specific configuration to take affect, you must first enable DPI Deep Packet Inspection. DPI is an advanced method of network packet filtering that is used for inspecting data packets exchanged between the devices and systems over a network. DPI functions at the Application layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and enables users to identify, categorize, track, reroute, or stop packets passing through a network. .

The following procedure describes how to enable DPI Deep Packet Inspection. DPI is an advanced method of network packet filtering that is used for inspecting data packets exchanged between the devices and systems over a network. DPI functions at the Application layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and enables users to identify, categorize, track, reroute, or stop packets passing through a network. :

  1. In the Mobility Master node hierarchy, navigate to the Configuration > Services > Firewall tab.
  2. Expand the Global Settings accordion.
  3. Select the Enable deep packet inspection check box.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Click Pending Changes.
  6. In the Pending Changes window, select the check box and click Deploy changes.
  7. Reload the Mobility Master.

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command enables DPI Deep Packet Inspection. DPI is an advanced method of network packet filtering that is used for inspecting data packets exchanged between the devices and systems over a network. DPI functions at the Application layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and enables users to identify, categorize, track, reroute, or stop packets passing through a network. :

(host) [mynode](config) #firewall dpi

(host) [mynode] #reload

The following CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. command displays the application ID, application name, and the ACL Access Control List. ACL is a common way of restricting certain types of traffic on a physical port. or ACE Access Control Entry. ACE is an element in an ACL that includes access control information. index information for a given session:

(host) [mynode] #show datapath session dpi