ap regulatory-domain-profile

ap regulatory-domain-profile {default | <profile-name>

clone <source>}

country-code <country-code>



utb_filter_block <5GHz | 6GHz>

valid-11a-160mhz-channel-group <valid-11a-160mhz-channel-group>

valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair <valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair>

valid-11a-80mhz-channel-group <valid-11a-80mhz-channel-group>

valid-11a-channel <valid-11a-channel>

valid-11g-40mhz-channel-pair <valid-11g-40mhz-channel-pair>

valid-11g-channel <valid-11g-channel>

valid-6ghz-channel <valid-6ghz-channel>


This command configures an AP regulatory domain profile. This profile configures the country code and valid channels for operation of APs. The list of valid channels only affects the channels that may be selected by ARM or by the Mobility Conductor when no channel is configured. Channels that are specifically configured in the AP radio settings profile (see rf dot11a-radio-profile, rf dot11g-radio-profilerf dot11g-radio-profile) must be valid for the country and the AP model.

A Mobility Conductor shipped to certain countries, such as the U.S. and Israel, cannot terminate APs with regulatory domain profiles that specify different country codes from the Mobility Conductor. For example, if a controller is designated for the U.S., then only a regulatory domain profile with the “US” country code is valid; setting APs to a regulatory domain profile with a different country code will result in the radios not coming up. For controllers in other countries, you can mix regulatory domain profiles on the same controller; for example, one controller can support APs in Japan, Taiwan, China, and Singapore.

In order for an AP to boot correctly, the country code configured in the AP regulatory domain profile must match the country code of the LMS. If none of the channels supported by the AP have received regulatory approval by the country whose country code you selected, the AP will revert to Air Monitor mode.

This command is used to override available channels in the list of channels allowed for use in that country. If you do not add any channels to the AP regulatory domain profile, it means the AP can use any of the available channels. If you want to disable use of an entire band, best practices is to use the rf-dot11a-radio-profile, rf-dot11g-radio-profile, or rf dot11-6ghz-radio-profile commands to disable the radio. Alternatively, if you want to disable a specific bandwidth, use the Max Channel Bandwidth and Min Channel Bandwidth settings in the radio profiles, and AirMatch will enforce this setting.

After an upgrade, the 6 GHz channel information is not populated in the existing regulatory domain profile by default. To add 6 GHz channels, you must change the country code to a different country code, apply the change, and then revert it to the original country code. Another option is to create a new profile or copy the existing regulatory domain profile into a new regulatory domain profile to save the configuration.



ap regulatory-domain-profile


Configures a Regulatory Domain profile. Give a name to this instance of the profile. The name must be 1–63 characters long.

clone <source>

Name of an existing regulatory domain profile from which parameter values are copied.

country-code <country-code>

Code that represents the country in which the APs will operate. The country code determines the 802.11 wireless transmission spectrum.

Improper country code assignment can disrupt wireless transmissions. Most countries impose penalties and sanctions for operators of wireless networks with devices set to improper country codes.


Negates any configured parameter.


If enabled, OOB scanning on 6 GHz band is allowed. If disabled OOB scanning on 6 GHz band is blocked. This switch is valid only for AP-615 access points in the 5GHz-and-2.4GHz operation mode. Disable the switch to enable the use of UNII-4 band.

Default: Enabled.


This parameter is used to control the band on which the UTB limitation is applied in the regulatory-domain-profile. The utb filter supports channel band on both 5 GHz and 6 GHz.

Listed below are the two options available: 

  • 5 GHz - Select 5 GHz for upper band blocking.
  • 6 GHz - Select 6 GHz for lower band blocking.

Default value: 6 GHz

valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair <valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair>

Specifies a channel pair valid for 40 MHz operation in the 802.11a frequency band for the specified regulatory domain. The two channels must be separated by a dash.

Changing the country code causes the valid channel lists to be reset to the defaults for the country

valid-11a-80mhz-channel-group <valid-11a-80mhz-channel-group>

Specifies which 80 MHz channels on the a band are available for assignment by ARM and for Mobility Conductor to randomly assign if the user has not specified a channel. The channel numbers below correspond to channel center frequency.

Changing the country code causes the valid channel lists to be reset to the defaults for the country.

valid-11a-160mhz-channel-group <valid-11a-160mhz-channel-group>

Specifies a valid 802.11a channel group for 160 MHz channel on the a band. The channel numbers below correspond to channel center frequency.

Changing the country code causes the valid channel lists to be reset to the defaults for the country.

valid-11a-channel <valid-11a-channel>

Specifies a single 802.11a channel number for 20 MHz operation within the specified regulatory domain.

Changing the country code causes the valid channel lists to be reset to the defaults for the country.

valid-11g-40mhz-channel-pair <valid-11g-40mhz-channel-pair>

Specifies a channel pair valid for 40 MHz operation in the 802.11g frequency band for the specified regulatory domain. The two channels must be separated by a dash.

Changing the country code causes the valid channel lists to be reset to the defaults for the country.

valid-11g-channel <valid-11g-channel>

Specifies a single 802.11g channel number for 20 MHz operation within the specified regulatory domain.

Changing the country code causes the valid channel lists to be reset to the defaults for the country.

valid-6ghz-channel <valid-6ghz-channel>

Specifies a single 6 GHz channel number within the specified regulatory domain.

Changing the country code causes the valid channel lists to be reset to the defaults for the country.


The following example configures the regulatory domain profile for APs in Japan:

(host) [mynode](config) #ap regulatory-domain-profile rd1

(host) [mynode] (Regulatory Domain profile "rd1") #country-code JP

The following example configures a regulatory domain profile for APs in the United States and specifies that the channel pair of 36 and 40, is allowed for 40 MHz mode of operation on the 5 GHz frequency band:

(host)[mynode] (config) #ap regulatory-domain-profile usa1

(host) [mynode] (Regulatory Domain profile "usa1") #country-code US

(host) [mynode] (Regulatory Domain profile "usa1") #valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair 36-40

The following example configures a regulatory domain profile for APs in the United States and specifies that the channel pair of 5 and 1, is allowed for 40 MHz mode of operation on the 2.4 GHz frequency band:

host) [mynode](config) #ap regulatory-domain-profile usa1

host) [mynode] (Regulatory Domain profile "usa1") #country-code US

host) [mynode] (Regulatory Domain profile "usa1") #valid-11g-40mhz-channel-pair 1-5

The following example configures a regulatory domain profile for a Wi-Fi 6E AP specifying the country code and 6 GHz channel on the 6 GHz radio band (ArubaOS or later versions).

host) [mynode](config) #ap regulatory-domain-profile reg-635

host) [mynode] (Regulatory Domain profile "reg-635") #country-code US

host) [mynode] (Regulatory Domain profile "reg-635") #valid-6ghz-channel 165

The following example configures a UTB Filter Blocking parameter for 5 GHz band (ArubaOS or later versions).

(host) [mynode] (config) #ap regulatory-domain-profile reg-635

(host) [mynode] (Regulatory Domain profile "reg-635") #utb_filter_block (host) [mynode] (Regulatory Domain profile "reg-635") #utb_filter_block 5GHz

The following example configures AP's regulatory domain profile:

(host) [/md] (config) #ap regulatory-domain-profile

clone Copy data from another Regulatory Domain profile

country-code Country Code

no Delete Command

oob_switch enabled - allows OOB scanning on 6GHz Band. disabled - blocks OOB scanning on 6GHz Band. Default enabled.

utb_filter_block 6GHz - Selects 6GHz lowerband blocking. 5GHz - Selects 5GHz upper band blocking. Default 6GHz.

valid-11a-160mhz-chan.. Valid 802.11a channel group for 160MHz (e.g., 36-64)

valid-11a-40mhz-chann.. Valid 802.11a channel pair for 40MHz (e.g., 36-40)

valid-11a-80mhz-chann.. Valid 802.11a channel group for 80MHz (e.g., 36-48)

valid-11a-channel Valid 802.11a channel

valid-11g-40mhz-chann.. Valid 802.11g channel pair for 40MHz (e.g., 1-5)

valid-11g-channel Valid 802.11g channel

valid-6ghz-channel Valid 6GHz channel

Related Commands



show ap allowed-channels

To view the supported channels.

Command History




The oob_switch parameter was introduced.


The following parameters were introduced: 

  • utb_filter_block (RT-6923-Rashmi)
  • valid-6ghz-channel <valid-6ghz-channel>


Command introduced.

Command Information



Command Mode

All platforms

Base operating system.

Config mode on Mobility Conductor.