About the Insight Dashboard

Dashboard Overview

The Dashboard Landing Page opens immediately when you successfully log in to Policy Manager Insight. The Dashboard includes report widgets that provide a summarized and graphical view of your network analytics. The Insight header statistics at the top of the dashboard display authentication, endpoints and user statistics collected over the previous 24 hours. You can click any of these values to display a dashboard page with additional information. You can customize the Dashboard to display the report widgets that you use most often by adding widgets to the Dashboard Landing Page; you can also remove any report widget from the Dashboard Landing Page as needed.

Figure 1  Insight Header

The following report widgets are included by default on the Dashboard Landing page:

Authentication Trend

Authentication Distribution

Authentication Status

Authentication Service

Top 10 MAC Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network.  Address Authentications

Top 20 NAD Network Access Device. NAD is a device that automatically connects the user to the preferred network, for example, an AP or an Ethernet switch. Authentications

Top 10 Authentication Errors

Latest 10 Authentication Alerts

Figure 2  Insight Dashboard Landing Page

Adding a Report Widget to the Dashboard Landing Page

When you add a report widget to the Dashboard Landing page, that widget will appear in the Landing page, and the widget will also continue to be available on its Dashboard category page; for example, if you added the Top 10 Restarted Services widget from the System Monitor Dashboard, the Top 10 Restarted Serviceswidget would be present in both the Dashboard Landing page and the System Monitor Dashboard.

To add a report widget to the Dashboard Landing page:

1. From any of the Dashboard category pages, click the arrow icon in the right corner of the widget title bar.

2. Select Add to Dashboard (see Figure 3).

That report widget will appear when you return to the Dashboard Landing page.

Figure 3  Adding a Widget to the Dashboard Landing Page

3. To view the newly-added widget, return to the Dashboard Landing page.

Removing a Report Widget from the Dashboard Landing Page

You can only remove a report widget from the Dashboard Landing Page. Report widgets cannot be deleted from Dashboard category pages (for example, if you choose to remove the Top 10 MAC Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network. Address Authentications widget from the Landing page, it will remain in the set of report widgets provided in the Authentication Dashboard).

To remove a report widget from the Dashboard Landing page:

1. From the Dashboard Landing Page, locate the widget you want to remove.

2. Click the arrow icon in the right corner of the widget title bar.

3. From the menu, select Remove from Dashboard (see Figure 4).

Figure 4  Removing a Widget From the Dashboard

When you refresh the page, that widget will disappear from the Dashboard.

Creating a Report or Alert From the Dashboard

The widgets on the Dashboard include links to the Create Reports and Create Alerts pages.

To define and to receive a regular report of data for that Dashboard:

To open the Create Reports wizard from the Dashboard, click the down-arrow icon in the widget title bar and select Create Report.

To define and to receive alerts when customized thresholds are reached:

To open the Create Alerts wizard from the Dashboard, click the down-arrow icon in the widget title bar and select Create Alert.

Figure 5  Creating Reports or Alerts from the Dashboard

For detailed procedures to create reports and alerts, see Creating Reports and Creating Alerts.

Specifying the Date Range for Data Collection

By default, the Insight widgets, including those on the Dashboard page as well as all the other Insight widgets, such as Endpoints, Guest, Posture, and so on, display information collected over the previous seven days. The System Monitor widget is an exception as it displays data for the previous two hours. You can modify the Authentication, Endpoints, Guest, Posture, and System widgets to display widget data for today, one week, one month, or a custom date and time range.

To specify the date range to have data collected for a Dashboard widget:

1. To specify data collection for today, one week, or one month, from the upper right corner of the Dashboard, select Today, 1w (for one week), or 1m (for one month) as desired.

The Dashboard widgets then display the information for the specified number of days.

2. To specify a customized period for Insight data collection, click the Custom button.

You are prompted to specify the start and end dates for your date range, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6  Specifying a Custom Date Range

3. Select the Start Date and End Date from the calendar, then click Apply.

The Dashboard widgets then display the information for the specified range of dates.

Authentication Dashboard

Authentication Dashboard widgets focus on authentication analytics and include widgets on trends, distribution, status, service, alerts, and statistics.

To access the Authentication Dashboard, navigate to Dashboard > Authentication.

Figure 7  Authentication Dashboard

The following widgets are included by default on the Authentication Dashboard:

Authentication Trend

Authentication Distribution

TACACS Terminal Access Controller Access Control System. TACACS is a family of protocols that handles remote authentication and related services for network access control through a centralized server. Statistics for Authentication and Authorization

Authentication Service

Authentication Status

Top 10 MAC Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network. Address Authentications

Top 20 NAD Network Access Device. NAD is a device that automatically connects the user to the preferred network, for example, an AP or an Ethernet switch. Authentications

Top 10 Authentication Errors

Latest 10 Authentication Alerts

For more information about the Authentication reports and the widgets provided for each report, see Authentication Category Reports.

Endpoints Dashboard

The Endpoints Dashboard widgets provide analytics that focus on Endpoint trends, distribution, device profile, and bandwidth usage.

To access the Authentication Dashboard, navigate to Dashboard > Endpoints.

Figure 8  Endpoints Dashboard

The following widgets are included by default on the Endpoints Dashboard:

Endpoint Unique Trend

Endpoint Device Profiling

Endpoint Device Categories

Endpoint Device Families

Endpoint Device Names

Top 20 Bandwidth Users

Endpoint Randomized MACs

For more information about the Endpoints reports and the widgets provided for each report, see Endpoint Category Reports.

Guest Dashboard

To access the Guest Dashboard, navigate to Dashboard > Guest.

Figure 9  Guest Dashboard

The following widgets are included by default on the Guest Dashboard:

Guests Authentication Trend

Unique Guest Authentication

Guests Provisioned

Guest Device Category

Guest Device Families

Guest Device Names

Top 20 Bandwidth Guest Users

For more information about the Guest reports and the widgets provided for each report, see Guest Authentication Category Reports.

Licensing Dashboard

To access the Licensing dashboard, navigate to Dashboard > Licensing.

Figure 10  Licensing Dashboard

The following widgets are included by default on the Guest Licensing form:

Current License Usage

License Usage in the Last 24 Hours

Maximum License Usage

This page displays the current license usage for OnGuard, Onboard, and Entry or Access licenses over the previous 15 minutes and previous 24 hour interval, and the maximum usage for each of these license types in the previous day, week or month. For more information, see Licensing Reports.

Network Dashboard

To access the Network Dashboard, navigate to Dashboard > Network.

Figure 11  Network Dashboard: NAD Vendor Distribution

The following widget is included on the Network Dashboard:

NAD Network Access Device. NAD is a device that automatically connects the user to the preferred network, for example, an AP or an Ethernet switch. Vendor Distribution

This widget displays the list of all the NAD Network Access Device. NAD is a device that automatically connects the user to the preferred network, for example, an AP or an Ethernet switch. (Network Access Device) vendors, including the number of NADs by each vendor. Each vendor is associated with a unique color, and those colors are reflected in the circle graph that displays the distribution percentage each NAD Network Access Device. NAD is a device that automatically connects the user to the preferred network, for example, an AP or an Ethernet switch. vendor represents.

For more information about the Network reports, see Network Category Reports.

Posture Dashboard

The Posture Dashboard widgets focus on device health status and device profiles. To access the Posture Dashboard, navigate to Dashboard > Posture.

Figure 12  Posture Dashboard

The following widgets are included by default on the Posture Dashboard:

Top 20 Web Authentications

The number of WEBAUTH health requests from each of the twenty MAC Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network. addresses with the most posture requests over the selected time period, and the percentage of requests for each MAC Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network. address that succeeded. This widget identifies devices sending frequent health requests as compared with the Onguard Polling time interval, and helps isolate issues where a control channel on the network is blocked.

Health Status

The numbers of devices identified as infected or healthy over the selected time period.

Unhealthy Devices

The operating systems of devices identified as unhealthy during the selected time period.

For more information about the Posture-related reports, see OnGuard Category Reports.

System Monitor Dashboard

The System Monitor Dashboard widgets focus on health, including Authentication health, processing time, and CPU Central Processing Unit. A CPU is an electronic circuitry in a computer for processing instructions., memory, and disk usage.


You cannot pin System Monitor widgets to the Dashboard.

To access the System Monitor Dashboard, navigate to Dashboard > System Monitor.

Figure 13  System Monitor Dashboard

The following widgets are included by default on the System Monitor Dashboard:

Authentication Health

The Authentication Health data graph can show data from any 24-hour period in the past 90 days.

End-to-End Request Processing Time

Memory Usage

Swap Memory Usage

Disk Usage

CPU Central Processing Unit. A CPU is an electronic circuitry in a computer for processing instructions. Usage

CPU Central Processing Unit. A CPU is an electronic circuitry in a computer for processing instructions. Load

Top 10 Restarted Services

Insight Disk usage

The System Monitor Dashboard differs from the other Dashboard pages in that it can show data for two hours only (2h).

To define a custom two-hour time slot:

1. Click the Custom drop-down list.

Figure 14  Specifying the Hour to Start System Monitor Scan

2. Select the starting date.

3. Click the HH field, then use the up- and down-arrows to specify the hour to start the system monitor scan.

For example, specifying 13 in the HH field indicates that the start time for the two-hour period is 1:00 PM.

4. Click Apply.