Customizing Forms

You can view Page in the application that displays data but does not contain interactive fields the user can modify. Usually a table listing things like accounts or other sets of data and providing links to related actions or forms. a list of ClearPass Guest forms. You can change the layout of forms, add new fields to a form Interactive page in the application where users can provide or modify data., or alter the behavior of an existing field In a database or a user interface, a single item of information; attribute..

To view or customize forms, go to Configuration > Pages > Forms. The Customize Forms list view opens.

Figure 1  The Customize Forms List View

Various ClearPass Guest forms are included in the list, and are identified by their database field name and their title (display name). You can click a form's row in the list or use the links provided on the page for additional options:

The Customize Forms List




Edit a form's basic properties. The row expands to include the Edit Properties form. See Editing Forms and Views .

Edit Fields

Edit the form’s fields. The Customize Form Fields list view for the form opens. You can add a new field to a form, reorder the fields, or make changes to an existing field. See Editing Forms .Editing Views


Creates a copy of the form to use as a template in order to provide different forms to different operator Person who uses ClearPass Guest to create guest accounts or perform system administration. ClearPass Guest operators act as sponsors for guest access. profiles. See Role-Based Access Control for Multiple Operator Profiles for a description. This enables you to provide different views of the underlying guest Someone who is permitted to access the enterprise network or Internet through your Network Access Server. Also, as ClearPass Guest, a configurable ClearPass module for secure guest network access management. Access permissions are controlled through an operator profile that can be integrated with an LDAP server or Active Directory login. accounts in the database depending on the operator’s profile.

The form is copied and the new one is added to the list with a number appended to the end of its name—for example, if you were to duplicate the change_expiration form, the duplicated form would be change_expiration_1. This name cannot be changed. Use the Title and Description properties of the duplicated item to describe the intended purpose for the form.

Show Usage

Expands the row to display a list of operator profiles that reference the form. You can click an operator profile Characteristics assigned to a class of operators, such as the permissions granted to those operators.’s name in this list to edit the form’s fields.


Lets you edit field and label translations for the form in either a text file or a user interface page.

Customize Fields

To customize fields used in the form, click this link in the upper right corner. The Customize Fields list view opens. See Customizing Fields.