Self-Service Portal Properties

The self-service portal offers guests the ability to log in with their account details, view Page in the application that displays data but does not contain interactive fields the user can modify. Usually a table listing things like accounts or other sets of data and providing links to related actions or forms. their account details, or change their password. Additionally, the Reset Password link provides a method that allows guests to recover a forgotten account password.

When the self-service portal is enabled, a Launch Self-Service link is displayed on the list of self-registration pages, and may be used to determine the URL Uniform Resource Locator. A global address used for locating web resources on the Internet. that guests should use to access the portal.

The self-service portal is accessed through a separate link that must be published to guests. The page name for the portal is derived from the registration page name by appending “_portal”.

To edit the properties of the self-service portal:

1. Go to Configuration > Pages > Self-Registrations. Click to expand the registration page’s row in the form Interactive page in the application where users can provide or modify data., and then click its Edit link. The Customize Self-Registration diagram opens.

2. In the Self-Service Portal area, click either the Self-Service Portal link or click one of the links below it: Login Page, Summary Page, Change Password, or Reset Password . The Self-Service Portal area of the Customize Self-Registration form opens.

Figure 1  The Self-Service Portal Page Links on the Workflow Diagram

Figure 2  The Customize Self-Registration Form, Self-Service Portal

The fields at the top of the form let you configure basic properties for the self-service portal.

The Customize Self-Registration Form, Self-Service Portal Area, Basic Properties




If selected, enables the self-service portal for guest Someone who is permitted to access the enterprise network or Internet through your Network Access Server. Also, as ClearPass Guest, a configurable ClearPass module for secure guest network access management. Access permissions are controlled through an operator profile that can be integrated with an LDAP server or Active Directory login. access. If this check box is not selected, access to the portal is disabled and a “disabled” message is displayed to the user.

Disabled Message

The message to display to the user if the self-service portal is not enabled. To use the default value, leave this field In a database or a user interface, a single item of information; attribute. empty.

Disabled Users

If selected, users whose accounts are disabled cannot log in to the self-service portal.

Silent Login

If selected, a user will be logged in automatically if their client In a server-client relationship, the client is a device or appliance that relies on the server for information, access, or other actions. Same as supplicant. IP address matches the IP address of an active RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service. Network access-control protocol for verifying and authenticating users; provides AAA management. A RADIUS transaction might be 802.1X, MAC-Auth, or generic RADIUS. accounting Process of recording summary information about network access by users and devices. Tracks network resource consumption and records events such as authentication failures. session Service provided by a NAS to an authorized user. (that is, the guest’s HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol. An application protocol to transfer data over the web. The HTTP protocol defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and the actions that the w servers and browsers should take in response to various commands. client address is the same as the RADIUS Framed-IP-Address attribute for an active session).

Figure 3  The Customize Self-Registration Form, Self-Service Portal Page, Login Page Area

The Login Page area of the form lets you configure the self-service portal’s login page.

Customize Self-Registration Form, Self-Service Portal Page, Login Page Area



UI Overrides

If selected, lets you customize the self-service portal’s login form’s text and HTML. The form expands to include configuration options.

Create Account

If selected, removes the “Create Account” link from the self-service portal’s login page.

Page Title

Title to display on the self-service portal’s login page. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Header HTML

The HTML content to display before the login form. You can use the drop-down list to add images or other content items.

Login Form Override

If selected, overrides the login form.

Form Title

Title to display on the login form. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Username Label

Label to display on the username field. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Password Label

Label to display on the password field. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Login Button

Label to display on the login button. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Footer HTML

The HTML content to display after the login form. You can use the drop-down list to add images or other content items.

Figure 4  The Customize Self-Registration Form, Self-Service Portal Page, Summary Page Area

The Summary Page area of the form lets you configure the self-service portal’s summary page.

Customize Self-Registration Form, Self-Service Portal Page, Summary Page Area



UI Overrides

If selected, lets you customize the self-service portal’s summary page’s text and HTML. The form expands to include configuration options.

Page Title

Title to display on the self-service portal’s summary page. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Header HTML

The HTML content to display before the summary. You can use the drop-down list to add images or other content items.

Footer HTML

The HTML content to display after the summary. You can use the drop-down list to add images or other content items.

Figure 5  The Customize Self-Registration Form, Self-Service Portal Page, Change Password Area

The Change Password area of the form lets you configure the self-service portal’s password fields.

Customize Self-Registration Form, Self-Service Portal Page, Change Password Area



Change Password

If selected, guests cannot use the self-service portal to change their passwords.

Extend Expiration

Amount of time to extend an account’s expiration window whenever the password is changed. If a value is entered, the account's lifetime will be automatically renewed in cases where it would otherwise expire before the next required password change. To use the original expiration time, leave this field empty.

UI Overrides

If selected, lets you customize the self-service portal’s password fields. The form expands to include configuration options.

Page Title

Title to display on the self-service portal’s password form. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Header HTML

The HTML content to display before the password form. You can use the drop-down list to add images or other content items.

Form Title

Title to display on the password form. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Old Password Label

Label to display on the old password field. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Old Password Description

Label to display on the old password description field. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

New Password Label

Label to display on the new password field. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

New Password Description

Label to display on the new password description field. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Confirm Password Label

Label to display on the confirm password field. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Confirm Password Description

Label to display on the confirm password description field. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Change Password Button

Label to display on the change password button. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Footer HTML

The HTML content to display after the password form. You can use the drop-down list to add images or other content items.

Figure 6  The Customize Self-Registration Form, Self-Service Portal Page, Reset Password Area

The Reset Password area of the form lets you configure the self-service portal’s password reset fields. For more information, see Resetting Passwords with the Self-Service Portal.

Customize Self-Registration Form, Self-Service Portal Page, Reset Password Area



Reset Password

If selected, guests cannot use the self-service portal to reset a forgotten password.

Required Field

Specifies the field to use for a value the guest must match in order to confirm their identity before they can reset their password.


If selected, a case-insensitive match is performed on the value the user enters in the required field.

Password Generation

Specifies the password reset method to use in the self-service portal. Options include:

Passwords will be randomly generated

Manually enter passwords

UI Overrides

If selected, lets you customize the self-service portal’s password reset fields. The form expands to include configuration options.

Page Title

Title to display on the self-service portal’s reset password form. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Header HTML

The HTML content to display before the reset password form. You can use the drop-down list to add images or other content items.

Reset Form Override

If selected, overrides the reset password form.

Form Title

Title to display on the reset password form. To use the default value, leave this field empty.

Footer HTML

The HTML content to display after the reset password form. You can use the drop-down list to add images or other content items.

Save and Reload

Saves your changes on this form and stays on this page.

Save Changes

Saves your changes and returns to the process diagram for self-registration.