Onboard Service Template
This service creates an Onboard Pre-Authentication service to check the user's credentials before starting the device provisioning process. This service template also creates an authorization service that checks whether a user's device can be provisioned using Onboard. To authenticate users prior to device provisioning with Onboard, as well as after device provisioning is completed, use an Aruba 802.1X Wireless service .
To access the Onboard service template:
1. Navigate to Configuration > Service Templates & Wizards.
2. From the Service Templates & Wizards page, select Onboard. The Service Templates - Onboard page opens to the General tab.
Figure 1 Onboard Pre-Authorization Service Template
3. Specify the Onboard Authorization service template parameters as described in the following table:
Table 1: Onboard Authorization Service Template Parameters
Select Prefix
Select a prefix from the existing list of prefixes or enter the name of a new prefix.
This populates the preconfigured information in the Wireless Network Settings, Device Access Restrictions, and Provisioning Wireless Network Settings sections. The Name Prefix field is not editable.
Name Prefix
Enter a prefix that you want to append to services using this template. Use this to identify services that use templates.
Wireless Network Settings
Wireless Controller Name
Enter the name of the wireless controller.
Controller IP Address
Enter the wireless controller's IP address.
Vendor Name
Select the manufacturer of the wireless controller.
Shared Secret
Enter the shared secret that is configured on the controller and inside Policy Manager to send and receive requests.
Enable .
Select to enable initiated (Change of Authorization) on the network device.
Specifies the default port 3799 if is enabled.
NOTE: Change this value only if you defined a custom port on the network device.
Device Access Restrictions
Days allowed for access
Select the days of the week that onboarded devices are allowed network access.
Provisioning Wireless Network Settings
Wireless for Onboard Provisioning
Enter the of your network.
Add New Onboard Network Settings |
Click the Add New Onboard Network Settings link to launch the Web to modify the Onboard network settings.
4. Click Add Service.
You return to the Services page, where the Onboard service has been added.