Extensions Management
You can create and manage multiple ClearPass extensions. ClearPass extensions are self-contained micro-services that can run on top of the ClearPass platform and provide access to some features that are not yet part of the current ClearPass version. Extensions are easy to install from the ClearPass Extensions Store. In a cluster, extensions can be installed on a subscriber independently of the publisher.
To view and work with the list of extensions and to install and configure new extensions, go to Guest > Administration > Extensions. The list view opens. All extensions that have been installed are included in the list. Information shown for each extension includes its name, version, state (running or stopped), hostname, and IP address.
Figure 1 The Manage Extensions List View
You can click an extension’s row in the list for additional options:
Field |
Description |
The name of the extension. |
The version number of the extension. |
The extension’s current state, either or . |
The hostname for the extension. |
The IPv4 address used for the extension. This address will be within the network range |
Lets you filter for an extension by name, version, state, hostname, or IP address. |
Displays details for the extension such as its state, instance ID, store ID, and any content items. |
Opens the form, which lets you delete and then reinstall the extension. You may also modify the IP address. When it is reinstalled, it retains its previous configuration and includes any current Extension Store updates for the extension. After it is reinstalled, the extension’s details show the time it was installed. |
Deletes the extension. You will be asked to confirm the deletion. |
Stops a running extension. |
Restarts a stopped extension. |
Displays log messages for extensions actions and various extension-related actions. |
The form expands to include the form with the extension’s current configuration, if any. If you modify the default configuration, you must then select the check box in order to have the changes take effect, and then click . A progress bar is displayed while the extension is being restarted. |
To install an extension, click this link in the list or in the upper right corner. The initial setup page of the Installing Extensions. form opens. See the next section, |
Clears any filter selections and refreshes the full list of installed extensions. |
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