Configuring Enforcement Profiles
You can configure Policy Manager enforcement profiles globally, but they must be referenced to an enforcement policy that is associated with a service. Policy Manager includes the following enforcement profiles by default.
If an enforcement profile is added to a copy of a policy and the policy is then renamed, after upgrading to 6.9.0 the profile does not appear in the copied (renamed) policy anymore, and null is displayed in its place. The profile appears in the default policy instead. If an enforcement profile is added to a non-default policy, and then that policy's name is changed and this issue occurs, the enforcement policy must be edited to use the appropriate default enforcement profile again. |
Adding a New Enforcement Profile
Each enforcement policy contains enforcement profiles that match conditions (role, posture, and time) to actions (enforcement profiles).
To create an enforcement profile:
1. Navigate to Configuration > Enforcement > Profiles. The page opens:
Figure 1 Enforcement Profiles Page
2. Click the link. The dialog opens.
Figure 2 Add Enforcement Profile Dialog
Select any of the following enforcement profile templates to create a profile based off of that template type.
Modifying an Existing Enforcement Profile
To modify an existing enforcement profile:
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Enforcement > Profiles page.
2. Select a profile name from the profiles list, then click or
3. Make the necessary changes in the and dialogs, then click .
Deleting an Existing Enforcement Profile
To delete an existing enforcement profile:
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Enforcement > Profiles page.
2. Click the checkbox by a profile name from the profiles list, then click or
3. Make the necessary changes in the and dialogs, then click .
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