Managing Filters and Tags

You can filter the device information that is displayed in the Dashboard and List view of the Classified Devices page. The Filters dialog enables you to enter filter criteria to refine the device information that is displayed. These fields are provided as filter criteria within the dialog:

  • Category (device category)
  • Family (device family)
  • Type (device type)
  • NAD IP (network access device IP)
  • Subnet
  • Segments
  • Authentication Method
  • Authentication Source
  • Open Port
  • Service
  • Destination Host
  • Access Type
  • User Name
  • MDM Server Type (Mobile Device Management server type)
  • MDM Server Name (Mobile Device Management server name)

You can enter filter criteria in the Filters dialog in the following ways:

  • Directly into the Filters dialog.
  • Clicking the Add To Filter action button after filtering information in the Dashboard cards.
  • Selecting the Add To Filter option from the Actions action button in the column heading after filtering information in the List view grid.
  • Clicking the Add to Filter button after selecting fields in the Filter Devices dialog accessed from the Device Details dialog.

Using the List view, you can also filter the data directly within the columns in the grid. Plus, you can select fields in the Filter Devices dialog accessed from the Device Details dialog and apply them directly as column filters in the List view grid by clicking the Search button.

Tags Overview

ClearPass Device Insight uses tags to group devices together. In ClearPass Device Insight the following two types of tags are available: user tags and system tags. You can create user tags and the system automatically creates system tags.

User Tags

You can group several devices together by creating a user tag for the group of devices. After you have filtered devices using the Filters dialog you can create a tag from the filtered criteria information. The tag is added to each individual device in the group as an additional attribute. User tags are maintained using the Filters dialog.

You can also use user tags as filter criteria to view device information using the Filters dialog.

You can view the user tags associated with a device on the Device Details dialog.

For information on viewing tags, see Classified Devices - Device Details Overview

System Tags

The Category/Family of a device can change when additional attributes are received for the device or when some attributes are not received for the device due to missing packets and on. A device can exhibit this behavior due to the following:

ClearPass Device Insight creates system tags automatically and attaches them to devices when their classification transitions. Three different types of system tags are created for device classification transition. These system tags are:

You can view the system tags and the devices associated with those tags using the Filters dialog and the Classified Devices - Dashboard and Classified Devices - List view. The system tags are displayed under the System Tags panel of the Filters dialog.

You can also use system tags as filter criteria to view device information using the Filters dialog.

You can view the system tags associated with a device on the Device Details dialog.

For information on viewing tags, see Classified Devices - Device Details Overview