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hotspot hs-profile

hotspot hs-profile <profile-name>

access-network-type <type>

addtl-roam-cons-ois <addtl-roam-cons-ois>

advertisement-profile {anqp-3gpp|anqp-domain-name|anqp-ip-addr-avail|anqp-nai-realm| anqp-nwk-auth|anqp-roam-cons|anqp-venue-name|h2qp-conn-cap|h2qp-oper-class|h2qp-oper-name|h2qp-wan-metrics} <profile-name>

advertisement-protocol <protocol>




gas-comeback-delay <delay>


hessid <id>






query-response-length-limit <len>

roam-cons-len-1 0|3|5

roam-cons-len-2 0|3|5

roam-cons-len-3 0|3|5

roam-cons-oi-1 <roam-cons-oi-1>

roam-cons-oi-2 <roam-cons-oi-1>

roam-cons-oi-3 <roam-cons-oi-1>

venue-group <venue-group>

venue-type <venue-type>


This command configures a hotspot profile for an 802.11u public access service provider.




Range Default
access-network-type <type>

Configures any of the following access network (802.11u network type) type:

l private — This network is accessible for authorized users only. For example, home networks or enterprise networks that require user authentication. The corresponding integer value for this network type is 0.
l private-with-guest — This network is accessible to guest users based on guest authentication methods. For example, enterprise networks that allow guest users with captive portal authentication. The corresponding integer value for this network type is 1.
l chargeable-public — This network provides access to the Internet based on payment. For example, a subscription-based Internet access in a coffee shop or a hotel offering chargeable in-room Internet access service. The corresponding integer value for this network type is 2.
l free-public —This network is accessible to all without any charges applied. For example, a hotspot in airport or other public places that provide Internet access with no additional cost. The corresponding integer value for this network type is 3.
l personal-device — This network is accessible for personal devices. For example, a laptop or camera configured with a printer for the purpose of printing. The corresponding integer value for this network type is 4.
l emergency-services —This network is limited to accessing emergency services only. The corresponding integer value for this network type is 5.
l test — This network is used for test purposes only. The corresponding integer value for this network type is 14.
l wildcard —This network indicates a wildcard network. The corresponding integer value for this network type is 15.

private, private-with-guest,chargeable-public, free-public, personal-device, emergency-services, test, wildcard




Configures the number of additional roaming consortium Organization Identifiers (OIs) advertised by the AP. This feature supports up to three additional OIs, which are defined using the roam-cons-oi-1, roam-cons-oi-2 and roam-cons-oi-3 parameters.













Associates an advertisement profile with the hotspot profile.

You can associate any of the following advertisement profiles:

l anqp-3gpp
l anqp-domain-name
l anqp-ip-addr-avail
l anqp-nai-realm
l anqp-nwk-auth
l anqp-roam-cons
l anqp-venue-name
l h2qp-conn-cap
l h2qp-oper-class
l h2qp-oper-name
l h2qp-wan-metrics


Allows you to associate a specific advertisement profile to the hotspot profile.



Configures the anqp: Access Network Query Protocol (ANQP) advertisement protocol.



Indicates if any additional steps are required for network access.


By default, ANQP information is obtained from a GAS Request and Response. If you enable the comeback-mode option, advertisement information is obtained using a GAS Request and Response. as well as a Comeback-Request and Comeback-Response. This option is disabled by default.


Enables the hotspot profile.



Configures a GAS comeback delay interval after which the client can attempt to retrieve the query response using a Comeback Request Action frame.

100—2000 milliseconds 500


Configures the Downstream Group Addressed Forwarding (DGAF) Disabled Mode. This feature ensures that the IAP does not forward downstream group-addressed frames. It is disabled by default, allowing the IAP to forward downstream group-addressed frames.


Configures a homogenous ESS identifier (HESSSID)

MAC address in colon-separated hexadecimal format


Allows the IAP to send an Information Element (IE) indicating that the network allows the Internet access. By default, a hotspot profile does not advertise network internet access.


Removes any existing configuration.


Advertises support for P2P Cross Connections.



Advertises support for P2P device management.



Enables the Pre-Association Message Exchange BSSID Independent (PAME‑BI) bit, which is used by an AP to indicate whether the AP indicates that the Advertisement Server can return a query response that is independent of the BSSID used for the GAS Frame exchange.



Configures the maximum length of the Generic Advertisement Service (GAS query response. GAS enables advertisement services that allow the clients to query multiple 802.11 networks at once, while also allowing the client to learn more about a network’s 802.11 infrastructure before associating.

If a client transmits a GAS Query using a GAS Initial Request frame, the responding IAP will provide the query response (or information on how to receive the query response) in a GAS Initial Response frame.

1-127 127


Configures the length of the OI. The value of the roam-cons-len-1parameter is based upon the number of octets of the roam-cons-oi-1 field.

0: Zero Octets in the OI (Null),

3: OI length is 24-bit (3 Octets),

5: OI length is 36-bit (5 Octets)


Length of the OI. The value of the roam-cons-len-2parameter is based upon the number of octets of the roam-cons-oi-2 field.

0: Zero Octets in the OI (Null),

3: OI length is 24-bit (3 Octets),

5: OI length is 36-bit (5 Octets)


Length of the OI. The value of the roam-cons-len-3parameter is based upon the number of octets of the roam-cons-oi-3 field.


0: Zero Octets in the OI (Null),

3: OI length is 24-bit (3 Octets),

5: OI length is 36-bit (5 Octets)




Configures the roaming consortium OI to assign to one of the service provider’s top three roaming partners. This additional OI will only be sent to a client if the addtl-roam-cons-<oisaddtl-roam-cons-ois> parameter is set to 1 or higher.

NOTE: The service provider’s own roaming consortium OI is configured using the hotspot anqp-roam-cons-profile command.

venue-group <venue-group>

Configures one of the following venue groups to be advertised in the IEs from APs associated with this hotspot profile.

l assembly
l business  
l educational   
l factory-and-industrial
l institutional      
l mercantile      
l outdoor      
l    residential     
l storage
l unspecified  
l utility-and-misc     
l vehicular

NOTE: This parameter only defines the venue group advertised in the IEs from hotspot APs. To define the venue group to be included in ANQP responses, use anqp-venue-name-profile <profile-name> command.

assembly, business,  












venue-type <venue-type>

Specifies the venue type to be advertised in the IEs from APs associated with this hotspot profile. The complete list of supported venue types is described in Venue Types

NOTE: This parameter only defines the venue type advertised in the IEs from hotspot APs. To define the venue type to be included in ANQP responses, use the hotspot anqp-venue-name-profile <profile-name> command.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a hotspot profile. Hotspot 2.0 is a Wi-Fi Alliance specification based on the 802.11u protocol, which allows wireless clients to discover hotspots using management frames (such as beacon, association request and association response), connect to networks, and roam between networks without additional authentication.

The Hotspot 2.0 provides the following services:

Network discovery and selection— Allows the clients to discover suitable and available networks by advertising the access network type, roaming consortium, and venue information through the management frames. For network discovery and selection, Generic Advertisement Service (GAS) and Access Network Query Protocol (ANQP) are used.
QOS Mapping— Provides a mapping between the network-layer QoS packet marking and over- the-air QoS frame marking based on user priority.

When a hotspot is configured in a network:

The clients search for available hotspots using the beacon management frame.
When a hotspot is found, the client sends queries to obtain information about the type of network authentication and IP address, and IP address availability using the Generic Advertisement Service (GAS) action frames.
Based on the response of the advertisement Server (response to the GAS Action Frames), the relevant hotspot is selected and the client attempts to associate with it.
Based on the authentication mode used for mobility clients, the client authenticates to access the network.

Generic Advertisement Service (GAS) Queries

An Organization Identifier (OI) is a unique identifier assigned to a service provider when it registers with the IEEE registration authority. An IAP can include its service provider OI in beacons and probe responses to clients. If a client recognizes the OI, it will attempt to associate to the IAP using the security credentials corresponding to that service provider.

If the client does not recognize the OI, that client can send a Generic Advertisement Service (GAS) query to the AP to request more information more about the network before associating.

ANQP Information Elements

ANQP Information Elements (IEs) are additional data that can be sent from the AP to the client to identify the AP’s network and service provider. If a client requests this information via a GAS query, the hotspot AP then sends the ANQP Capability list in the GAS Initial Response frame indicating support for the following IEs:

Venue Name - Defined using the hotspot anqp-venue-name-profile command.
Domain Name: Defined using the hotspot anqp-domain-name-profile command.
Network Authentication Type: Define using the hotspot anqp-nwk-auth-profile command.
Roaming Consortium List: Defined using the hotspot anqp-roam-cons-profile command.
NAI Realm: Defined using the hotspot anqp-nai-realm-profile command.
Cellular Network Data: Defined using the hotspot anqp-3gpp-nwk-profile command.
Connection Capability: Defined using the hotspot h2qp-conn-capability-profile command.
Operator Class: Defined using the hotspot h2qp-op-cl-profile command.
Operator Friendly Name: Defined using the hotspot h2qp-operator-friendly-name-profile command.
WAN Metrics: Defined using the hotspot h2qp-wan-metrics-profile command.

Roaming Consortium OIs

Organization Identifiers (OIs) are assigned to service providers when they register with the IEEE registration authority. You can specify the OI for the hotspot’s service provider in the ANQP Roaming Consortium profile using the hotspot anqp-roam-cons-profile command. This Hotspot profile also allows you to define and send up to three additional roaming consortium OIs for the service provider’s top three roaming partners. To send this additional data to clients, you must specify the number of roaming consortium elements a client can query using the addtl-roam-cons-ois <1-3> parameter, then define those elements using the following parameters:

roam-cons-oi-1 and roam-cons-len 1
roam-cons-oi-2 and roam-cons-len 2
roam-cons-oi-3 and roam-cons-len 3

The configurable values for each additional OI include the Organization Identifier itself, the OI length, and the venue group and venue type associated with those OIs.

Venue Types

The following list describes the different venue types for each venue group:

Table 1: Venue Types


Venue Group

Associated Venue Type Value


The associated numeric value is 0.


The associated numeric value is 1.

l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l arena—The associated numeric value is 1.
l stadium—The associated numeric value is 2.
l passenger-terminal—The associated numeric value is 3.
l amphitheater—The associated numeric value is 4.
l amusement-park—The associated numeric value is 5.
l place-of-worship—The associated numeric value is 6.
l convention-center—The associated numeric value is 7.
l library—The associated numeric value is 8.
l museum—The associated numeric value is 9.
l restaurant—The associated numeric value is 10.
l theater—The associated numeric value is 11.
l bar —The associated numeric value is 12.
l coffee-shop —The associated numeric value is 13.
l zoo-or-aquarium —The associated numeric value is 14.
l emergency-cord-center—The associated numeric value is 15.


The associated numeric value is 2.

l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l doctor—The associated numeric value is 1
l bank—The associated numeric value is 2
l fire-station—The associated numeric value is 3
l police-station—The associated numeric value is 4
l post-office—The associated numeric value is 6
l professional-office—The associated numeric value is 7
l research-and-dev-facility—The associated numeric value is 8
l attorney-office—The associated numeric value is 9


The associated numeric value is 3.

l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l school-primary—The associated numeric value is 1.
l school-secondary—The associated numeric value is 2.
l univ-or-college—The associated numeric value is 3.


The associated numeric value is 4.

l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l factory—The associated numeric value is 1.

The associated numeric value is 5.

l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l hospital—The associated numeric value is 1.
l long-term-care—The associated numeric value is 2.
l alc-drug-rehab—The associated numeric value is 3.
l group-home—The associated numeric value is 4.
l prison-or-jail—The associated numeric value is 5.

The associated numeric value is 6.

l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l retail-store—The associated numeric value is 1.
l grocery-market—The associated numeric value is 2.
l auto-service-station—The associated numeric value is 3.
l shopping-mall—The associated numeric value is  4.
l gas-station—The associated numeric value is 5

The associated numeric value is 7.

l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l private-residence—The associated numeric value is 1.
l hotel—The associated numeric value is 3
l dormitory—The associated numeric value is 4
l boarding-house—The associated numeric value is 5.


The associated numeric value is 8.

unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.

The associated numeric value is 9.

unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.


The associated numeric value is 10

l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0.
l automobile-or-truck—The associated numeric value is 1.
l airplane—The associated numeric value is 2.
l bus—The associated numeric value is 3.
l ferry—The associated numeric value is 4.
l ship —The associated numeric value is 5.
l train —The associated numeric value is 6.
l motor-bike—The associated numeric value is 7.

The associated numeric value is 11.

l unspecified—The associated numeric value is 0
l muni-mesh-network—The associated numeric value is 1.
l city-park—The associated numeric value is 2.
l rest-area—The associated numeric value is 3.
l traffic-control—The associated numeric value is 4
l bus-stop—The associated numeric value is 5
l kiosk —The associated numeric value is 6


The following commands configure a hotspot profile:

(Instant AP)(config)# hotspot hs-profile hs1

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# enable

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# comeback-mode

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# gas-comeback-delay 10

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# no asra

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# no internet

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# query-response-length-limit 127

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# access-network-type chargeable-public

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# roam-cons-len-1 3

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# roam-cons-oi-1 123456

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# roam-cons-len-2 3

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# roam-cons-oi-2 223355

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# addtl-roam-cons-ois 0

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# venue-group business

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# venue-type research-and-dev-facility

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# pame-bi

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# group-frame-block

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# p2p-dev-mgmt

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# p2p-cross-connect

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0 "hs1")# end

(Instant AP)# commit apply

The following commands associate anqp-3gpp advertisement profile with a hotspot profile:

(Instant AP)(config)# hotspot hs-profile hs1

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0"hs1")# advertisement-protocol anpp

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0"hs1")# advertisement-profile anqp-3gpp 3gpp1

(Instant AP)(Hotspot2.0"hs1")# end

(Instant AP)# commit apply

Command History



Aruba Instant

This command is introduced.

Command Information

IAP Platform

Command Mode

All platforms

Configuration mode and the hotspot profile configuration sub-mode