Support for Aruba USB LTE Modems in Instant APs
Starting from Aruba Instant, a new Aruba USB Universal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices. LTE Long Term Evolution. LTE is a 4G wireless communication standard that provides high-speed wireless communication for mobile phones and data terminals. See 4G. modem is introduced for Instant APs and Remote APs. The Aruba USB Universal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices. LTE Long Term Evolution. LTE is a 4G wireless communication standard that provides high-speed wireless communication for mobile phones and data terminals. See 4G. modem supports plug-and-play provisioning. The USB Universal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices. modem connects the AP to 3G Third Generation of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology. See W-CDMA. and 4G Fourth Generation of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology. See LTE. networks and provides the uplink connection. The uplink connection is provided by the SIM Subscriber Identity Module. SIM is an integrated circuit that is intended to securely store the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) number and its related key, which are used for identifying and authenticating subscribers on mobile telephony devices. card in the modem and connects the AP to the internet without any manual configuration.
The 4G Fourth Generation of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology. See LTE. modem requires a SIM Subscriber Identity Module. SIM is an integrated circuit that is intended to securely store the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) number and its related key, which are used for identifying and authenticating subscribers on mobile telephony devices. to connect the Instant AP to the Internet.
Configuration Access Point Name and Public Land Mobile
The Aruba USB Universal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices. modem supports plug and play provisioning with most cellular provider SIMs but some SIMs may require manual configuration of APN and PLMN Public Land Mobile Network. PLMS is a network established and operated by an administration or by a Recognized Operating Agency for the specific purpose of providing land mobile telecommunications services to the public.. To configure APN and PLMN Public Land Mobile Network. PLMS is a network established and operated by an administration or by a Recognized Operating Agency for the specific purpose of providing land mobile telecommunications services to the public. on the for the modem, use the apn and plmn parameters in the cellular-uplink-profile command.
(Instant AP)#configure terminal
(Instant AP)(config)#cellular-uplink-profile
(Instant AP)(cellular-uplink-profile) # apn arubamodem
(Instant AP)(cellular-uplink-profile) # plmn 46011
For more information, see
Configuring GPS
Aruba modems support GPS Global Positioning System. A satellite-based global navigation system. function and the GPS Global Positioning System. A satellite-based global navigation system. information can be viewed in the output of show cellular status command.
To enable the GPS Global Positioning System. A satellite-based global navigation system. function on the modem, use the gps parameter in the cellular-uplink-profile command.
(Instant AP)#configure terminal
(Instant AP)(config)#cellular-uplink-profile
(Instant AP)(cellular-uplink-profile) # gps
To disable the GPS Global Positioning System. A satellite-based global navigation system. function on the modem, use the no gps parameter in the cellular-uplink-profile command.
(Instant AP)#configure terminal
(Instant AP)(config)#cellular-uplink-profile
(Instant AP)(cellular-uplink-profile) # no gps
For more information, see
Configuring Network Mode
To configure the network connection mode of the modem, use the network-mode parameter in the cellular-uplink-profile command. You can choose between auto, 3G Third Generation of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology. See W-CDMA., and 4G Fourth Generation of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology. See LTE. mode.
(Instant AP)#configure terminal
(Instant AP)(config)#cellular-uplink-profile
(Instant AP)(cellular-uplink-profile) # network-mode {auto | 3g-only | 4g-only}
For more information, see
Verifying the Configuration and Status of Cellular Connection
Use the following commands to see the status of the Aruba USB Universal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices. modem and the cellular connection:
show usb verbose
show modem info
show modem state
show ap debug usb-device-mgmt device all
show cellular sim
show cellular operator
show cellular cell
show cellular signal
show cellular stats
show cellular config
show cellular status
show cellular connection-logs
show cellular connection-logs lte-log
show uplink status
For more information, see
Aruba 4G USB Modem Firmware Upgrade
The Instant AP facilitates the firmware upgrade for the Aruba 4G Fourth Generation of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology. See LTE. USB Universal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices. modem. The AP reboots after the modem firmware upgrade is complete. To upgrade the firmware of the modem, use the upgrade-modem <> command in the Instant AP CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. with the modem plugged in.
(Instant AP)#upgrade-modem {ftp | tftp | http} <URL Uniform Resource Locator. URL is a global address used for locating web resources on the Internet. syntax>
For more information, see
To verify the firmware download progress, use the show modem state command.
(Instant AP)#show modem state
Important Points to Remember
Ensure that the AP is powered on during the firmware update.
Do not reboot the AP during modem firmware upgrade.
The modem firmware upgrade can only be done when the Aruba USB Universal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices. modem is plugged into the USB Universal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices. port of an Aruba AP.
If the AP has a new firmware version in Activate, the AP will download its latest firmware and reboot before initializing the firmware upgrade for the USB Universal Serial Bus. USB is a connection standard that offers a common interface for communication between the external devices and a computer. USB is the most common port used in the client devices. modem.