Channel Details
When you move the mouse over a channel, the channel details or the summary of the 2.4 GHzGigahertz. and 5 GHzGigahertz. channels as detected by a spectrum monitor are displayed. You can view the aggregate data for each channel seen by the spectrum monitor radio, including the maximum Instant AP power, interference, and the SNIRSignal-to-Noise-Plus-Interference Ratio. SNIR refers to the power of a central signal of interest divided by the sum of the interference power and the power of the background noise. SINR is defined as the power of a certain signal of interest divided by the sum of the interference power (from all the other interfering signals) and the power of some background noise. . The SNIRSignal-to-Noise-Plus-Interference Ratio. SNIR refers to the power of a central signal of interest divided by the sum of the interference power and the power of the background noise. SINR is defined as the power of a certain signal of interest divided by the sum of the interference power (from all the other interfering signals) and the power of some background noise. is the ratio of signal strength to the combined levels of interference and noise on that channel. Spectrum monitors display spectrum data of all channels in the selected bandBand refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation., and hybrid Instant APs display data for the channel they are monitoring.
Channel Details Information shows the information that you can view in the Channel Details graph.
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