Split 5 GHz Radio for 550 Series Access Points
Split 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio is an Instant feature that leverages the power of software to provide three radios on supported access points. The split 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio feature splits the 8X8 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio of the supported access points into two 4X4 5 GHz Gigahertz. radios operating on the upper and the lower part of the radio antenna offering three radios available for configuration - radio 0 (5 GHz Gigahertz.), radio 1 (2.4 GHz Gigahertz.) and radio 2 (5 GHz Gigahertz.). Radio 0 operates on the lower band Band refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. and Radio 2 operates on the upper band Band refers to a specified range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. of the 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio. The three radios of the AP can be deployed in either of the configuration modes- Access, Air Monitor and Spectrum monitor. The default mode of these radios is access.
The GHz Gigahertz. radio is enabled. The secondary radio profile supports all configurations available in dot11a-radio-profile including RF Radio Frequency. RF refers to the electromagnetic wave frequencies within a range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, including the frequencies used for communications or Radar signals. zones.
is the configuration profile for radio 2. This profile is active when tri-radio is enabled on the AP. The , profile of radio 0, will be used as default by the dot11a-secondary -radio-profile, radio 2, when split 5Certain existing configuration parameters do not apply when split 5 GHz Gigahertz.-radio is configured. The a-channel and g-channel configuration to set channel power of the radio no longer takes effect. In their place , and commands are used to configure the channel and transmission power of the respective radios.
Feature Limitations
Client Match does not work when split 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio mode is enabled on the access point.
Mesh is supported but only radio0 can be used as the mesh radio.
Split 5 GHz Gigahertz. mode is only supported with APs powered by DC, PoE Power over Ethernet. PoE is a technology for wired Ethernet LANs to carry electric power required for the device in the data cables. The IEEE 802.3af PoE standard provides up to 15.4 W of power on each port. BT or dual shared PoE Power over Ethernet. PoE is a technology for wired Ethernet LANs to carry electric power required for the device in the data cables. The IEEE 802.3af PoE standard provides up to 15.4 W of power on each port. AT power supply.
Access points require reboot to enable or disable Split 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio mode in mesh deployments.
The following procedure configures the split 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio mode on the Instant AP,
1. Navigate to page and select the accordion.
2. Select from the drop down list box to enable the split 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio mode. To disable the feature, select from the . The default option is disabled.
3. The Radio 2 settings are now available for configuration under the Radio 2 accordion.
4. Choose a radio mode from the drop-down list box.
5. Select a channel assignment method
- If this option is selected the channels for the radio is intelligently assigned by the access point.
- If this option is selected, select the channel and the transmit Power in the and fields.
6. Click .
To configure split 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio mode for all supported APs in the network cluster.
1. Navigate to page and select .
2. Under , toggle the switch to enable or disable Split 5 GHz Gigahertz. mode globally for supported APs in the network. The default option is disabled.
3. Click .
To configure the radio profile settings for the secondary 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio,
1. Navigate to accordion.
2. Click in the table and define the radio settings for the secondary 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio. For information on configuration parameters for the radio profile, see “Configuring Radio Settings” on page 1.
3. Click .
The following configurations do not require an AP reboot to take effect.
Configuring Split 5 GHz Radio
The following command is a global configuration and a per-ap command. When configured globally, all supported APs will work in the split 5 GHz Gigahertz. mode. To disable split 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio on selected APs override the global setting using the per-ap command. The per-ap command takes priority over the global configuration. The default value for this command is disabled.
To enable the split 5 GHz Gigahertz. feature, use the command.
(Instant AP) # split-5ghz-mode enabled
To disable the split 5 GHz Gigahertz. feature, use the or command.
(Instant AP) # split-5ghz-mode disabled
(Instant AP) # no split-5ghz-mode
To configure radio profile settings of radio2, use the GHz Gigahertz. radio is enabled on the AP. The values of the dot11a-radio-profile is used as default by the secondary radio profile.
command. The secondary profile is active only when split 5(Instant AP) # rf dot11a-secondary-radio-profile <name>
See Aruba Instant 8.6.0.x CLI Reference Guide for information on configurable parameters.
Enabling/ Disabling radios
When split 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio is enabled, use the , and commands to disable the respective radios.
(Instant AP) # radio-1-disable
(Instant AP) # radio-2-disable
Radio Channel and Transmission Power
When tri-radio is enabled, use the GHz Gigahertz. channels and radio1 supports 2.4 GHz Gigahertz. channels.
, and to configure the static channel and transmission power for the respective radios. Please note radio0 and radio2 supports 5(Instant AP) # radio-0-channel <36-64>
(Instant AP) # radio-1-channel <1-11>
(Instant AP) # radio-2-channel <100-161>
Radio Mode
When split 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio is enabled, the command is available to configure the mode for radio2. This command is a per-ap setting.
(Instant AP) # wifi2-mode <monitor | spectrum | access>
WLAN SSID profiles
To control SSIDs Service Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network. being created in the 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio, use the parameter under the particular wlan Wireless Local Area Network. WLAN is a 802.11 standards-based LAN that the users access through a wireless connection. ssid-profile command to specify under which 5 GHz Gigahertz. radio the SSID Service Set Identifier. SSID is a name given to a WLAN and is used by the client to access a WLAN network. should be broadcasted. The default value for the command is all.
(Instant AP) #wlan ssid-profile <name>
(Instant AP) # allowed-5ghz-radio <first-dot11a-radio-only | second-dot11a-radio-only | all>
To view the view configuration information of radios, use the following show commands:
Show aps
Show radio config
Show radio profile
Show ids radio
To troubleshoot radios and view debug information, use the following troubleshooting commands:
Show ap debug radio-stats radio-id
Show ap debug radio-info radio-id
Show ap debug power-table radio-id