VIA for Linux Command-Line Interface
This section is designed for an administrator, and provides information on the command line interface for the VIA for Linux. The command line interface is essential in using VIA on a headless machine which does not support a graphical user interface.
Execute the following commands to get help on VIA CLI commands.
via-cli –h
Start VIA Session
Execute the following commands to run a VIA session. The force parameter restarts the VIA CLI session and interrupts a session is started by VIA Daemon in a machine connection mode
via-cli session start
via-cli session start –keypass <Password>
via-cli session start –keypass <keyring password> --force
Only one VIA client instance either CLI or GUI can be ran at the same time. |
via-cli session –-force
Stop VIA Session
Execute the following commands to stop a VIA session that is in progress.
via-cli stop
via-cli session stop –-force
Display Session Info
Execute the following command to view the VIA session details that is in progress.
via-cli session info
Execute the following command to display the session status in a machine-readable (json) format. This command was introduced in VIA for Linux 3.1.0.
via-cli json-status
Get Authentication Profile List
Execute the following download connection profile command without authentication profile name, if an authentication profile name is unknown.
via-cli profile load \
--gateway \
--username internal04 \
--userpass aruba123
via-cli –u <username> -p <Password> profile load
–proxy <proxy settings> <gatewayip>
auth profiles available:
#1 : AU0101IKEv1PSK [AU0101IKEv1PSK].
#2 : AU0102IKEv1RSA [AU0102IKEv1RSA].
Download a Connection Profile
Execute the following commands and specify the name of the authentication profile or the corresponding number, to download the authentication profile.
via-cli profile load \
--gateway \
--username internal04 \
--userpass aruba123 \
--authprofile AU0101IKEv1PSK \
via-cli-nocertwarn profile load \
--gateway \
--username internal04 \
--userpass aruba123 \
--authprofile AU0101IKEv1PSK \
via-cli-nocertwarn profile load \
--gateway \
--username internal04 \
--userpass aruba123 \
--authprofile-index 1 \
The ‘nocertwarn’ parameter enables the VIA CLI to ignore the VIA Web HTTPS error. |
Print Profile
Execute the following command to print the downloaded authentication profile details.
via-cli profile print
Clear Profile
Execute the following command to erase the downloaded profile.
via-cli profile clear
List Certificates
Execute the following command to list the certificates available in the store
via-cli cert list
via-cli cert list –-client
via-cli cert list –-CA
Remove Certificates
Execute the following command to erase the certificates from the store.
via-cli cert remove <alias>
Archive logs
Execute the following command to archive logs.
via-cli logs archive
Send Logs
Execute the following command to send the archived logs.
via-cli logs send
via-cli logs send –-directory <pathtosavelogs>
Execute the following command to check the CLI version.
via-cli –v
Execute the following command to establish a VPN connection with a PSK.
via-cli vpn connect
After successful profile downloading VIA starts VPN connection automatically if the Client AutoLogin parameter is set in a connection profile. |
via-cli vpn disconnect
Import User Certificate
Execute the following command to import the user certificates to the VIA store.
via-cli cert import \
--keypass <keyring password> \
--certpass <certificate password><filepath/name> \
Certificate '/home/user01/internal05.p12' was successfully imported.
Alias: 836e85d5069f7620108fcb83ca37020999ddded1b90b399f71f1a2563f74b716
Subject: internal05
Issuer: ARB Internal A
StartDate: '121201115800Z'
EndDate: '131201115800Z'
Type: client
Algorithm: RSA
Hash: 5
via-cli--user \
--keypass <keyring password> \
--cert import <filepath/name><certificate password> \
Import CA Certificate from File
Execute the following command to import the CA certificates to VIA store
via-clicert import --user --keypass <PW> --CA <filepath/name>
Establish VPN Connection with Certificate
Execute the following command to establish a VPN connection with certificate.
via-cli vpn connect --username <name> --userpass<PW> --keypass<PW> --cert <Alias>
via-cli vpn connect -u <name> -p<PW> --keypass<PW> --cert <Alias>
VPN Status
Execute the following command to print the status of the VPN connection.
via-cli vpn status
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