VIA for Windows Command-Line Interface


This section is designed for an administrator, and provides information on the command line interface for VIA for Windows. The command line interface is essential in using VIA on a headless machine which does not support a graphical user interface.

The installer command line options are used with either the msiexec.exe program or by using the complete path of the msi file as follows:

msiexec.exe /I < installation msi> <OPTION>=<VALUE> [<OPTION>=<VALUE>]


<installation msi> <OPTION=<VALUE> [<OPTION>=<VALUE>]

Multiple command line options can be used by appending the OPTION,VALUE pairs such as:

msiexec /I c:\temp\ansetup.msi INSTALLDESKTOPSHORTCUT=0


Ansetup.msi CUSTOMFOLDER=”Aruba Networks” CUSTOMNAME=”Aruba VIA”

Install Desktop Shortcut

To create a desktop shortcut for VIA, set the installation parameter to 1. The shortcut is created under ALLUSERS\Desktop. The parameter can take values 0 and 1, with a default value of 1. Setting the value to 0, as shown in the following example, does not install the desktop shortcut for VIA.

“msiexec /I c:\temp\ansetup.msi INSTALLDESKTOPSHORTCUT=0”

Install Location

The default installation location is set to %ProgramFiles%\Aruba Networks\Virtual Internet Agent (for Aruba OEM). The default location can be configured using this parameter. For example, msiexec /I c:\temp\ansetup.msi INSTALLLOCATION=”D:\Programs\Aruba Networks\VIA installs the program in the D:\Programs\Aruba Networks\VIA folder.

Custom Folder

This parameter allows you to create a customized folder to install the shortcut for VIA. By default, the folder is Aruba Networks. To change the default folder location, execute the following command: msiexec /I c:\temp\ansetup.msi CUSTOMFOLDER=”Aruba Tools”. In this example, the default location for the VIA shortcut is changed to Aruba Tools and is nested under Start menu > Programs.

Custom Name

This parameter allows you to create a customized application name under Start Menu > Programs. By default, the application name is Virtual Intranet Access. The customized name is also used when creating a desktop shortcut. The following command creates an application shortcut and file name: msiexec /I c:\temp\ansetup.msi CUSTOMNAME=”VIA”.

Custom Start

This parameter customizes the functionality of launching the VIA application upon installation. You can assign values of 0 and 1. The default value is 1, which indicates that the application launches automatically after installation. Setting the value to 1 does not auto-start the VIA application on system startup. See “” on page 1 for more information.

The following command prevents VIA from starting automatically after an install: ansetup.msi CUSTOMSTART=0.

This parameter creates an autostart shortcut to allow the VIA application to start at system boot. This shortcut is created for all system users. The value for a specific user can be changed at a later point if the connection profile for the user does not have Client Auto-Login checked. This parameter can be assigned values 0 and 1. The default value is 0. The following example enables VIA to start automatically for all system users: msiexec /I c:\temp\ansetup.msi AUTOSTART=1