Authentication Methods Supported in VIA

VIA supports the following authentication methods using the IKEv1 and IKEv2 protocols. See the Virtual Private Networks chapter in the ArubaOS 8.x.x.x or 6.5.x.x User Guide for information on configuring the authentication method on Mobility Master.


Support for two-factor authentication is provided in VIA using devices such as security tokens and smart cards. For more information on multi-factor authentication, see “Multi-Factor Authentication Mechanisms” on page 1.


IKEv1 consists of two authentication phases: phase 1 and phase 2. IKEv1 phase 1 authenticates the VPN client using either a pre-shared key or an X.509 certificate (the X.509 certificate must appear in the operating system’s “user” certificate store). If extended authentication (XAUTH) is used for phase 2 authentication, a username and password are required. The username and password is authenticated against the managed device’s internal database, which is either a RADIUS server or an LDAP server. If a RADIUS server is used, the PAP or MSCHAPv2 protocol must be supported.

Support for two-factor authentication is provided in VIA using devices such as security tokens and smart cards. For more information on multi-factor authentication, see “Multi-Factor Authentication Mechanisms” on page 1.

VIA supports the following authentication methods in IKEv1:

Table 1: Authentication Methods in IKEv1

Authentication Method

IKE Information


Pre-Shared Key


Authentication is not required after the VPN profile is downloaded.

Username and Password


Credentials or token data is required when prompted.

PKI - Client Certificate

IKEv1 Cert

Authentication is not required after the VPN profile is downloaded.

PKI - Smart Card (PIN-based)

IKEv1 Cert

Smart cards support two-factor authentication: Certificate and PIN number. The PIN number is required when prompted.


See “ Authentication using a Smart Card” on page 1 for more information on smart cards.

Security Token - Hardware


Code from the physical token is required when prompted.


See “ Authentication using a Virtual Digital Badge” on page 1 for more information on security tokens.

Security Token - Software


Code from the token software is required when prompted.


See “ Authentication using a Virtual Digital Badge” on page 1 for more information on security tokens.

Mobile Authentication


OTP or human interaction is required for authentication.


See “ Authentication using Duo” on page 1 for more information on mobile authentication.

Biometric Authentication


Human interaction is required for authentication.


IKEv2 is an updated version of IKE that is faster and supports a wider variety of authentication mechanisms. IKEv2 only uses a single-phase authentication process and supports both RSA and ECDSA certificate-based authentication. VIA locates an X.509 certificate in the operating system’s certificate store.

VIA supports the following authentication methods in IKEv2:

Table 2: Authentication Mechanisms in IKEv2

Authentication Method

IKE Information


Username and Password


Credentials are required when prompted.

PKI - Client Certificate


IKEv2 Cert

Authentication is not required after the VPN profile is downloaded.


Authentication is not required after the VPN profile is downloaded.

PKI - Smart Card (PIN-based)


IKEv2 Cert

Smart cards support two-factor authentication: Certificate and PIN number. The PIN number is required when prompted.


See “ Authentication using a Smart Card” on page 1 for more information on smart cards.


Smart cards support two-factor authentication: Certificate and PIN number. The PIN number is required when prompted.


See “ Authentication using a Smart Card” on page 1 for more information on smart cards.

Mobile authentication


OTP or human interaction is required for authentication.


See “ Authentication using Duo” on page 1 for more information on mobile authentication.

Biometric Authentication


Human interaction is required for authentication.