Installing VIA Client for MacOS
The following sections describe the procedures to install the VIA Client for MacOS, which includes downloading the VIA Client from the Aruba support site, installing the software on the Apple device, and then downloading the VPN profiles that will determine how VIA securely connects to your network.
VIA 3.1.2 Mac® Edition and all later VIA releases for macOS can must be downloaded directly from the Apple app store. VIA 3.1.1 Mac® Edition and earlier releases can be downloaded from the section of the Aruba support site.
To install VIA:
1. Double-click the downloaded file to open the and begin the installation process.
2. The screen of the VIA installation wizard is displayed. Click .
In some instances, when you open , an error dialog appears. The workaround is to launch , navigate to > , under the section select , or right click on , and click . |
3. Click on the screen.
4. On the screen, click The prompt opens.
5. Click to agree to the terms of the software license agreement. The screen appears.
6. Click . The installation progress screen appears.
7. Upon successful installation, the screen appears. Click to complete installation and close the installation wizard.
VPN profiles must be downloaded in order to connect VIA. To download a VPN profile:
1. Open VIA.
2. Select on the VPN download screen. The screen opens.
3. Enter the following details:
: IP address or FQDN provided by the system administrator.
: Username, domain username, or email ID.
: Password or domain password.
4. Click .
5. (Optional) A message appears if the server certificate does not match the server name. Click .
6. (Optional) Select a web authentication profile from the list.
This screen only appears if the server has multiple web authentication profiles. If the VIA authentication profile, users can select a VIA authentication profile. Upon successful authentication, the VIA client downloads the appropriate VIA connection profile. list contains more than one |
7. (Optional) Select an IKE authentication profile from the list. VPN profile download is now complete.
To uninstall VIA:
1. Launch the VIA uninstaller application, which is located at . The screen appears.
2. Click . Enter your system user credentials.
3. Click . The screen appears.
4. Click .
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