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calendar_month 11-Apr-24

Multifabric: Fabric 2 Spine 2 Configuration

!Version ArubaOS-CX GL.10.11.1050
!export-password: default
hostname RSVCO-FB2-SP2
user admin group administrators password ciphertext AQBapd8FTliGeCbghGinLKDDE/ikDxXJ54Btfuw0AWR82BzEYgAAACO1UzjcV0NQ4RWcFNya5r6+z4HO9pI2m2mA+zxR50UWCxE/cPEyU1wCJl0i4xa8nG9nig7GfIp7bkXThkcboNbKkPFKutsg/BK1V49N5ruOFIRIq7h8kLagJiKpc964lY3J
user afc_admin group administrators password ciphertext AQBapU/2G+IEmqvHcYZDSMygPqdHqjmJDxa0iRQVmuggG3GvYgAAADrxshqlFMUd4BuZdn0+RC3heicsgX9GW+iva5y+HXaDjqPqE7omUxQzl4ulManibrpINRehHI6mzOn/y2dBw9OhVOk4qEDJWtrg0vO366aa87QmS3y2MzGNJUujZGgmsr9r
clock timezone america/los_angeles
profile leaf
ntp server prefer
ntp server prefer
ntp enable
ntp vrf mgmt
    timeout 0
ssh server vrf mgmt
system internal-vlan-range 4039-4094
vlan 1
interface mgmt
    no shutdown
    ip dhcp
interface 1/1/1
    description Leaf Spine RPI to RSVCO-FB2-LF1-1
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
    ip address
    ip ospf 1 area
    no ip ospf passive
    ip ospf network point-to-point
interface 1/1/2
    description Leaf Spine RPI to RSVCO-FB2-LF1-2
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
    ip address
    ip ospf 1 area
    no ip ospf passive
    ip ospf network point-to-point
interface 1/1/3
    description Leaf Spine RPI to RSVCO-FB2-LF2
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
    ip address
    ip ospf 1 area
    no ip ospf passive
    ip ospf network point-to-point
interface 1/1/4
    description Leaf Spine RPI to RSVCO-FB2-LF3
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
    ip address
    ip ospf 1 area
    no ip ospf passive
    ip ospf network point-to-point
interface 1/1/5
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/6
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/7
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/8
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/9
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/10
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/11
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/12
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/13
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/14
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/15
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/16
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/17
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/18
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/19
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/20
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/21
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/22
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/23
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/24
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/25
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/26
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/27
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/28
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/29
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/30
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/31
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface 1/1/32
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    ip mtu 9198
interface loopback 0
    description BGP/OSPF underlay
    ip address
ip dns domain-name example.local vrf mgmt
ip dns server-address vrf mgmt
ip dns server-address vrf mgmt
route-map connected-ospf permit seq 10
     set tag 1000
router ospf 1
    max-metric router-lsa include-stub on-startup 300
    passive-interface default
    maximum-paths 8
    redistribute local loopback route-map connected-ospf
router bgp 65002
    bgp router-id
    maximum-paths 8
    bgp log-neighbor-changes
    bgp deterministic-med
    bgp always-compare-med
    bgp bestpath as-path multipath-relax
    neighbor RSVCO-FB2-LF peer-group
    neighbor RSVCO-FB2-LF remote-as 65002
    neighbor RSVCO-FB2-LF description Leaf RR clients
    neighbor RSVCO-FB2-LF fall-over
    neighbor RSVCO-FB2-LF update-source loopback 0
    neighbor peer-group RSVCO-FB2-LF
    neighbor peer-group RSVCO-FB2-LF
    neighbor peer-group RSVCO-FB2-LF
    neighbor peer-group RSVCO-FB2-LF
    address-family ipv4 unicast
        redistribute connected
    address-family l2vpn evpn
        neighbor RSVCO-FB2-LF route-reflector-client
        neighbor RSVCO-FB2-LF send-community both
        neighbor activate
        neighbor activate
        neighbor activate
        neighbor activate
https-server vrf mgmt

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