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calendar_month 11-Apr-24

Two-Tier Core 1-2 Configuration

!Version ArubaOS-CX GL.10.13.1000
!export-password: default
hostname RSVDC-CORE1-2
user admin group administrators password ciphertext AQBapVj0CGNeuTF6KhzNF88xzLvFgsicKCwPEbErEfmx4qrvYgAAAA4SMWzRJcChS47l3UcPoBDPMQDUeSZSnualBxa0AXFRwtVQPRkslr6gx2NB6JE2Wt1z7hwKYGVjXQLbUR2Y2cMLeJvzFBD8eCRXbrWCNYrp4yOWKH8DeT9Mj0a/S5A2IiHf
clock timezone america/los_angeles
profile l3-agg
ntp server prefer
ntp server prefer
ntp server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 iburst
ntp enable
ntp vrf mgmt
tacacs-server host key ciphertext AQBapcfUlAbikNy9W9RhU5ZgbbFRoHjiJxpiU5MBnxbZ7qkOCQAAACGs3uenZoSEOA== vrf mgmt
tacacs-server host key ciphertext AQBapcwAlPRihl+PO3yec4U2mx+icqWajjxp48WXQdSJgu18CQAAAF9qUKZ4hMiGDQ== vrf mgmt
ssh server vrf mgmt
vlan 1
vlan 101
    name PROD-WEB
vlan 102
    name PROD-DB
vlan 4000
spanning-tree priority 0
spanning-tree config-name RSVDC
interface mgmt
    no shutdown
    ip dhcp
interface lag 1 multi-chassis
    description RACK-1
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan trunk native 1
    vlan trunk allowed all
    lacp mode active
    lacp fallback
    spanning-tree root-guard
interface lag 2 multi-chassis
    description RACK-2
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan trunk native 1
    vlan trunk allowed all
    lacp mode active
    lacp fallback
    spanning-tree root-guard
interface lag 101 multi-chassis
    description EXT-FW1-1
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan trunk native 1
    vlan trunk allowed 4000
    lacp mode active
    lacp fallback
    spanning-tree root-guard
interface lag 102 multi-chassis
    description EXT-FW1-2
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan trunk native 1
    vlan trunk allowed 4000
    lacp mode active
    lacp fallback
    spanning-tree root-guard
interface lag 256
    description VSX_ISL_LAG
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan trunk native 1
    vlan trunk allowed all
    lacp mode active
interface 1/1/1
    description RSVDC-ACCESS1-1
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    lag 1
interface 1/1/2
    description RSVDC-ACCESS1-2
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    lag 1
interface 1/1/3
    description RSVDC-ACCESS2-1
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    lag 2
interface 1/1/4
    description RSVDC-ACCESS2-2
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    lag 2
interface 1/1/5
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/6
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/7
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/8
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/9
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/10
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/11
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/12
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/13
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/14
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/15
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/16
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/17
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/18
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/19
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/20
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/21
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/22
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/23
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/24
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/25
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/26
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/27
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/28
    no shutdown
    no routing
    vlan access 1
interface 1/1/29
    description EXT-FW1-1
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    lag 101
interface 1/1/30
    description EXT-FW1-2
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    lag 102
interface 1/1/31
    description VSX-ISL
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    lag 256
interface 1/1/32
    description VSX-ISL
    no shutdown
    mtu 9198
    lag 256
interface loopback 0
    ip address
    ip ospf 1 area
interface vlan 101
    description PROD-WEB-SVI
    ip mtu 9198
    ip address
    active-gateway ip mac 02:00:0a:01:65:01
    active-gateway ip
    ip ospf 1 area
    ip igmp enable
    ip pim-sparse enable
interface vlan 102
    description PROD-DB-SVI
    ip mtu 9198
    ip address
    active-gateway ip mac 02:00:0a:01:65:01
    active-gateway ip
    ip ospf 1 area
    ip igmp enable
    ip pim-sparse enable
interface vlan 4000
    description CORE-ROUTING-SVI
    ip mtu 9000
    ip address
    ip ospf 1 area
    no ip ospf passive
    ip pim-sparse enable
snmp-server system-location DC01, Roseville, CA
snmp-server system-contact netadmin@orangetme.local
    system-mac 02:00:00:00:10:00
    inter-switch-link lag 256
    role secondary
    keepalive peer source vrf mgmt
ip dns domain-name example.local vrf mgmt
ip dns server-address vrf mgmt
ip dns server-address vrf mgmt
router ospf 1
    passive-interface default
router pim
https-server vrf mgmt
configuration-lockout central managed

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