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calendar_month 09-Jun-24

Run the Two-Tier Playbook

Execute the following command from the root level of the cloned repository:

ansible-playbook deploy_2tierv2_dcn.yml -i inventory_2tierv2_dcn.yml

The playbook performs the following actions on every device in the inventory file:

Step 1 Generate switch configuration files. The switch configurations are based on inventory file variable values and Jinja2 configuration templates assigned in the inventory file.

Note: The core group in the inventory file assigns the templates/2TierV2/core.j2 template file to the config_template variable. Both core switches are configured using this template.

The access group in the inventory file is assigned the templates/2TierV2/access.j2 template file to the config_template variable. All access switches are configured using this template.

Step 2 Push the generated configurations to each switch using the AOS-CX Ansible SSH module aoscx_config.

Step 3 Enable 10g speed interface groups, if defined in the inventory file. In the example, the access switches have interface groups defined that operate at the non-default value of 10 Gbps .