Replacing an AOS-CX VSF Stack Member

You can replace either the conductor, standby, or any other member of the stack with the same or different part number. You must perform these configurations directly on the switch and switch CLI, outside Aruba Central. The configurations performed directly on the switch are synchronized in Aruba Central.

If you are replacing a device in a VSF Virtual Switching Framework. VSF allows network administrators to stack multiple individual switches into a single logical device using standard Ethernet links. Stack and the new replacement was previously onboarded and managed in Aruba Central, remove the device, delete it from Aruba Central UI and then re-onboard it for the replacement.

Switches Running AOS-CX 10.07 or Later Versions

The new replacement switch must be in the factory-default configuration and running the same firmware version. Also, ensure that the new switch is added and licensed in Aruba Central.

Same Part Number

The following section describes the procedures for replacing the conductor, standby, or any other member with the same part number:

Replacing the Conductor

To replace the conductor in the VSF stack, complete the following steps:

  1. Shut down the conductor member in the stack.
  2. Wait for the standby member to become the conductor.
  3. Replace the conductor switch.
  4. Move the VSF link from the old conductor to the new conductor.
  5. Power up the new conductor switch.
  6. Switchover to the new conductor in the switch CLI.
  7. Verify the status of the stack in the switch monitoring pages. For more information, see Summary Tab in Switch Dashboard and Monitoring AOS-CX Switch Stacks.

Replacing the Standby or Other Members

To replace the standby or any other member of the VSF stack, complete the following procedure:

  1. Shut down the member in the stack.
  2. Replace the old member and renumber the new member using the vsf renumber-to command.

    For example, if the member ID of the old member was 2, renumber the new VSF member to 2.

  3. Move the VSF link DAC cable from the old member to the new member.
  4. Verify the status of the stack in the switch monitoring pages. For more information, see Summary Tab in Switch Dashboard and Monitoring AOS-CX Switch Stacks.

Different Part Number

The following section describes the procedures for replacing the conductor, standby, or any other member with the different part number.

For template groups, complete the following steps:

  • Before replacing any stack member, set the Auto Commit State to OFF in the Configuration Audit page.
  • After replacing any stack member:
    1. In Aruba Central, update the template with the new VSF configuration.
    2. Set the Auto Commit State to ON in the Configuration Audit page.

Replacing the Conductor

To replace the conductor in the VSF stack, complete the following steps:

  1. If the Aruba Central support mode is disabled, issue the following command in the switch console to enable the Aruba Central support mode.
    aruba-central support-mode
  2. Power off the conductor. The standby conductor will take over as conductor.

    Make sure Aruba Central is updated with this failover change.

  3. Remove the VSF links from the old conductor.
  4. Delete the old conductor from the VSF stack in the switch CLI using the no vsf member <MEMBER-ID> command.

    All configurations associated with the member, as well as the subsystems and interfaces of the member are also removed.

  5. Replace the conductor and wait for the member to come up.
  6. Configure the new conductor in the switch CLI using the vsf member <MEMBER-ID> command.
  7. Configure the new part number and VSF links in the switch CLI using the type <TYPE> and link <LINK-ID> commands for the new conductor.
  8. Connect the VSF links to the new conductor.
  9. Switchover to the new conductor in the switch CLI.
  10. In the case of template group, update the template in Aruba Central with the new part number and interface configurations of the new conductor.
  11. In the switch console, run the following command to disable Aruba Central support mode:
    no aruba-central support-mode
  12. Verify the status of the stack in the switch monitoring pages. For more information, see Summary Tab in Switch Dashboard and Monitoring AOS-CX Switch Stacks.

Replacing the Standby or Other Members

To replace the standby or any other member of the VSF stack, complete the following procedure:

  1. If the Aruba Central support mode is disabled, run the following command in the switch console to enable the Aruba Central support mode:
    aruba-central support-mode
  2. Reset the replacement member with the factory-default configuration.
  3. Shut down the member in the stack.
  4. Delete the member from the VSF stack in the switch CLI using the no vsf member <MEMBER-ID> . All configuration associated with the member, as well as the subsystems and interfaces of the member will also be removed.
  5. Configure the new member in the switch CLI using the vsf member <MEMBER-ID> command .
  6. Configure the new part number and VSF links in the switch CLI using type <TYPE> and link <LINK-ID> commands for the new member.
  7. Move the VSF link DAC cable from the old member to the new member.
  8. In the case of template group, update the template in Aruba Central with the new part number and interface configurations of the new member.
  9. In the switch console, run the following command to disable Aruba Central support mode:
    no aruba-central support-mode
  10. Verify the status of the stack in the switch monitoring pages. For more information, see Summary Tab in Switch Dashboard and Monitoring AOS-CX Switch Stacks.

Switches running AOS-CX 10.06 or earlier versions

The following section describes the procedures for replacing the conductor, standby, or any other member with the same or different part number.

Replacing the Conductor

To replace the conductor in the VSF stack, complete the following steps:

  1. Power off the conductor. The standby conductor will take over as conductor. Make sure Aruba Central is updated with this failover change.
  2. Remove the VSF links from the old conductor.
  3. Disable Aruba Central from the switch CLI.

    switch# configure switch(config)# aruba-central switch(config-aruba-central)# disable

  4. Wait for the standby member to become the conductor.
  5. If you are replacing the conductor with a different part number, delete the old conductor from the VSF stack in the switch CLI using the no vsf member <MEMBER-ID>. All configuration associated with the member, as well as the subsystems and interfaces of the member will also be removed.
  6. Replace the member and wait for the member to come up.
  7. Configure the new conductor in the switch CLI using the vsf member <MEMBER-ID> command.
  8. Configure the new part number and VSF links in the switch CLI using the type <TYPE> and link <LINK-ID> commands for the new conductor.
  9. Configure the new member and the VSF links to the new member.
  10. For template groups, update the template in Aruba Central with the new part number and the interface configurations of the new conductor.
  11. Enable Aruba Central from the switch CLI.
    switch(config-aruba-central)# enable

    If the previous command does not work, issue the https-server session close all command.

    switch# https-server session close all
  12. Switchover to the new conductor in the switch CLI.
  13. Verify the status of the stack in the switch monitoring pages. For more information, see Summary Tab in Switch Dashboard and Monitoring AOS-CX Switch Stacks.

Replacing the Standby or Other Members

To replace the standby or any other member of the VSF stack, complete the following steps:

  1. Reset the replacement member with the factory-default configuration.
  2. Disable Aruba Central from the switch CLI.

    switch# configure switch(config)# aruba-central switch(config-aruba-central)# disable

  3. Shut down the member in the stack.
  4. If you are replacing the member with a different part number, delete the member from the VSF stack in the switch CLI using the no vsf member <MEMBER-ID>. All configuration associated with the member, as well as the subsystems and interfaces of the member are removed.
  5. Configure the new member in the switch CLI using the vsf member <MEMBER-ID> command.
  6. Configure the new part number and VSF links in the switch CLI using type <TYPE> and link <LINK-ID> commands for the new member.
  7. Renumber the VSF member using the vsf renumber-to command.

    For example, if the member ID of the old member was 2, renumber the new VSF member to 2.

  8. Move the VSF link DAC cable from the old member to the new member.
  9. For template groups, update the template in Aruba Central with the new part number and the interface configurations of the new member.
  10. Enable Aruba Central from the switch CLI.
    switch(config-aruba-central)# enable

    If the previous command does not work, issue the https-server session close all command.

    switch# https-server session close all
  11. Verify the status of the stack in the switch monitoring pages. For more information, see Summary Tab in Switch Dashboard and Monitoring AOS-CX Switch Stacks.