Guided Setup for AOS-10 Branch Gateways

HPE Aruba Networking Branch Gateways operate at the branch to optimize and control WAN Wide Area Network. WAN is a telecommunications network or computer network that extends over a large geographical distance., LAN Local Area Network. A LAN is a network of connected devices within a distinct geographic area such as an office or a commercial establishment and share a common communications line or wireless link to a server., and cloud security services. The Branch Gateway provides essential features such as routing, firewall Firewall is a network security system used for preventing unauthorized access to or from a private network., security, website content filtering, and WAN compression. With support for multiple WAN connection types, the Branch Gateway routes traffic over the most efficient link that is based on availability, application, user-role, and link health. It allows organizations to take advantage of high-speed, low-cost broadband links to supplement or replace traditional WAN links such as MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching. The MPLS protocol speeds up and shapes network traffic flows. .

You can configure a Branch Gateway group or Branch Gateway device using either the Guided Setup, Basic mode, or Advanced mode. This section describes the procedure to configure Branch Gateways using the Guided Setup.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have completed the following procedures:

  • Gateways are onboarded to HPE Aruba Networking Central.
  • Gateways are assigned valid subscriptions in HPE Aruba Networking Central.
  • Gateways are assigned to groups.
  • Gateways are assigned the Branch Gateway group role.

    For more information on setting up a Branch Gateway, see Getting Started with HPE Aruba Networking Central.

    Ensure the device is not part of a group that is running the guided setup. If the group is being configured using the Guided Setup, the device level setup will not be executed.

The Guided Setup wizard displays the following tabs for device level configuration:

  1. System—Allows you to configure the system IP address
  2. LAN—Allows you to configure LAN ports
  3. WAN—Allows you to modify WAN ports

Click Begin to start the guided setup process and complete the steps provided in the following sections:

  1. Configuring System IP Address for an AOS-10 Branch Gateway
  2. Configuring LAN Interface for an AOS-10 Branch Gateway
  3. Configuring WAN Interface for an AOS-10 Branch Gateway

Many procedures involve adding or configuring parameters in tables. Note that you have options to edit and delete the existing configurations.