Configuring Network

This section describes how to configure the network interfaces, domain system name, and routes for the appliance and how to show the interfaces information for the appliance.

Configuring Network Interfaces

To configure network interfaces:

  1. Go to the Collector CLI.
  2. In the Enter option field, enter 2 (Configure Network) and press Enter.
  3. In the Enter option field, enter 1 (Configure Network Interfaces) and press Enter.
  4. In the Enter option field, enter 0 (eth0) and press Enter.

    You must configure the eth0 (management) Ethernet Ethernet is a network protocol for data transmission over LAN. interface. Configuring the eth1 (data) Ethernet interface is optional. The MAC Media Access Control. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network. Address is displayed in brackets next to eth0 and eth1.

    Do not use eth1 Ethernet interface for management.

  5. In the Enter IP Address field, enter the IP address for the appliance and press Enter.
  6. In the Enter Subnet mask field, enter the subnet Subnet is the logical division of an IP network. mask for the appliance and press Enter.
  7. In the Enter Gateway field, enter the gateway address for the appliance and press Enter.
  8. (Optional) Configure the second ethernet interface (eth1). Repeat steps 4 through 7 above except in step 4 enter 1 (eth1).
  9. In the Enter option field, enter b (Back to Previous Menu) and press Enter.
  10. Press Enter.
  11. In the Enter option field, enter m (Main Menu) and press Enter.

Configuring DNS

To configure Domain Name System (DNS Domain Name System. A DNS server functions as a phone book for the intranet and Internet users. It converts human-readable computer host names into IP addresses and IP addresses into host names. It stores several records for a domain name such as an address 'A' record, name server (NS), and mail exchanger (MX) records. The Address 'A' record is the most important record that is stored in a DNS server, because it provides the required IP address for a network peripheral or element.):

  1. Go to the Collector CLI.
  2. In the Enter option field, enter 2 (Configure Network) and press Enter.
  3. In the Enter option field, enter 2 (Configure DNS) and press Enter.
  4. In the Enter DNS field, enter the DNS address for the appliance and press Enter.
  5. (Optional) In the Enter Secondary DNS field, enter the secondary DNS address for the appliance and press Enter. Otherwise, press Enter to proceed without entering a secondary DNS address.
  6. Press Enter.
  7. In the Enter option field, enter m (Main Menu) and press Enter.

Configuring Routes

You only need to configure routes if you have configured ethernet interface eth1. Routes do not apply to ethernet interface eth0.

Listing All Routes

To list all routes:

  1. Go to the Collector CLI.
  2. In the Enter option field, enter 2 (Configure Network) and press Enter.
  3. In the Enter option field, enter 3 (Configure Routes) and press Enter.
  4. In the Enter option field, enter 1 (List all routes) and press Enter. All of the routes are displayed.
  5. Enter b (Back to Previous Menu) and press Enter.
  6. Press Enter.
  7. In the Enter option field, enter m (Main Menu) and press Enter.

Adding a Route Via eth1

To add a route through eth1:

  1. Go to the Collector CLI.
  2. In the Enter option field, enter 2 (Configure Network) and press Enter.
  3. In the Enter option field, enter 3 (Configure Routes) and press Enter.
  4. In the Enter option field, enter 2 (Add a route via eth1) and press Enter.
  5. In the Enter destination IP Address field, enter the IP address of the node that needs to connect to the eth1 interface and press Enter. The route is created. The system assigns a sequential index number to the route. You can view the index number assigned to the route by using Option 1 - List all routes.
  6. Enter b (Back to Previous Menu) and press Enter.
  7. Press Enter.
  8. In the Enter option field, enter m (Main Menu) and press Enter.

Deleting a Route Via eth1

To delete a route through eth1:

  1. Go to the Collector CLI.
  2. In the Enter option field, enter 2 (Configure Network) and press Enter.
  3. In the Enter option field, enter 3 (Configure Routes) and press Enter.
  4. In the Enter option field, enter 3 (Delete a route via eth1) and press Enter.
  5. In the Enter index of route to be deleted field, enter the index number associated with the route to be deleted and press Enter.
  6. Enter b (Back to Previous Menu) and press Enter.
  7. Press Enter.
  8. In the Enter option field, enter m (Main Menu) and press Enter.

Showing Interfaces Information

To show interfaces information:

  1. Go to the Collector CLI.
  2. In the Enter option field, enter 2 (Configure Network) and press Enter.
  3. In the Enter option field, enter 4 (Show Interfaces Info) and press Enter.
  4. The information for both eth0 and eth1 network interfaces is displayed. The IP address, Netmask, Gateway, and MAC Address is displayed for each interface.
  5. Press Enter.
  6. In the Enter option field, enter m (Main Menu) and press Enter.