Viewing the MSP Dashboard

To view the MSP dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. In the WebUI, set the filter to All Groups.

    The filter context changes to Global.

  2. Under Manage, click Overview to display the Dashboard.
    The number in parenthesis () for Customers indicates the total number of customers for that MSP Managed Service Provider. The Managed Service Provider (MSP) mode is a multi-tenant operational mode that Aruba Central accounts can be converted into, provided these accounts have subscribed to the Aruba Central app. account.
    In the following image, the total number of customers is 5.

    The Dashboard page includes the following sections:

    • A summary section for the dashboard—Displays the assigned and unassigned devices and the assigned and unassigned licenses for APs, switches, and gateways.
    • Overview—Displays the list of customers, the types of devices assigned to each customer, as well as critical alerts, if any.
    • Trends—Displays charts for license renewal, the number of devices under MSP management, and the number of customers added over the last year.

Figure 1  Viewing the MSP Dashboard