Viewing Sessions List

The Sessions tab consists of a table that lists all the active and terminated sessions after the authentication request.

To view the Sessions list, complete the following steps:

  1. In the WebUI, set the filter to Global.
    The global dashboard is displayed.
  2. Under Manage, click Security > Authentication & Policy.
  3. To view the Sessions table, click the List icon and click the Sessions tab.

    The Sessions table is displayed with the following information:

Click the icon and select the columns you want to display in the table. To reset the columns, click the icon and select Reset to default.
In the Access Requests table, use the filter and sort icons to filter and sort the threats data.
Click the Export as CSV Comma-Separated Values. A file format that stores tabular data in the plain text format separated by commas. icon to download the data in the CSV file format. All columns will get exported irrespective of the selected columns. If you change the time range or filter the data using the column headers, similar data will be exported in the CSV file. Filters like time range such as 1 day, 1 month, or 3 months are also applicable. The Export as CSV icon will not be visible for read-only users. The maximum download limit is 25000 records. Administrators can use NBAPI’s to fetch data for more records.