Navigating to the Sessions Tab

The Sessions tab under Manage > Overview in the gateway dashboard displays the following sections:

To navigate to the Sessions tab in the gateway dashboard, complete the following steps:

  1. In the WebUI, set the filter to one of the options under Groups, Labels, or Sites. Ensure that the filter selection contains at least one gateway. For all devices, set the filter to Global.

    The dashboard context for the selected filter is displayed.

  2. Under Manage > Devices, click the Gateways tab.

    A list of gateways is displayed in List view.

  3. Click a gateway under Device Name.

    The dashboard context for the specific gateway is displayed.

  4. Under Manage, click OverviewSessions.

    Click the back arrow on the filter to exit to the gateway dashboard.

Session Summary

Displays a summary of all the running sessions, including:

  • Current entries—Displays the number of current and active entries.
  • Max entries—Displays the total entries made with the time period.
  • High watermark—Displays the highest number of active entries.
  • Allocation failures—Displays the number of failed allocations.
  • Denied entries—Displays the number of entries that were denied.


The Sessions section displays information filtered by the IP Address entered in the text box.

  • Click the Settings icon to reset or set the default columns that are displayed.
  • Click the Filter icon and enter the keyword or ip address to filter the information.

The Sessions table displays the following information:

  • Application—Displays the list of applications.
  • Source IP—Displays the source IP address.
  • Destination IP—Displays the destination IP address.
  • Protocol—Displays the communication protocol used.
  • Source port —Displays the source port number.
  • Dest port —Displays the destination port number used by the application.
  • DSCP—Displays the Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point. DSCP is a 6-bit packet header value used for traffic classification and priority assignment. ) value.
  • Flags—Displays the applied flags. Hover over the information icon to see the Legend for the flag description.
  • Packets—Displays the number of packets.
  • Bytes—Displays the amount of data (in bytes and mega bytes) consumed by the application.
  • State—Displays the connection state of the application. The state can either be Active, Inactive, or Denied.
  • Action—Displays the application specific action.
  • Domain—Displays the domain name used by each session.
  • Start Time—Displays the start time.
  • Receive Time—Displays the receive time.
  • WEBCC Category—Displays the WEBCC category.
  • WEBCC Reputation—Displays the WEBCC reputation.
  • WEBCC Score—Displays the WEBCC score.
  • Application Category—Displays the application category.
  • Priority—Displays the priority value.

To view additional information of individual sessions, click the drop-down list to expand and display session specific information.

  • The following information is displayed:

    • Details
      • User role—Displays the user role name.
      • User policy rule (ACE)—Displays the user policy rule.
      • Start time—Displays the session start time.
      • Receive time—Displays the session receive time.
      • WebCC category—Displays the WebCC categorization.
      • WebCC reputation—Displays the site reputation.
      • Application category—Displays the application category.
      • DSCP—Displays the Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP) value.
      • Priority—Displays the priority value.
  • The following video illustrates how to view the session summary and session information.

    The following video illustrates how to view the session details.