Aruba Central Configuration

You can specify the cluster VIP Virtual IP (VIP) is an IP address that as the name suggests, does not communicate with any physical network interface. , CLI Command-Line Interface. A console interface with a command line shell that allows users to execute text input as commands and convert these commands to appropriate functions. user setup, user credentials for GUI Graphical User Interface (GUI), is a type of UI enabling user interaction with electronic devices through symbols, graphical icons, and other visual metaphors instead of typed commands or text-based UIs. , cluster private network, and proxy server setup in the Central Configuration tab.

To configure the credentials for an administrator, complete the following steps:

  1. Under Cluster VIP, enter the following network information for each node:
    1. FQDN Fully Qualified Location Name. FQLN is a device location identifier in the format: APname.Floor.Building.Campus. —Specify the cluster FQDN for the Aruba Central On-Premises(for example, *
    2. VIRTUAL IP—The virtual IP is automatically populated when the FQDN is entered.
  2. Under CLI User Setup, enter the following details:
    1. CLI Password—Specify the CLI password.

    2. Retype password—Retype the CLI password.

    For more information on password specifications, see Password Specifications for Aruba Central On-Premises Configuration.

  3. Under Admin Password for GUI, provide the following details:
    1. User name—The user name to access the GUI is automatically populated when the cluster FQDN is entered.
    2. Password—Specify the GUI password.
    3. Retype password—Retype the the GUI password.
  4. Under Cluster Private Network, enter the following details:
    1. POD IP Range—Specify the POD IP range for the cluster. The POD IP range should be with xxx.xx.x.x/16 subnet.
    2. Service IP Range—Specify the service IP range for the cluster. The Service IP range should be with xxx.xx.x.x/23 subnet.
    • The POD IP range and the Service IP range should not conflict with your network.
    • The POD IP range xxx.xx.x.x/16 and the Service IP range xxx.xx.x.x/23 is reserved for internal Aruba Central On-Premises cluster networking. Ensure that the POD IP range and the Service IP range should not fall in this reserved range.
  1. (Optional) Select the Proxy Server Setup checkbox if you want to set up a proxy server. If you want to setup the proxy server as a later stage, you can perform it through the user interface or the CLI menu. To setup the proxy server provide the following details:
    1. Proxy Server—Specify the IP address of the proxy server.

    2. Proxy Server Port—Specify the port number of the proxy server.
    3. Proxy Server User Name and Password—Specify the user name and password for accessing the proxy server.
    4. Retype password—Retype the password.
  2. Click Next.

    The Additional Setup tab is displayed. For more information, see Additional Setup.