Custom Appliance Tags
Administration > General Settings > Setup > Custom Appliance Tags
Use the Custom Appliance Tags tab to create and assign administrative information to your appliances. You can store up to eight key/value pairs for each appliance.
Service providers, backend IT systems, and third-party partners can use these tags to store account information, contact phone numbers, license information, and so forth. For example, the first tag for an appliance could have the key “customer” and “ABC Company” as its value. The second tag could have the key “accountid” and the value “19283270”.
Custom appliance tags can be retrieved from the Orchestrator REST API using /customApplianceTags/getCustomizableBindings.
NOTE: Orchestrator does not use these tags for any other purpose, such as for filtering or reporting data.
The tab lists eight tag rows for each appliance selected in the appliance tree. To create custom tags for an appliance listed on the tab:
Click the edit icon for one of the tag rows associated with the appliance.
The Custom Appliance Tags dialog box opens. The table lists eight tag rows you can use for the appliance.
For each tag you want to create for the appliance, type the name for the key in the Key field, and then type the value you want to assign to the key in the Value field.
When you finish specifying tags for the appliance, click Save.